I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 141 Suffering is the best medicine (3/4 supplement)

"Uncle Ben!!!"

Peter Parker walked over slowly, and with stiff limbs he dragged his body and walked over. At this time, the strengthened body seemed to be sealed, but it took all his strength for such a short few meters.

When he came to Uncle Ben, his knees softened and he immediately knelt down. His hands trembled to cover the wound on Uncle Ben's abdomen, and the dark red blood smeared in his eyes.

At this moment, Peter Parker was actually a little disgusted with the superpower that brought him supreme happiness today, and made himself see the blood wound so clearly.

He wanted to block the wound with his own hands so that the blood wouldn't flow, but he couldn't do anything. He was most proud of and felt that the most perfect superpower seemed so powerless at this moment.

Just when Peter Parker was about to completely despair, he suddenly remembered the holy blood Li Xuan had given him.

"Right! I still have holy blood, and holy blood! 99

Peter Parker brutally tore off the red rope around his neck. He was extremely fortunate that he listened to Li Xuan's words when he came back last night and tied the holy blood with a red rope and wore it around his neck.

14 The hands, which were originally too steady to do anything, actually trembled as if they had Parkinson's, and the bottle was even dropped by Peter Parker, who had trembling hands.

Fortunately, in the end, Peter Parker successfully took the holy blood for Uncle Ben, who had a weak breath. I have to say that this holy blood really worked. Just when Peter Parker thought that one drop would not work, he was going to take the second and third drops for Uncle Ben. when,

His keen perception told him that the aura that Uncle Ben had been weakening had finally stopped, and even after a very slow recovery, he stopped the movements in his hands.

Since Uncle Ben is no longer worried about his life, let's do this for now. At this time, Peter Parker hurriedly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and made an emergency call. No one offered a helping hand during the period just now.

It's ironic, just like he ignored the clerk's request for help just now, whether he stopped the guy just now, or they helped make a phone call, it's just a very easy thing, unfortunately, no one does it. .

It really fulfills a sentence Li Xuan has read before, what attitude you take to face the world, what kind of attitude the world will respond to you.

Confused, Peter Parker followed the ambulance to the hospital. When the hospital saw the lights in the emergency room turn on, Peter Parker finally breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the chair.


Before Peter Parker could take a few more breaths, Aunt May, who had rushed in after receiving the message, shouted to Peter.

For this old man, today is really too much, and her little heart can't take it anymore.

First, Peter Parker, who has always been well-behaved, was asked to call his parents to go to school, and then began to return home late, and then had a violent argument with Ben, and also mentioned his father.

Not long after they went out, they received information that Ben had been shot. When she heard the voice from Peter's phone, Aunt May collapsed to the ground as soon as her feet went weak.

Fortunately, everything has not developed in the worst way, but this series of things has also made her very tired.

"Aunt May!

Peter Parker knows that he can't be weak now, he can't be like a child anymore, he has to take care of Aunt May until Uncle Ben gets better!

No! It should be said that from now on, I can no longer be so naive and self-willed, I have to be like a man, just like Uncle Ben said, take responsibility for myself!

It was only then that Peter Parker really realized that Aunt May and Uncle Ben had long been covered with white hair and gullies on their faces.

For their own sake, they still have to work at such a young age, and they have to worry about themselves. At night, they said such hurtful words, which must have hurt their hearts, but they did not blame themselves in the slightest.

At the same time, my heart is full of gratitude to Li Xuan. If it wasn't for the holy blood Li Xuan gave him, he might not be able to forgive himself!

Li Xuan doesn't know Peter Parker's inner activities, after all, the flow of time in each world is different, some are fast, some are slow, and even sometimes fast and sometimes slow, so he doesn't know the situation on Peter Parker's side.

Now he is watering the magical plant in the Zen Garden, which is indeed a magical plant that can fully grow in a week.

After a day or two, they have broken out of the ground, all of them have sprouted, and they are all miniature magical plants. From the beginning, they were only the size of a finger, and now they are the size of a fist. It is really the same every day.

Li Xuan is really looking forward to what these amazing plants will look like when they grow up.

"Lord Li Xuan, Kang Na wants to eat that white, cold fish!

At this time, Kang Na ran over and said to Li Xuan, as for these magical little plants, Kang Na's curiosity has passed, unless these plants mature, otherwise her curiosity in this area has been exhausted.

If it hadn't been blocked by Li Xuan in the front, maybe Kang Na would have been ready to taste one by one!

"Okay! I'll make it for you when I'm done watering. 35

Li Xuan smiled and agreed, the white and cool fish Kang Na said was naturally the meat of a puffer whale.

The entrance is sweet, the meat is thick, the taste as delicate as snowflakes, and the unparalleled chewiness directly captured Kang Na's heart.

This kind of meat, which is more chewy and delicious, is very attractive to children like Kona.

Not to mention the powerful energy contained in the 333 puffer whale, which can help Kangna grow up quickly.

Generally speaking, there are only two ways for dragons to grow. One is to accumulate slowly over time. It can be said that more than 90% of the dragons rely on this method. Time allows The best and cheapest way to make dragons powerful.

The second is to rely on external power, that is, to take various high-energy items, or to be in an environment with high energy concentration.

But in general, even if dragons have treasures that can improve themselves, most dragons will not choose to take them unless they have to. use.

After all, the treasures are gone after they are used, and it will be very difficult to obtain them next time, and growth depends on the accumulation of time. For them, time is the least valuable thing.

Sometimes decades of sleep have passed, so it is more important to still treasure.

It's also because of the dragon's temperament that they endure being attacked by guys trying to get rich and famous.

After all, who wouldn't want a wave of fat when fighting BOSS to share treasures?

Of course, most of them are just gifts, adding a touch of fun to the boring life of the giant dragons.

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