"Master Tsunade still has something to look for you. Although it's not very anxious, you should go there when you have time."

"It's already here, leave it to me, Naruto."

When approaching Konoha Hospital, Kakashi took Naruto over.

"Huh? Oh."

Hatake Sosuke handed Naruto to Kakashi and raised an eyebrow, then teleported away.

He doesn't know exactly what Tsunade is looking for at this time. Is Konoha's financial deficit so serious that he needs him to go out to collect money?

Or did Shikamaru's group come back early, what did they say?

Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin, thinking thoughtfully.

Shikamaru led the team more or less injured, but because the Otonin four had no intention of fighting, they were not so desperate to fight with others.

After Otonin's four retreats, Shikamaru actually considered 650 to continue pursuing Sasuke.

But on the one hand, Hatake Sosuke's abilities and speed are too weird, they can't find any clues to follow.

On the other hand, there were also injured people. After weighing the left and right, Shikamaru still brought the team back first.

"Huh—? What are you looking for?"

Hatake Sosuke opened the door and walked into Hokage's office with a smile.

In addition to Tsunade sitting behind the table, Gaara and Kankuro also moved chairs next to them.

If Tsunade had something to say to him, there would not be such two listeners.

So Sand Shinobi has something to look for him?

"Sure enough, only Kakashi can touch your whereabouts."

"As the representative of Sand Shinobi, Gaara wants to discuss something specifically with you."

"I know that you don't perform the task as a ninja, and this is not for you to do the task, so don't rush to refuse."

Tsunade folded his hands on his chin and looked at Hatake Sosuke in front of him.

She still hopes that Hatake Sosuke can agree. After all, if Hatake Sosuke goes, she can also serve as a representative of deepening the feelings of the allies.

Now Konoha still needs someone to deal with it in terms of diplomacy.

Although Sand Shinobi didn't help Orochimaru in destroying Konoha much, no matter whether it was the man who sent it, or they did not exchange information on the Otonin Project with Konoha.

It makes people confused.

Sand Shinobi looked more like preparing to cooperate with Otonin, but suddenly stopped for some reason.

This situation made the senior executives somewhat skeptical of Sand Shinobi.

But now Konoha has no reason to reject the allies, and can have one more friend and no more enemy.

"Then talk about it?"

Hatake Sosuke pulled a chair from the side and leaned directly on the back of the chair to look at Gaara and Kankuro on the opposite side.

It's been pretty casual since I came in, and I don't call it Master Hokage.

Generally, ninjas stand up to take on tasks, and their attitude is respectful.

Hatake Sosuke picked up a chair casually and lay down at Hokage's table, a little too casually.

Moreover, Tsunade's tone was not an order, but was simply discussing this matter with him.

Let Hokage be respected, this person is so mysterious.

Kankuro looked at Hatake Sosuke unconsciously.

He was surprised when he heard that this person was not a ninja at all.

Looking at Hatake Sosuke's various reactions and habitual movements, it seems that he is not a ninja.

Although Kankuro did not think anything wrong, one thing was that Tsunade showed subtle respect for Hatake Sosuke.

It actually came from, Hatake Sosuke is so good at gambling.

"In the previous Chūnin exam, your students were pretty good."

"I heard that you have been free in Konoha for a long time, so I want you to come to Sand Shinobi to guide me."

Gaara brewed for a while, raised his eyes and said seriously to Hatake Sosuke.

Kimimaro is also the first time Gaara has encountered a good opponent, the blood succession limit and ability, and Kimimaro's subtle obsession with Hatake Sosuke.

All made Gaara very interested in Hatake Sosuke.

And when Chūnin stopped in the middle of the exam, Gaara also realized that Hatake Sosuke was a pretty good person.

Now that he heard that Hatake Sosuke was free, he wanted to take the opportunity of sending documents to let Hatake Sosuke come to Sunagakure to guide himself.

Going to Xiaoli said that it was to guide him in his practice, and going to Dali said that Hatake Sosuke could be the ambassador to maintain the alliance between Sand Shinobi and Konoha.

Both internally and externally are measures to strengthen the relationship between Konoha and Sand Shinobi.

What's the matter of spending a long time off...how it sounds like he's been fishing for a long time.

Did he go outside the village?

Hatake Sosuke pursed his mouth thoughtfully...


"Ah! Yes, if you come to Gaara's teacher, the salary will be very high."

At first glance, Hatake Sosuke seemed to hesitate, and Kankuro quickly added.

How to say Gaara's father is also Fengying, although the whole village is basically temporarily taken over by the elders, but it is definitely no problem for Gaara to spend money.

Although it seems that Hatake Sosuke is not short of money, it is also a necessary condition.

Gaara doesn't care much, Kankuro still has to supplement him.

"Yes~ but I have to leave in a few days."

Hatake Sosuke just thought about the future arrangements.

It seems that there is nothing interesting to stay in Konoha. Naruto will definitely follow Jiraiya to practice, and Sasuke is also slipped away by his brother.

When he was wandering around before, he didn't go there because he thought the wind and sand in the Land of the Wind were too big.

It's not bad to go and play at this time.

"It's fine if you agree."

Gaara obediently responded.

After all, when Chūnin took the exam last time, he also had an impression of Naruto Sasuke.

I encountered this kind of thing as soon as I came here, and it is not incomprehensible that Hatake Sosuke has to deal with it for a few days here.

Gaara and Kankuro went out after entrusting them.

Hatake Sosuke lay down on the chair and waved at both of them.

"I'm glad you can agree to this..."

"Just say something, and there are no outsiders."

"Everyone is someone I've seen in the casino, so what kind of official accent~"

Before Tsunade had finished speaking, Hatake Sosuke slumped on the back of his chair and tilted his head. Most of Tsunade's face was hidden behind the pile of documents.

Have a simple and easy-to-understand chat.

"Haa...you really are..."

"Although you are not a ninja, since Sand Shinobi has specially invited you, it can be regarded as a business trip on behalf of Konoha. If you have any personal needs, you can directly report it back."

"In order to avoid the upper-level suspect that you will make a deal with Sand Shinobi, you have to arrange for Anbu to follow you."

Anbu... Hatake Sosuke raised his head, and then a familiar figure appeared in his mind.

"Ah-let Tianzang follow me.".

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