Not only was the wall of flesh crowded from all directions, even behind the wall of flesh was also constantly sticking out something like a tongue, and quickly attacked the two of them.

Hoshigaki Kisame waved Samehada directly to cut off the tongue behind him, and the two of them ran over thinking about the end of the flesh wall without stopping.

This technique has not been completely closed, and there is a small window at the end of the turn.

The light they saw just now also penetrated through that window.

Although the two people have moved forward at the fastest speed, in the final analysis the entire space is a creeping flesh wall.

"The speed of the flesh wall is faster."

Hoshigaki Kisame glanced around for a while, and they might not even be able to touch the window, and they would be completely swallowed by the flesh wall.

Whether it is around or under their feet, the soft flesh is constantly rolling and wriggling.


Uchiha Itachi responded softly, then opened his eyes abruptly, and the Sharingan of the three-goed jade turned quickly and became Mangekyō Sharingan.

His eyes were focused on the window that might be wrapped at any time, as if sensing something, the whole window began to vibrate.


Uchiha Itachi frowned slightly and stared at the window closely.

A black flame burned quickly on the wooden slats of the window.


After a loud noise, the entire toad's esophagus trembled.

A bad feeling arose in Jiraiya's heart, and then quickly got up and chased in the direction where the two of them were escaping.

Naruto had just been instructed to stand still and not move, watching Jiraiya ran out in the direction of the vibration.

"Wait...wait for me! What's going on, Pervy Sage!"

Naruto looked around at a loss for a while, and hurriedly ran out following Jiraiya's figure.

Jiraiya supported the flesh wall at the turn with one hand, and the outside scenery was already visible at the end of the turn.

Surrounding the meat wall is a burning black flame.

A lot of light came in from the outside, and Jiraiya couldn't help frowning as he watched the exit that had been burnt with a big hole.

No one should be able to escape from here, because the ninjutsu was not completed and was interrupted?

"What are these black flames~ "?"

Naruto had followed Jiraiya, and ran to the exit a little inquiringly, looking at the flames still burning on the flesh wall.

The meat wall around this hole was burnt and burnt black.

"Don't go near those flames casually."

Jiraiya unfolded a scroll on the side, facing the black flames, writing and painting on the scroll.

Although Jiraiya didn't know exactly what this black flame was, this thing could burn toad's esophagus, and it was definitely not something to deal with.

Naruto backed up a few steps and hid behind Jiraiya, peering at the burning black flames.

"Seal technique, seal of fire seal."

After writing the scroll, Jiraiya sealed the seal, and a faint white gas emerged from the scroll, and the flame burning in the hole was quickly incorporated into the scroll.

"That should be fine."

Jiraiya retracted the scroll and stomped a little, the flesh wall on the ground gradually began to disappear and shrink.

Not far away, as the flesh wall continued to disappear, Sasuke's figure on the ground gradually emerged.

Naruto ran to Sasuke in a hurry, helped him up and let him sit down against the wall.

Although Uchiha Itachi didn't give Sasuke much harder hand, but this one was enough for Sasuke to drink a pot.

Sasuke wasn't in a coma, but fell into illusion with his eyes open.


Just as the two were relieved, a Kuwu suddenly flew in from the big hole, and directly nailed it to the wall impartially.

Immediately, a figure carrying a light rushed in, attacking and rushing towards Jiraiya.

"Power Prelude!"


Jiraiya looked at Guy with a confident expression on his back, and was stunned for a moment.

And Guy's confident smile on his face immediately froze after seeing Jiraiya's face clearly, and his expression immediately became awkward.

However, at this time, he could not retract his leg, and Guy abruptly kicked Jiraiya's face.

"Hahaha, I'm really sorry for hitting you directly. I went out in a hurry and forgot to bring a mirror."

"I looked in with the reflection of the forehead protector from outside, and saw your cold expression, so I thought it was an enemy."

"If I don't pay attention... I'm really sorry"

Guy smiled heartily while scratching his head.

"Are you apologizing...!"

Jiraiya held his forehead with a headache.

"Forget it, this kind of thing doesn't matter, you take Sasuke to the medical class as soon as possible."

"His trauma is not too serious, but his mental trauma is quite serious."


Hoshigaki Kisame and Uchiha Itachi jumped on the nearby river and fled the neighborhood quickly.

".~Why retreat?"

Yi Itachi's strength is far more than just retreating now.

Although they all know that they are inner ghosts, the water is a bit too much.

Hoshigaki Kisame turned his head slightly to ask.

"The way Naruto is now, we don't need to worry."

"And I have to find a place for my body to take a good rest."

Uchiha Itachi's face is already oozing sweat, he can fight again, yes, but it is not necessary.

The connected wheel station made him somewhat overwhelmed.

I used Tsukuyomi to deal with Kakashi, and I used Amaterasu just now.

If he fights with Jiraiya later, his physical fitness gradually pulls his hips, and the disadvantages of lack of physical strength should be exposed.

Not only is it exposed to Jiraiya and the others, but also Hoshigaki Kisame will know this information.

He still doesn't want others to know his condition.

Kaki Kisame was silent for a while, and did not ask any more.

The two quickly rushed into the nearby woods, and gradually slowed down.

Jiraiya and Naruto and Sasuke shouldn't rush to chase too far, this place, even if someone comes to support, will not pass.

The rustling sound of the leaves swaying slightly, Uchiha Itachi and Hoshigaki Kisame instantly looked upwards vigilantly.

Hoshigaki Kisame squeezed Samehada in his hand, and Uchiha Itachi, who had returned to his normal black pupil, also lit Sharingan.

"Oh, you are here."

"Don't look at me with such a scary expression~"

"There is no one else here."

Hatake Sosuke's voice rang suddenly from the branches above their heads.

It wasn't the tree with the rattling leaves, Itachi and Kisame turned their heads and looked behind.

Hatake Sosuke is squatting on the branch, with one hand on his cheek, smiling at the two people below. Roar.

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