The feeling of Chakra disappeared, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't feel anything anymore.

That big knife also clearly didn't cut him.

Naruto looked at her hands in a daze, then raised her head to look at the big knife in Hoshigaki Kisame's hand.

"My Samehada can still cut off and swallow Chakra."

To avoid eye-catching, Samehada, who was covered in bandages up and down, was facing Naruto's head.

The big knife wriggled strangely in the bandage, and the bandage was constantly agitating.

"It seems that you are not very honest, please cut off the hands you used to make seals."

Hoshigaki Kisame exposed the white shark teeth and raised Samehada in his hand.


A puff of white smoke diffused the moment Samehada fell, and there was no muffled sound of cutting off hands and feet, only a clinking sound on the armor.

An orange patterned toad stood firmly in front of Naruto.

Toad's arm was armed with armor and steadily stopped Samehada in Kisame's hand.

"You guys don't know me too much!"

"Jiraiya, a man, won't be confused by women."

"A man like me and a woman will automatically send 14 homes."

Jiraiya suddenly appeared behind Naruto, carrying the woman controlled by Uchiha Itachi with illusion in one hand, and introduced herself in a cool manner.


The surrounding air fell into silence for an instant.

The eyes of several people focused on Jiraiya.

"Obviously, a woman will be seduce if she winks, don't be prestigious here, you Pervy Sage!"

"Don't talk about it, these two guys are not ordinary people!"

Naruto turned his head and pointed angrily behind Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame.

Jiraiya's temporary insertion finally gave Naruto a lot of peace of mind. At any rate, a character came, and it is really not long enough to rely on him and Sasuke to be here.

"Your goal is Naruto, right? I won't hand them over to you."

"It just happens that I am here to solve the two of you."

Jiraiya put the carrying woman aside, walked over to Naruto, and looked at the two people in front of him.

"Don't interfere, I should be the one who killed them."

Sasuke's voice rang from the end of the corridor wall.


Jiraiya paused slightly. Even though he was not in the village some time ago, the information about Uchiha Itachi's genocide was still spread.

Sasuke stood up against the wall and rushed towards the Itachi ahead.

"I am not interested in you now."

The target of this mission is Naruto, and the two hands just now are enough for him to recognize Sasuke's current ability.

Itachi raised his eyes slightly, and immediately noticed a gleam of silver light between Sasuke's hands.


Sasuke flew directly and jumped up, the tight wire between his hands looming.

Itachi grabbed Sasuke's right hand with one hand, and Sasuke's left hand stretched the steel wire entwined in his hand, and the filament fell on the back of Itachi's neck.

Itachi's five fingers directly pressed Sasuke's right hand and quickly knotted.


"As far as possible, avoid using straight-line collision attacks to deal with the enemy, and the use of Chakra is more cautious and accurate. It is too reckless."

"You attach too much importance to Chidori. Focus on your eyes."

Kakashi is always copying ninjas, he is really nervous with the blue bar with Chidori, and can't use Sharingan very well.

But since Sasuke has two eyes, the blue bar is not so nervous, there is no need to pay such attention.

While pressing Sasuke's hand seal, Uchiha Itachi said in a very low voice beside him.

Although Sasuke was stunned for a moment, he almost immediately realized that the knot in his hand was Fire Style. ,


Sasuke had never seen this kind of operation with the help of others, and took advantage of the effort of Itachi to take a sharp breath back.

Sasuke did not hesitate to loosen the wire in his hand, kicked it on Itachi's shoulder, and pulled his hand free with strength.

Itachi didn't hold him too tightly, Sasuke pulled out his hand and stood on the ground and took two steps back.

However, with the unexpected Fire Style, Sasuke looked up a little blankly, but happened to hit Sharingan, who was half-hanging by Itachi.

Isn’t Fire Style an illusion? !

Sasuke was lifted away with a glance, and lay directly on the ground.

Uchiha Itachi walked towards Sasuke who was lying on the ground step by step.


Naruto couldn't help but step forward and shouted.

Even if he said not to intervene, Sasuke was stared on the ground with a single glance, and it didn't look very good at all!

Hoshigaki Kisame held Samehada firmly in front of Jiraiya and Naruto, showing a subtle smile.

"Didn't I tell you not to intervene?"

This was said by the younger brother of Itachi himself.

"Give me just enough! Bastard!"

If it was caught by Itachi, I don't know what will happen to Sasuke.

Naruto couldn't help but accumulate Chakra on his feet, and directly bypassed Hoshigaki Kisame and ran towards Sasuke's position abruptly.

Hoshigaki Kisame carried Samehada in his hand in one hand, and turned around to chase after Naruto.


Taking advantage of the time when Hoshigaki Kisame turned around, Jiraiya's hand quickly got Jiyin, and directly slapped both hands on the ground.

"Forbearance, toad mouth restraint."

Hoshigaki Kisame and Naruto paused in an instant, and several people instantly felt that the touch of their entire feet became weird.

The soft and sticky touch seems to be trembling slightly.

The walls and ground around them were covered at an extremely fast speed, and they were all flesh-colored and bulging.

Even the sticky fleshy wall continued to stick out from the ground, and it was continuously wrapped around the Samehada that Kisame was dragging on the ground.

Uchiha Itachi leaned over and squatted in front of Sasuke, who was constantly being swallowed by the fleshy wall that the ground transformed into.

Itachi's hand rubbed his cheek, then he stood up and looked back at Jiraiya behind him.

"It's a pity, Itachi, Kisame, you are already in my stomach now."

"I summoned the esophagus of Mount Myōboku Iwajuku Big Toad. Anyway, you are all wanted criminals, so you can just turn it into food for the Big Toad."

A sure smile appeared on Jiraiya's face, and then he looked at Naruto who was standing still at a loss.

"This is my ninjutsu, Naruto, just stay where you are."

"Go, Kisame."

Uchiha Itachi had almost no meaning of fighting or confrontation. He bypassed Sasuke and shouted Kisame and ran out to the other side.

The fleshy wall around them has not yet been fully formed, and there is still a hint of light coming out not far in front.

"It's useless."

Jiraiya's eyes sank slightly, and his hands pressed hard against the soft flesh wall.

The fleshy wall of the entire space kept shrinking and crowded in the direction of Itachi and Kisame. .

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