Not only is it the enchantment that imprisoned Ghost Lantern Manmoon and Sarutobi Hiruzen, the four Otonin in the four corners of the station also expanded their enchantment.

As long as the few people standing in the corner can be knocked off one by one, the entire enchantment can be broken.

Ghost Lantern Manyue raised his eyes and stared at Orochimaru in front of him with a little caution.

But this barrier cannot be broken, and the Shouhe below is already embarrassing enough.

If Shouhe cannot be taken out of the field in time, or the tail beast can be restrained, this place will cause countless deaths and injuries on the second floor.

In the entire Chūnin exam venue, not only did they exist, but those big names who were stunned by illusionism were still lying on the outside auditorium.

Orochimaru kept them here, although it restricted their actions, but at the same time they also avoided their restrained actions to protect the audience.

The three confronted each other, and the air in the entire enchantment almost stopped.

Orochimaru stood on the opposite side of the two, with the sharp snake pupils squinting slightly, staring at the two in front of them with confidence.

"I don't have any plans to act. Are you afraid that the trash from outside will come in and get in the way of your hands and feet?"

"Not only Sarutobi-teacher, but 14 you also think this way?"

Orochimaru's hoarse voice rang and said gloomily.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon, as an unexpected Mizukage, can deal with the Otonin four people on the four corners at this time.

But he chose to stay and confront him.

Should this young man be too confident? Or is Orochimaru himself underestimated.

"I encountered this kind of thing the first time I came to establish diplomatic relations, and my luck was really not very good."

"One or two mouths are young people, young people or something, even I feel a little impatient."

"Is it really that interesting to rely on the old to sell the old?"

It's totally underestimated.

As the complaining sound of the ghost lantern fell, the atmosphere between the three of them instantly became tense.

The Chakra accumulated by the three people quickly made the roof tiles crack and cracked, and the tiles quickly cracked.

On the outside of the roof, Anbu and Gui Deng Shui Yue couldn't help but pause, and all of them paused for a while.

The enchantment is worthy of a contest between the three Kage-levels, and the amount of Chuck released by these people feels quite terrifying.

Gui Deng Shui Yue's gaze quickly swept across his brother's figure, but fortunately, judging from the current situation, it should be the monster who used snakes to be targeted.

"It looks like it's going well."

Ghost Deng Shuiyue remembers that person, who was defeated and fled by the three Genins.

Why can I pretend to be Feng Ying and directly use the barrier to lock Mizukage and Hokage in?

Is that guy really that good?

Gui Ying Shuiyue murmured a little bit in her heart, and immediately kicked Anbu who was still stupefied in front of her.

It's still a bit hard for him to confront Anbu head-on with Bai.

After all, what Anbu says is the strength above Jōnin, these Anbus are still rushing to protect Hokage's elite type.

Fortunately, because most Anbu is dealing with outsiders, they are not many.

Otherwise, the ghost lights, Shuiyue and Bai's, would be sent down directly from the roof.

"There are complaints, but let me see if you are worthy of this Mizukage."

"I won't show mercy to your men, don't let me down too much."

Orochimaru's eyes swept back and forth between the two people in front of him.

"Just to my liking, I will also consider whether to bring you back to the ninja school to reshape it based on your level of ninjutsu completion."

Sarutobi Hiruzen responded without letting go.

Immediately, Sarutobi Hiruzen threw a shuriken forward violently, and the shuriken quickly whirled in the air, and Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly made a few seals.

"Shuriken, Shadow Clone Technique!"

The shurikens in the air instantly split into thousands and rushed straight in front of Orochimaru.

The ghost lantern full moon lowered his head slightly, his hands were in the shape of a gun, and he fired several shots directly at Orochimaru.

The water bomb was launched from his fingertips and pointed directly in front of Orochimaru at an extremely fast speed.

"Water Style, Water Iron Cannon Technique."

Almost at the same time, Orochimaru stood there, without any intention of evading.

Directly ignoring all the oncoming attacks in front of him, directly clasped his hands together and shouted sharply.

"Summoning Technique, Impure World Reincarnation!"

There was a faint smile on his face.

Two large wooden coffins quickly emerged on the ground, and the third coffin was still emerging.

He directly used these coffins to block the oncoming attacks, it was just wood anyway.

This feeling.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the two coffins clearly, he had a bad premonition.

Have to stop the third coffin from coming out!

The overwhelming shuriken flew directly to the two coffins that had emerged, but just as a piece of shuriken was about to fall on.

It happened to be hit by a few water bombs, and with two "bangs", the water bombs directly rubbed the wooden board of the third coffin and hit them out.

The third coffin paused for a while, and still rose quickly from the ground.


Sarutobi Hiruzen never expected that the ghost lantern full moon would drop the chain at this time.

If he were to attack alone, this third coffin shouldn't be summoned!

This Mizukage is really not very reliable, and it can't even cooperate with the attack.

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help frowning, but he couldn't blame the ghost lantern full moon beside him.

Even if he was dissatisfied with the full moon of the ghost lamp, he couldn't tell this kind of thing. Sarutobi Hiruzen just couldn't help but pursed his mouth.

"Oh, I missed it, no way, there are too many shurikens."

Ghost Lantern Manmoon shrugged lightly, apologized with a smile, and showed a mouthful of shark teeth.

How could it be possible that as a shadow of a village, he couldn't even cooperate well, so he went home and resigned directly.

But when I saw the first, second, and fourth words written on the coffin, I had to say that the ghost lantern full moon was a little curious.

This number and the people who can compete with them, the people in this coffin are undoubtedly Hokage in the past.

Isn’t it a very interesting scene to be able to play against Hokage of the past?

Not to mention First Generation and Second Generation, those two Hokages are basically Kage-level benchmarks.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon is more interested in Fourth Hokage, he was also very young when he was in charge, right, but he died early.

The two of them always said that he was too young, and that there had been such a young Hokage in their own village.

Take it all out for insights and insights.

And Impure World Reincarnation is also a ninjutsu that many countries are curious about. Orochimaru has been studying it secretly for so long.

It makes no sense not to try it if you can experience it in advance.

It just so happened that Ghost Lantern Man Moon took a look at Impure World Reincarnation, which is such an interesting technique, where it can be done. .

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