I'm in Food Wars: Starting a Food World

Chapter 320 Satisfying Breakfast (For Subscription, For Support)


Elma was holding a bowl of meat porridge and smelled the curling fragrance, she was extremely happy.

Being able to enter the Dimension Restaurant and know Li Xuan, and still stay here, Elma feels that this has always been the best decision she has made in her life.

The thick porridge is just right, the dark brown Hankrilla bird meat is dotted like stars inside, there are also the tender yellow shredded ginger, and the top of the porridge is a grain of green chopped green onion.

The aroma of the porridge is like a big net, wrapping the aroma of meat, green onion, ginger and a slight salty aroma together, and then it turns into a wisp of light smoke into your nose mischievously, arousing your appetite.

However, I am greedy, but Eluma is still very sensible in scooping the porridge. The first bowl is naturally for Li Xuan who has been busy for so long.

Li Xuan didn't pay much attention to this kind of formality, and he didn't want some old "four two seven" antiques, which would be too tiring to live like that.

After distributing the porridge to everyone, Eluma scooped a full bowl for herself. She couldn't help in other places, but she did as much as she could in such trivial matters.

After all, Eluma has really developed feelings for this place for a long time, and she also regards this place as her home!

This is the feeling that I have never felt in my life before, the feeling of home, the warm affection.

In the world of giant dragons, they basically don't value family affection very much, but for Thor, Eluma and the others, the affection they experienced here in Li Xuan makes them feel that this is the real life.

A life as plain as it is now, without too many wars, happy and happy, should be what they dream of, otherwise they will not all stay.

But these can be left behind for a while. For Elma, the most important thing right now is to have a good breakfast and taste the bowl of porridge in front of her.

The rice porridge cooked in a casserole has just the right consistency, neither too thin nor too sticky. Scoop it up with a spoon, the rice grains are full, shredded green onion, minced meat and chopped green onion are garnished.


Gently blow air, use the wind to take away the temperature of the porridge, and then drink the porridge.

The unique soft and glutinous rice porridge, mixed with the slightly spicy ginger, and the aroma of chopped green onion, swelled back and forth between the lips and teeth.

What sets this porridge apart from ordinary porridge is the Hankrilla bird meat in it.

The Hankrilla bird meat put into the porridge fully absorbs the aroma of the porridge, making it more mellow and intoxicating, with more complex and changeable flavors.

The meat and porridge are perfectly blended together.

Just like golden egg fried rice, the egg completely wraps the rice, the perfect combination of the two.

Henkelila bird meat is claimed to have all the flavors, so using such ingredients to cook porridge does not need to add too many things, which will only destroy its flavor.

Seasoning salt, shredded ginger to add the aroma of the meat, chopped green onion, which is essential for porridge, and others are not needed. These three are also to set off the existence of Henkelila bird meat.

After eating a bowl of porridge, the whole body started from the stomach and spread to the whole body little by little, and all of a sudden it felt warm.

Although it is summer now, this porridge does not make people feel too hot, but it seems to have a comfortable feeling of sweating profusely after exercising.

Paired with the crispy radish that is spicy and crunchy, and the refreshing and appetizing cucumber, it is obviously just a few simple side dishes, but it makes people more satisfied than the Haitian feast.

If such a bowl of porridge is not enough, Li Xuan has a basket full of hot roasted sweet potatoes on the table, perhaps for others it seems inappropriate to eat such sweet potatoes in the morning?

But when the unique burnt aroma and sweetness of roasted sweet potatoes float over, your mouth will definitely salivate involuntarily, and your brain will suddenly have an idea, this roasted sweet potato is so fragrant and delicious!

At this time, you will abandon the idea that you can't eat sweet potatoes for breakfast, and that baked sweet potatoes can only be eaten in the cold winter and other times are heretical and so on.

There is only one thought in your mind at this time: get it, and eat it!

He held his hot hands but was reluctant to let them go. He could only flip his hands back and forth, and kept exhaling through his mouth, anxiously trying to cool it down.

Behind me, I can't wait, I peeled off the crispy skin while being scalded and yelled, and I couldn't wait to eat the steaming sweet potato into my mouth. diffuse.....

However, Li Xuan and the others are not ordinary people, so this hotness is nothing at all, they can all taste the sweetness released by the sweet potato at this temperature.

Especially Eluma, one-third of the stonewall sweet potatoes in the basket are given to her, which is the benefit of foodies.

You give her a table full of Han Chinese and she can eat very happily, and her mouth is full of oil, and you give her a roasted sweet potato and she can eat with satisfaction and relish.

After breakfast, go to school when you should go to school, go to work when you should go to work, and study when you should study.

It was naturally Xiao Kangna who went to school, and Torlukoya and Eluma who went to work. Today, the restaurant is going to open, so they need to help them handle the delivered ingredients.

With Thor as a little helper, Li Xuan can completely get rid of these tasks, but Li Xuan had nothing else to do before, so naturally he was busy with them.

But now I have to teach Tadokoro Megumi, so leave it to them, this is only temporary.

Anyway, the kitchen on the first floor is big enough, Li Xuan doesn't need to take Tadokoro Megumi to the kitchen on the second floor, he just wants to be with everyone on the first floor.

In the cooking showdown two weeks later, if there are no surprises, the theme that Tadokoro Megumi draws should be ramen, and there are not many places to play in this cooking, and the main hit is the soup.

Because the noodles this time are provided by Tōtsuki, although the types of noodles are different, the quality 3.1 is similar, so there is no way to play with noodles.

I can only make different changes from the noodle soup and the side dishes, but Li Xuan took a look at the luminous dishes about noodles that he has now mastered.

There are seven dishes of Guoshi No Double Sided, Bone Soup Noodles, Dragon Beard Noodles, Whole Fish Noodles, Potato Cold Noodles, Galaxy Noodles, and Egg Beef Noodles.

However, more than half of the essence of Guoshi Wudou, Longxu Noodles, Whole Fish Noodles, Potato Cold Noodles, and Egg Drop Beef Noodles are on the noodles, so these five dishes can only give a little help to the side dishes and soup.

And the remaining bone soup noodles and Galaxy noodles, in fact, can help Tadokoro Megumi not much.

But it doesn't really matter. After all, Tadokoro Megumi won't compete with Li Xuan's recipes. What Li Xuan wants to do is to enrich Tadokoro Megumi's knowledge about noodles through these seven noodle dishes.

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