I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 150: On the Various Ways of Eating Ducks (4/4 Supplement)

Night fell quickly. As soon as nine o'clock arrived, Li Xuan closed the door and let the system clean the restaurant, and a few people started to get busy.

Tonight's banquet requires all members to be dispatched and all members to be busy.

The dining room and kitchen can be expanded according to Li Xuan's ideas, and the tables and chairs have also been changed according to Li Xuan's ideas.

This time, Li Xuan did not divide it into four areas, but put them all together to form a concave shape, and then filled with various delicacies from the food world under the concave.

The sunken part in the middle of the concave is the place where Li Xuan will show for a while, and the left and right are where the guests will sit for a while, and Li Xuan can stand in the middle to distribute food to everyone.

Now Li Xuan is busy in the kitchen, taking out all the delicacies of the food world and letting Thor and the others go and display them.

Mushroom Marshmallow, Mane "Three Forty Zero" Hair Cake, Sweet Whole Fruit, Soda Watermelon, Crispy Mushroom, Potato Chips Cherry Peony Cake Tree, Water Ginger, Octopus Ball, Golden Candy, Cake Roll, Stone Wall Sweet Potato, Wailang Cake Kiwi , Italian Ice Cream Mountain, Flower Forest Apple Tree, Rainbow Juice.

Li Xuan only took out these snacks, desserts and drinks, and didn't take out the others, especially the staple food. After all, he was responsible for the flying duck tonight!

In the kitchen, other kitchen utensils and stoves have also been hidden and expanded a lot. Now the most striking thing in the kitchen is a super large oven.

No way, the size of the flying duck is there, and you have to use a matching oven to handle it.

So everyone can already guess what Li Xuan is going to do with this flying duck, the capital roast duck that Donghuang people have heard of even if they have never eaten it.

Such a classic dish must be shared with everyone, this world-renowned dish.

Use the automatic decomposition system to completely kill the flying duck. Unlike the general duck killing, the roast duck can't be disemboweled. You can only open a small hole in the bottom of the duck, take out the internal organs, and clean the inside of the duck. Tie the hole in again.

While waiting for the duck to be roasted, Li Xuan is preparing other side dishes. After all, eating more than one duck can't just eat roast duck.

Sweet noodle sauce, cucumber strips, radish strips, shredded green onion, lotus leaf cake, chili sauce, this is the most classic side dish of roast duck.

"Thor, come and serve these side dishes out and place them on the left and right sides." Li Xuan shouted to Thor, and he also told Thor and the others about today's layout, and discussed it together in the afternoon.


Thor walked in and thought, and all the side dishes floated up. In order to match such a big roast duck, there were enough side dishes prepared, so they were all packed!

After preparing these side dishes, Li Xuan opened a super large brine pot on the side, which was a dark red brine, soaked in brine made of pepper, star anise, bay leaves, grass fruit, cinnamon and other ingredients. It wears duck neck, duck wings, and duck feet.

This has been marinated since this morning, and the time is enough for the flavor to penetrate into it. In order to allow the flavor to penetrate more quickly, Li Xuan also pierced a lot of small holes that are invisible to the naked eye.

Li Xuan tasted it a little, and the taste was enough. He fished it out and changed the knife. Such a big piece is not convenient for everyone to eat.

As for Li Xuan's stealing, the cook doesn't steal it, so he doesn't collect the grains!

These lo mein Li Xuan are also made in two flavors, one is not spicy and the other is sweet and spicy.

"Lord Li Xuan, what is this!"

Just as Li Xuan was cutting into pieces, a small head came in through the door, it wasn't the greedy Kang Na who was that?

The aroma of the lo mei drifted out, causing Kang Na, who was preparing outside, to run in.

"Come in and share with you!"

Kang Na's thoughts, how could Li Xuan not know? So I put some of that small plate for her.

"Just eat a little bit, you can't eat any more, take these out by the way!

"Mmmm!" Conna took the plate, nodded her head, and couldn't wait to pick up a piece of braised duck neck and put it in her mouth.

"It's delicious, hehe.

Kang Na happily took her spoils and walked out, behind her, dishes of braised vegetables were floating up and down in the void.

"Kona is a greedy cat!

Thor teased Connor as he laid out the sauerkraut--every and different flavors on each side.

"Sister Thor eats too! 35

Kona's big eyes turned, Tamako grabbed a piece of duck neck and handed it to Thor and Lucoa respectively.

"That's right, it's very tasty, it's just right for a drink later!" The one who can say this is naturally the alcoholic Lucoa...

Seeing that both Thor and Lucoa had eaten, Conna, the clever little ghost, said with a smile: "Now Sister Thor and Lucoa are also greedy cats, big greedy cats, and I saw that Mr. Li Xuan just stole it, so Everyone is a greedy cat! 99

Well, this little guy actually thought of pulling everyone into the water, no wonder he took the initiative to feed everyone, usually he is very protective of food, originally thought it was modified, so he dug a hole and waited here!

"Conna, you little bastard!

Thor was so angry that when he walked over, he was about to pinch Conna's little face. Conna naturally wouldn't sit still. The two of you chased after me in the restaurant.

Li Xuan ignored Thor and the others, and took out the duck heart, duck intestines, duck gizzards, and duck livers from the super backpack and blanched them in water, adding onions, ginger slices, cooking wine, salt and other deodorizing ingredients into the water.

Specially pick up the coagulated duck blood and cut it into small pieces and set it aside. The boiled internal organs are cut into different categories and put into the dishes, as well as coriander, chopped green onion, and chili sauce.

Coupled with the white vermicelli that has been soaked and uncooked, we know that Li Xuan is preparing duck blood vermicelli soup.

"The manager, I'm here! I'm sorry I'm late!" At this time, Yangna Amano's panicked voice came. After receiving the news from Li Xuan today, she knew that she finally had something to do tonight, and she felt relieved. tone.

In the evening, she had been waiting to enter the Dimension Restaurant, and she came in as soon as the time came, but when she came to the restaurant, she found that Thor and the others had already prepared it by 3.1, so she hurried to the kitchen to see if there was anything she could do.

"It doesn't matter, I forgot to give you permission to let you come in advance, take these things out!"

Li Xuan didn't say much, but directly arranged work for Amano Yangcai, because this is the best arrangement, and it's more useful than talking.


Amano Yangcai happily responded, it would be better if there was work to do!

Then cut the super large duck head directly into small pieces without any extra processing, and then directly fry the duck skeleton with the meat to make the salt and pepper duck head.

Roast duck, duck blood vermicelli soup, braised food, and salt and pepper duck head duck rack are the ones prepared by Li Xuan tonight!

(148 chapters are missing, this chapter is supplemented, so the chapter number is repeated).

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