I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 151 is sweet first (1/4 supplement)

The busy Li Xuan and Amano Yangcai brought out the final ingredients together. Only the roast duck, which has been roasted, can be taken out in a while, and then we will talk about it when everyone is together. After all, it tastes best when it is hot.

Li Xuan came out and saw, oh well, everyone is here, now the restaurant is very lively.

Tony, Peter, Fafnir, SpongeBob SquarePants, Pieter, Octopus, Dave, plus Torconna Lukoya, Amano Hina and Li Xuan, a total of 12 people.

It just feels like a party!

The people on the field are also divided into several different small groups according to their own personalities and preferences.

The Fafnir good star is naturally playing his favorite game over there, and Dave doesn't know why he joined it this time.

Sure enough, there is no boy who can resist the temptation of the game? A man is a teenager until he dies!

And our SpongeBob was pulled by Conna and started talking about their children again, and Brother Octopus was the same as always.

Maybe the fate of Spider-Man and Iron Man can cross the multiverse, and Tony Stark and every Peter Parker can chat?

The two chatted there very harmoniously, especially after knowing that the other party was doing chivalrous things, the intimacy that didn't know where it came from made them feel more identified with each other.

Good guy, it seems that the father-son relationship between Iron Man and Spider-Man has been deceived!

Peter Parker in The Extraordinary World is not as talkative as Peter Parker in the Marvel world, so the first time the two met each other gave each other a very good impression.

The academic communication between the two was surprisingly smooth, and everyone on the side silently left the scope of their conversation. After all, it sounded like a book from heaven, and the only one who could understand Dave also ran to play games with Fafner and the others.

One of the two relies on mutation, and the other relies on technology. It's really good to be able to chat together. Maybe Peter's academic dominance is at play?!

"Hey Li Xuan, are you finally done?"

Seeing Li Xuan come out, Tony and Peter walked up to greet him, and they were talking about Li Xuan and Dimension Restaurant just now.

It can be said that their three views tonight, no, it should be said that their cognition has been refreshed again. Originally, this restaurant Li Xuan told them will receive all kinds of guests from all over the world.

I was surprised to see the giant dragons of Thor and the others, but the result is not all. In the introduction of Thor just now, I know that there is another mad scientist Dave who is like the creator, who can create life with all kinds of magic. Power plants.

I have to say, no one really can beat Dave in this regard!

Tony also resigned, let alone Peter Parker. Everyone entered the Zen Garden together to see the same kind of magical plants every day.

What's even more outrageous is that there are also octopus monsters and starfish monsters, which have directly transformed into human shapes. In their opinion, they are the monsters that Donghuang said, which can be accepted. Monsters also have a point.

But! But! But! What's going on with that sponge over there who is wearing a tie and chatting with Conna? This is not scientific at all!

Well, it was the two of them who were stunned and delusional to talk about science in Li Xuan's restaurant. Maybe they were the crazy ones, so it's not surprising that the last girl can control the weather.

Li Xuan walked up and chatted with them for a while with a smile, and also chatted with other people.

"Thor come in with me and help. 35

Seeing that it was almost over, Li Xuan said to Thor, Li Xuan first took two huge roast ducks out of the oven, and only two were enough for everyone with a big appetite.

One was placed in a super backpack to keep it in perfect condition, the other was pushed out on a trolley, and Thor helped Li Xuan remove the two stoves.

One pot is orange oil, and the other is a tumbling stock pot, all of which will be used later.

"Wow! 35

Seeing the huge roast duck pushed by Li Xuan came out, everyone was shocked. It was the first time to see such a big duck. Sure enough, in Li Xuan's store, all kinds of perceptions will be refreshed, especially in food aspect.

At the same time of shock, the greedy worms in the stomach were also aroused. Who can resist the aroma of the roasted duck meat! Part-time jobs are torturing people!

The roasted duck has a plump appearance and a purplish red color. The honeycomb-shaped duck skin is very crispy at first glance, and has a fragrance of fruit wood.

"Everyone, come and sit down, we officially start our feast!"

After Li Xuan's greeting and the gluttonous protest, everyone quickly sat down.

"Today is the first group dinner in our Dimension Restaurant, and it's not the first time, as there will be more and more people in the future, we will have more and more banquets!

In this case, Li Xuan, as the host, must say a few words or two, but one or two sentences are really one or two sentences. Li Xuan doesn't want to be like the leaders in his previous life. I will say five points, and then add What time is it, say a few more words, a few hours have passed since the set is finished, isn't it delicious when the rice is cooked?

Putting the roast duck on the table, Li Xuan took 340 of the matching bull knives. Li Xuan's knives can naturally use such a large kitchen knife to do delicate work!

"This is the protagonist of the evening. The roast duck in the capital, which is very famous in my hometown, can also be called eating more than one duck. Next, we will proceed little by little."

"First start with this huge roast duck.


Li Xuan's beef magic knife lightly cut through the crispy skin of the roast duck, and the crisp sound also indicated that it was indeed roasted just right.

The Bull Demon Knife in his hand was constantly moving on the roasted duck like an afterimage. Pieces of willow leaves, fish-scale duck skin, duck meat, and duck meat with meat lined up in the air and fell neatly onto the plate in front of everyone. .

"The first is the first way of eating, dipping the crispy duck skin with sweet sugar and eating it together. This way, the crispy duck skin is paired with grains of sugar, which melts in your mouth, and the fragrance of oil and The sweetness of white sugar is mixed into a strange sweetness!

The crowd followed Li Xuan's explanation and took the crispy duck skin, dipped it in sugar and put it in the mouth. Sure enough, the peculiar sweetness and the crispness of the duck skin constantly stimulated your taste buds in your mouth.

Naturally, Li Xuan didn't just talk about it and didn't eat it. He also picked up his chopsticks and ate it. Sure enough, this taste opened the door to your taste with sweetness!

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