"Unexpectedly, Sand Shinobi would betray us Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken directly to the roof by Fengying, and Kuwu was threatened by the side of his neck.

According to Sand Shinobi, the league has been around for a while, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's trust in them is still there.

Originally, he was actually more inclined to suspect that Mist Shinobi was doing tricks in secret.

After all, I don’t know much, and the age of Ghost Lantern Manmoon is too young, looking like a puppet.

Kirigakure did appear to be a controlled Mizukage.

And it happened that when Kirigakure came to take the Chūnin exam, Orochimaru suddenly appeared, and the moonlight blast was killed in secret.

But any normal person will have doubts.

"The so-called peace treaty is just a blindfold to make the opponent careless."

"The boring game is now over. From now on, history will change."

Feng Ying lied to Sarutobi Hiruzen and said coldly while holding Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Then you want to start a war?"

The ghost lantern full moon stood aside and said lightly.

The ghost lantern, also as a shadow, followed the full moon alone in the smoke, and wanted to see what was going on.

But it happened to encounter a plot of an ally against the water.

Kirigakure took the Chūnin exam for the first time and established diplomatic relations with Konoha.

This kind of thing happened when it came up, the ghost lantern full moon has a subtle feeling that you still play in your own country and don't come out to engage in diplomacy.

And I don't know if it was intentional. As soon as the full moon of the ghost lamp came up on the roof, a few people suddenly appeared around him.

This weird purple enchantment was placed directly around them.

It's not because the Ghost Lantern Moon is going out now, nor is it not going out. I can only stay embarrassed in the enchantment to watch their allies turn back.


Feng Ying raised his eyes to look at the full moon of the ghost lamp, and there was an accident in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Ghost Dengman would follow him. The moment he took Hokage into captivity, the barrier was laid down, and all Anbu who came to rescue were blocked outside.

The ghost lamp full moon, who should have also squinted in the smoke bomb, followed.

He underestimated him because he was young, and this young man was not too wasteful.

But it doesn't make much sense to come in here.

It was nothing more than one more corpse.

"We should avoid the use of force and seek to solve the problem through peace talks. It is still too late, Your Highness Fengying."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, and while talking, he looked at Feng Ying next to him.

"When I get old, I've been dazzled by peace, Sarutobi, teacher."

Feng Ying said in a word by word, then Orochimaru tore off the white cloth on his face, as well as the human skin attached to his face underneath.

It has pale skin like a snake, long slender eyes and golden vertical pupils.

Although I had a vague premonition, when I really saw Orochimaru.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils still shrank suddenly, and his eyes widened instantly.


Ghost Lantern Man Yue blinked his eyes, and eating melons didn't have his way of eating.

Although he is young, he also knows something bad about Orochimaru and Konoha.

After all, Orochimaru is the core technology of the Master, and there are people who can destroy the strength of a small country.

Any country of the five big countries will be wary of him. They all hope to cooperate with Orochimaru, but they are also afraid of this man's ambition.

No, Orochimaru pretends to be Fengying, this is not a problem of a small country.

He was able to take the exam as Fengying, which means that the real Fengying has died, I don't know if the corpses are all bones.


"What's the matter with the guy under that, I felt very uncomfortable just now."

Gui Deng Shui Yue had some interest in Gaara before, but when he sensed the uncomfortable feeling just now, he immediately developed a bad premonition.

"He is Jinchūriki, and he feels about to lose control."

"The changes made by Mizukage-sama just now should also have something to do with this matter."

Bai moved quickly above the fence, while looking towards the ground below.

Naruto and Sasuke still faced off with Gaara, who was presenting a pedigree, and the ground had been smashed into huge pits one after another.

Probably the tail beast's abilities were too powerful, even if it was just relying on the body state, the ground of the entire venue was trembling vaguely.

As soon as Gui Deng Shui Yue and Shiro ran under the roof, they were stopped by Shisui.

Sharingan cannot be used rashly in Konoha Shisui, although it is messy enough now.

But once the clues are touched by someone, the follow-up treatment is difficult to correct.

So when Shisui was about to go up in the smoke with the ghost lantern full moon, the ghost lantern full moon pressed him down and asked him to direct Shuiyue and the others outside...

"Don't go up, that barrier can only be destroyed from the inside, even if you go up it is meaningless."

"Your task is to deal with the following..."

"What a joke, that's my brother on it."

Gui Deng Shui Yue, with a rare serious expression, directly interrupted Shisui's arrangement.

There are two shadows above, and the ghost knows whether they are conspiring against Kirigakure.

"The guy below, Kimimaro has gone to help."

"Regardless of whether I can enter the enchantment or not, I have to go up and see it."

The ghost lamp Shuiyueyubi almost rushed directly onto the roof. Anbu, who was surrounded by the roof and unable to enter the enchantment, was naturally attracted by Shuiyue.

Shisui grabbed onto the railing, turned his head and looked up at Shuiyue who was in a ball with the Anbus in an instant, and couldn't help sighing.

"How could he deal with so much Anbu alone."

"White, go up and look at him, before this matter is clear, don't rashly have too much conflict with Konoha Anbu."

Bai Ying nodded his head, and then quickly ran up to the roof.

At the moment when Bai went up, the three shadows in the barrier had already taken off the white robe that was in the way.

Showing a antagonistic posture,

Bai glanced at the three people in the enchantment above, but when he focused his gaze on Feng Ying's face, he couldn't help but pause for a while.

It was the one they had seen in the death forest, the guy who used snakes.


Not only was there a sudden change inside the village, but also the outside world fell apart.

Otonin took the three big snakes that had been taken out by Summoning, and fought with the ninja guarding the village.

At the same time, there are a large number of Sand Shinobi ninjas sneaking into Konoha from various paths.

Although he avoided Konoha's large forces as much as possible, he inevitably encountered chasing troops.

"It's Sand Shinobi's ninjas! They sneak in secretly!"

Several Konoha Shinobi guards yelled, and then stopped in front of the Sand Shinobi ninjas, both of them stared at each other solemnly.

Immediately, they took out their weapons and confronted each other in the woods.

The big snake ran over the surrounding buildings and rampaged across the village, all kinds of ninjutsu flying around, shouting one after another.

In an instant, the entire Konoha Village was caught in a battle. .

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