I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 140 Boys' Happiness (2/4 Supplement)

The next day, Li Xuan looked at his attribute panel while eating. The food cell awakening level was 6% at level 19, and 94% from level 20.

"It's coming soon, wait until level 20 to get a new Spirit Treasure, and then you will be stronger, so go and solve the two demons aloud to unlock a new map."

Now Li Xuan, the most precious and highest-grade ingredient in Devil's Cave, has obtained the puffer whale, and other basic ingredients are not of much help to Li Xuan.

Therefore, opening up a new map or new ingredients is also the next thing to do. Gourmet cells are not only just eating high-level food to increase their arousal.

New dishes and new types of ingredients will help improve the cells of gourmet food.

But I have to say that the Devil's Cave can eat too little. In addition to the pufferfish whale, the only thing left to eat is the Devil's Orochi. The rest of "Three Three Three" are all kinds of magnified versions of bugs. Not that hobby.

Although the fried worms are really fragrant, they are normal-sized worms, basically one bite, crispy and chicken-like!

But what are the worms in the Devil's Cave joking?

With their size, I'm afraid they won't be crunched by one person. Of course, with their strength, they certainly pose no threat to Li Xuan, but Li Xuan is not at all interested in this huge bug, so I would like to express my gratitude and insensitivity!

Li Xuan is watching the awakening of food cells here, while Peter Parker in another world can be called a spring breeze today.

Using his superpowers, he played the arrogant school bully Fletcher, and even shattered the glass backboard in front of everyone, fulfilling the dreams of countless boys.

Slam dunk, dunk and break rebounds, you can lose money, and you are willing to pay, but you must report it to the whole school! This kind of bad behavior needs to be known to everyone!

Good guy, which boy can refuse this kind of notification criticism?! It's a boy's joy!

Not only can you lose a basketball, you can also lose two big pieces!

Of course, it's not a good experience for Uncle Ben to be called to school in the middle, but I have to say that Uncle Ben is a very good assistant and a suitable wingman!

With his assistance, he actually chatted with Gwen, although it was embarrassing to let the other party know that he had her picture on his computer, but the other party did not reject it. This is a good start, isn't it?!

Peter Parker feels that today is the happiest and happiest day of his life.

With the help of super powers, Peter Parker, who ended his community service ahead of schedule, came to the abandoned pier and started to play skateboarding frantically. With the help of super powers, his previous super-difficult actions were nothing to him now.

But we all know that most of the time, fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and you are too happy. The executioner of life, Damn it, will always give you a slash on the body and make you free from happiness.

Uncle Ben had to change shifts because he broke the rebound, so Peter Parker had to pick up Aunt May home.

But because of the appointment with Dr. Connors, I was addicted to experiments in the laboratory and couldn't extricate myself, especially after I contributed the formula of the zero decay method, the idea that was impossible to succeed turned out to be virtualized into reality, the sense of accomplishment is even more The Fascinating Peter Parker!

I have to say that Peter Parker's experience today is quite a feeling of complacent horseshoe disease. This feeling is really fascinating and irresistible!

Peter Parker, who was riding a skateboard all the way back home happily, saw Uncle Ben sitting at the door waiting for him when he arrived at the door, and at this time his phone rang.

I have to say that it was very late at this time, I never went home, and hung up without answering the phone. It was normal for the two old people to worry.

After all, everyone knows the law and order of the beautiful country, the free and beautiful country, gun battles every day!

They don't know anything about Peter Parker's superpowers, so it's natural to worry about a playful high school student coming home late at night.

The thing that made Uncle Ben even more angry was that Peter Parker forgot to pick up Aunt May. This was a good thing in the afternoon, a promise from a man.

After some quarrel, Peter Parker's original happy mood was completely gone, especially when he mentioned his father, a sensitive point in Peter Parker's heart.

We all know that when people are in a happy and happy mood, they suddenly conflict with others and get blamed, and it is easy to reverse their polarities.

Especially for a big kid like Peter Parker, the feeling of loss is even heavier...

In particular, Uncle Ben mentioned Richard Parker, a person who has no responsibility and no responsibility, and even took him as an example to talk about responsibility with himself.

It has to be said that this inspired Peter Parker's rebellious psychology.

Children who lack parental care since childhood will become quite sensitive and vulnerable in their hearts every time they mention this, which is a place they cannot touch and be mentioned.

In the end, Peter Parker slammed the door and left, and also deliberately hid for Uncle Ben who came out to find him.

He is in a very complicated mood now, and he was so stubborn just now, now he can only use evasion to solve the problem like a coward.

At this age, we all understand a lot of truth, and also understand a lot of words and things that should not be said or done, but we are always easily manipulated by emotions and do things that make us regret and feel guilty.

But for his ridiculous self-esteem, he had to pretend that he was not wrong at all!

Maybe when people are unlucky, they really have to drink water between their teeth, or it can be said that the house leaks and it rains overnight.

The young Peter Parker couldn't think of drinking alcohol to relieve his worries like an adult. He could only buy a bottle of instant coffee, but he didn't buy it after a dispute because of the difference of two cents.

In the end, with the help of that "kind" friend, Peter Parker also experienced the traditional arts of the beautiful country and bought it for zero yuan.

I have to say, this experience is really good, especially in 3.1 when there is a hint of revenge, Peter Parker feels this feeling is very familiar, as if he taught Fletcher a lesson today. That kind of feeling, as if a great revenge has to be avenged!

Therefore, when the clerk asked himself to help stop the "good man", Peter Parker chose to refuse, and even said to him with a trace of happiness, "I have no responsibility for this!"

The feeling of rejecting someone who just rejected you is really awesome! Peter Parker walks forward with that bottle of coffee.


A gunshot pierced the night sky, and Peter Parker, who was walking forward, was also attracted by the gunshot. He looked towards the side where the dispute was taking place. The unusual vision told him why the figure lying on the ground was like this. familiar?!.

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