I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 319 The Secret of the Restaurant (For Subscription, For Support)

"Actually, none of these things have much to do with me," Hermione swallowed the shaomai in her mouth, "What I care about is that after studying for so long, I ended up canceling the final due to too many things happening recently. take an exam!"

"Ha ha"

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help laughing, and Kang Na, who didn't know what to do, got into Li Xuan's arms. The two secretly chatted and ate here, but they couldn't let themselves go.

I'm not happy about the cancellation of the exam, this is indeed very Hermione, it's Hermione~'s style,

After all, Hermione had started to formulate a review plan two months ago, and recently because of the time when the basilisk attacked, everyone did not arrange lessons, and they all stayed in the lounges of various colleges.

Even eating is sent to the house-elves to their respective rooms, in order to prevent these little wizards from getting depressed, or staying for a long time and getting sick easily, which is not good for mental health.

There will still be activities similar to letting the wind out, but basically once every two days, four academies, each half a day, this is exactly one reincarnation.

And every time each college goes out, at least four professors are guaranteed to accompany, and the dean of each college must be there.

The first is because of their identities, they have the heat to suppress the little wizards of their respective colleges, and they will be extra obedient in front of them, even the most rebellious Slytherin, as long as Snape's face swayed, even if he didn't. If they didn't speak, they just stared at them with falcon-like eyes, and they didn't dare to breathe.

Don't doubt, this is Snape's dominance in Slytherin, not only because of his character, but also because of his strength. Otherwise, in Slytherin, who believes in the supremacy of strength, how can he suppress these purebloods? What about wizards?

Isn't it because of his fierce reputation? And as a potion master, even their parents are in awe of Snape, let alone them!

In addition to the convenience of managing the little wizards of various colleges, there is another reason that the deans of each college can be said to be the top combat power of Hogwarts College.

Potions Master Snape, Transfiguration Master Minerva McGonagall, Wizard Fighting Master Flitwick, Herbal Master Sprout.

It can be said that the deans of the four academies are all very powerful characters. Needless to say, Snape. His strength was seen by the entire magical world during the period when Voldemort was raging. The wizard fell at his feet.

As for Professor McGonagall, the transfiguration technique with one hand can make your life worse than death.

Not to mention Professor Flitwick, although he has a small physique of goblin blood, he does not have low self-esteem. Instead, he uses the advantage of his physique, plus his attainments in magic spells, but he is a well-known martial arts master.

The last Professor Sprout, don't look at her squatting in her greenhouse all day playing with flowers and plants, but she has no strength, but she can't serve as the dean of Hufflepuff.

Therefore, during the time when there was no class, Hermione reviewed it five times, and it was really boring to say that she would not take the exam later.

You must know that this is only her second magic test. The first time she was nervous, she heard from many people that the O.W.L.S test was very difficult and scary.

It turned out to be very interesting, and unexpectedly took out the first place in the grade.

This time, Hermione is planning to show Li Xuan the first place in her grade. Seeing Li Xuan complimenting Kang Na on a regular basis, Hermione would never say that she is envious and wanted, just like now.

"Sir Li Xuan, the new semester has started again. I won the first place in the exam last semester, and this semester I will also get the first place like Hermione!

Sitting in Li Xuan's arms, Kang Na said with a bulging mouth and a serious face. The last time she cooked 100% of herself, she was praised by Li Xuan and even cooked for her. delicious.

"Okay, wait for your performance this semester."

Kang Na has this idea. Li Xuan naturally won't pour cold water, and he doesn't doubt that Kang Na can't do it. After all, with Kang Na's ability, taking classes in elementary school is really just experiencing life.

After Hermione finished eating, she chatted with Li Xuan a few more words, and was dragged by Conner and Leni to go crazy to play.

The next morning, Tadokoro Megumi came to Li Xuan's shop early, just like the dozens of early mornings when he had just been taught by Li Xuan half a year ago.

However, now Li Xuan is not just him and her.

・・・・・Seeking flowers....

"Xiaohui is here? Sit down and have breakfast together.

Li Xuan, who was already busy in the kitchen, saw Tadokoro Megumi who came in and said hello, and Tadokoro Megumi did not refuse, they were all familiar, and she also missed Li Xuan's cooking very much.

"Morning Li Xuan!

After saying hello, Tadokoro Megumi took the initiative to wash his hands and help serve the dishes. Today, Li Xuan didn't do too many tricks, but the meat of the Hankrilla bird was stewed into porridge.

Also boiled some pumpkin eggs, topped with stone-roasted sweet potatoes with crispy, sweet and warm skin, and crispy radishes with porridge.

And hand-patted cucumbers made from cucumbers harvested on the ground of sky vegetables, sour and refreshing, crisp texture can wake people's spirits in the morning.

"Xiao Hui Zao!"

"Morning everyone!"

The girls of Thor who came downstairs saw that Tadokoro Megumi was also there, and they didn't feel anything strange at all. They already knew that Tadokoro Megumi was Li Xuan's little apprentice.

And yesterday, Li Xuan told Tadokoro Megumi to let her come to the store to help during this period of time, and they also heard about guiding her by the way.

They even advised Tadokoro Megumi to move here during this time, so as to save the hard work of running back and forth every day.

But later Tadokoro Megumi refused, which is not suitable, although there are also Thor and the others.

And the careful Tadokoro Megumi also found that Li Xuan was hiding a secret at night, but now Li Xuan didn't tell him, it means that he knows this matter is not good for the time being, and he will not break the casserole and ask to the end.

Li Xuan naturally guessed that Tadokoro Megumi found out that he had some secrets hidden here, but since she didn't ask, she didn't rush to say it.

If Thor and the others invited Tadokoro Megumi yesterday and she agreed, Li Xuan would naturally tell her about the Dimension Restaurant, anyway, this little girl will not be able to escape in the future.

And she refused, so don't rush to say it, let her continue to grow in Tōtsuki.

And Thor and the others knew Li Xuan's thoughts before they said the invitation, otherwise they wouldn't say so, after all, Li Xuan is their genius.

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