I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 104 Playing (4/4 Supplement)

Li Xuan, who was flying away, naturally heard the howl of the demon serpent behind him, but he was a little unclear. After all, his last attack looked very powerful, but for the serpent, it should be just a matter of being strong outside and doing things in the middle to buy time for himself to leave.

Naturally, Li Xuan didn't know that this was the incompetent and furious howl of the opponent. He had used the art of war, and he still hadn't been able to take Li Xuan down. Otherwise, he might have laughed out loud!

In the process of moving forward, Li Xuan constantly restrained his breath, the purpose is to prevent the super demon Orochi who bumped into him from paying too much attention to himself.


Li Xuan had just advanced a few hundred meters when he collided head-on with the super demon Orochi, but the other party just glanced at Li Xuan with vertical eyes, and he had no idea of ​​stopping at all. After all, the demon Orochi was waiting for him over there!

Comparatively speaking, the weak and thin prey in front of him is not enough for it. If it is normal, it is fine, but now the super demon Orochi has received the signal from his companion.

Especially the howl just now made the super demon Orochi more worried, so it won't stop!

Li Xuan, who was careful to avoid the body of the super demon Orochi, didn't have time to wipe away his sweat. He moved forward a little faster. His plan was successful, and he succeeded in confusing the super demon Orochi. After all, how could he harm the demon with his current breath? What about the serpent man?!

But temporarily cheating does not mean that they have been cheated all the time. After a while, they met and their hiding was directly pierced! So it is not completely~safe!

Fortunately, if you should, just break it and leave quickly, otherwise, you may be directly blocked by the super demon Orochi.

It doesn't mean that there is no way to die, Li Xuan can return to the real world to avoid it, but Zhehong should try not to do this unless it is a last resort, after all, the real world can't dodge like this.

After the super demon Orochi hurriedly merged with the Demon Orochi, it was naturally furious when he saw the scarred one.

Especially after knowing that the little ant who just passed by him is the enemy this time, he is even more angry, is he being deceived?!

It was useless to chase after him. Li Xuan, who wrapped his body in red lotus fire, didn't leave any trace of traceability, which fundamentally eliminated this method.

This time, the two demon serpents completely remembered Li Xuan and engraved it deeply in their minds. The next time they meet, it may be an endless and crazy attack!

However, from time to time, it may not be Li Xuan but these two evil serpents who may escape?

Li Xuan, who never stopped running, could still hear the roars of the two demonic serpents. I have to say that this is really a super loudspeaker!

"Two silly snakes, you will feel better when you meet next time!"

Li Xuan said with a smile, of course, he was very happy and had a sense of accomplishment by playing tricks on two demonic snakes to make each other incompetent and furious!

At this time, a light suddenly appeared in the dark cave, and the exit finally arrived!

Li Xuan couldn't help but speed up a little bit, rushed past the light, and stepped onto the beach where the cave connects to the sea!

"It's so beautiful! 35

Li Xuan looked at the beautiful scene in front of him. The exposed crystals in the cave were exuding sparkling light, and there were sea fireflies flying in the middle.

The white and delicate sandy beach, corals of various shapes, little hermit crabs crawling around, the sound of the waves gently hitting the beach, and the Devil's Cave just now are two completely different worlds!

The dreamy scene can be enjoyed later. The important thing now is to take advantage of this time to catch enough puffer whales, otherwise Li Xuan will not be able to catch it after this time. Improve yourself in a short time!

Li Xuan put the clothes in the super backpack, and then dived into the sea!

It has to be said that this place has the unique advantage of being the spawning place of puffer whales. The clear water is like a transparent crystal, and people's sight inside is completely unrestricted.

At this time, Li Xuan discovered the figure of a puffer whale. It was dozens of meters long, with a round white body that looked extremely smooth, with a forked tail, dark blue eyes like sapphire, and blue fish lips.

Of course, it can be said that it is a puffer whale or it is not a puffer whale, because the above description is very correct except for the body size.

The huge puffer whale in front of you can be said to be an aggregation of countless puffer whales.

.....for flowers....

Puffer whales were originally six meters in length, and they have been shrinking in the process of evolution, so after shrinking, they have the habit of gathering together to protect each other during the spawning period.

At this time, the huge puffer whale suddenly dispersed into countless human-sized puffer whales in front of Li Xuan.

Knowing that puffer whales have a physique that is easily frightened, after being frightened, their whole body will be poisoned, turning dark purple and inedible, so you need to be very careful to catch them.

The best way is to use the skill of eliminating life to completely hide the breath of life, confuse the puffer whale, integrate consciousness into the water, and then perform acupuncture gently and quietly.

Li Xuan won't kill his life, and he has no need for acupuncture, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't need this either.


In the same way, our model worker blood spirit pearl appeared again, not to mention, there is blood in the body of the puffer whale, right?!

Li Xuan controls the Blood Spirit Orb. Although the catch level of the puffer whale is 29, which is higher than the Demon Orochi and Super Demon Orochi encountered earlier, it is so difficult to cook because of its high difficulty. grade.

And in terms of combat power, all the puffer whales in front of them together are not enough for the devil oro!

So Li Xuan used the blood spirit beads to control the blood of these puffer whales very easily, causing a wave of brain congestion, didn't they all go into a coma?!

Li Xuan roughly estimated that there are about 10,000 puffer whales in front of him. Li Xuan intends to take a few hundred. The loss rate of a few percent will not affect this and the puffer whale community.

Of course, when choosing, Li Xuan also looked for those puffer whales that had already laid fish eggs. After all, Li Xuan was very clear about the principle of sustainable development.

Although with the help of the blood spirit beads, it took Li Xuan a lot of time to catch these sensitive puffer whales.

Until Li Xuan watched the remaining puffer whales regroup into one giant puffer whale and leave the beach, he looked at the number in the super backpack, and it was only more than 600.

But this amount is enough for him to eat, and the puffer whale is not only its beautiful meat, but also its fins are equally good.

It is also an excellent way to make fin wine by roasting the fins with a small fire and then putting them in the wine! Inch.

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