After Hatake Sosuke made his request, he left Hokage's office.

Tsunade looked at his back thoughtfully, and since she had called the call, she had no reason not to give it.

And Hatake Sosuke went to Sunagakure to take three Anbus with him. With Tianzang's strength, one person is enough.

Surveillance, protection, arrangement Anbu is nothing more than this reason.

The more subtle thing is that Tenzo is the only Wood Style ninja in the village.

It feels a little hard to choose to go out like this.

Just do what he says.

Tsunade thought for a while, and after unable to pick out any major problems, he arranged the order.

Naruto was lying in the ward with a few ropes wrapped around him.

Most of the injuries suffered by Sasuke were self-repaired by the tail beast's ability. Apart from the weakness caused by overuse of Chakra, there was nothing serious about him.

He needs to rest and is forbidden to leave.

Kakashi came back near noon, and as soon as he came back he learned from Shikamaru what happened to Hatake Sosuke before.

Kakashi stopped by to Naruto's ward, but when he put his hand on the door of the ward, he heard Hatake Sosuke's voice coming from the room.

"Fasting until 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, because 14 internal organs are damaged, right? But it looks like you have nothing to do."

Hatake Sosuke didn't have a see-through eye, and could only see that Naruto had basically no injuries on his body.

Hatake Sosuke held a medical record in his hand, and there were large packets of snack fruit on the table next to the hospital bed.

"Ah!!! In this case, Sosuke brother don't eat in front of me!"

Originally, he didn't recover Sasuke, and Naruto was quite disappointed.

But Hatake Sosuke had a swoosh look, eating frantically next to him while he was fasting.

Abruptly, Naruto's sad emotions were turned to madness.

It seems that the relationship is pretty good.

Kakashi sighed, then knocked on the door, calling Hatake Sosuke out of the door.

"I asked Shikamaru about them, you took Naruto to find Sasuke, right."

"Well... Do you know where Sasuke is?"

After all, Hatake Sosuke did this kind of thing, it is likely to indicate that he knows where Sasuke is really going.

But when I really want to ask this, I always feel a little bit awkward.

He was not suspecting that Hatake Sosuke deliberately let Sasuke go, but according to Hatake Sosuke's strength and character.

If he really wanted to keep Sasuke, Sasuke couldn't leave at all.

And now there is a bigger problem, none of them knows where Sasuke really went.

Shikamaru and the Otonin quartet were confronted with each other, but from what they said, the Otonin quartet should also be looking for Sasuke.

I don't know if Sasuke was actually abducted by Orochimaru, or was abducted by someone unknown.

Although neither one is good, but at least it can let them know a little bit about Sasuke's situation.

"Well, I know~"

"But you will know sooner or later, so I don't want to tell you~!"

Hatake Sosuke gave Kakashi a playful smile, then touched his chin somewhat and said.

"Well, although it may not be a good situation for you, Sasuke shouldn't die."


Kakashi choked a bit of old blood in his throat, stunned that he didn't figure out what he should say.

He felt that it was a bit embarrassing to ask Hatake Sosuke in this way. Whether Hatake Sosuke knew it or not, he would never complain to Hatake Sosuke why he let Sasuke leave.

But the premise is that his brother has to have some kind of concealment and other emotions!

At least it made Kakashi think he might be a little bit unspeakable.

But there was nothing, he just admitted it so bluntly! ?

He just showed it openly, yeah, I know everything, but I won't tell you what it looks like.

"You... It doesn't matter if I ask you, what if Tsunade-sama or others know that you deliberately let Sasuke go?"

"What does Naruto think?"

Kakashi frustrated for a while, squeezed the bridge of his nose and lifted his mask up, cheering up.

Although it is not a good thing for them, since Hatake Sosuke knew the inside story and said so, Sasuke's life safety can basically be guaranteed.

"Thinking too much may lead to premature aging, I'm not enough to need your worry~"

"Take the thoughts you put here, or you will run both ways sooner or later, because 997 is overworked."

Hatake Sosuke opened his hands heartily.

Naruto said when he brought him over again, he didn't drag Sasuke back by himself, at most, he was down for a while.

As for Tsunade or the senior management, it is one thing whether they have the intention to pursue this matter.

On the other hand, just a moment ago, Hatake Sosuke was going to Sunagakure as a diplomat to maintain the alliance status.

At this time, it will not affect the village's diplomacy because of one person's affairs.

"Huh? Hmm..."

"Although I'm not so happy about your feeling that you know it all by yourself, it's always like this."

"But forget it, I'm going back."

Kakashi has been spinning around for three or four days, and if he doesn't go back to rest, he might die suddenly.

You can understand if you are overworked, what is 997?


In the cold and damp cave, several vague phantoms appeared one after another.

"Everyone is here."

Although the Magic Lantern Technique does not need to appear in person in a meeting, the s-class rebels who are weird will also avoid the meeting.

It's rare that everyone was there today, and it was also because they received an interesting news from within.

"Hey, one dozen seven, I heard that you brought your brother here too? Is it true? Huh."

Deidara was not very pleasing to Sharingan's pupil skills, and a Uchiha Itachi was quite pleasing to him, but now the number of Sharingan is still +2.

"Your brother must want to kill you more now, so he actually brought him here."

A hilarious sneer came from Fei Liuhu.

"Does your brother have the will to believe in the Cthulhu cult..."


Only a pair of Sharingan Itachi was silent, he was habitually silent, and he didn't understand with these off-line people.

After all, these people don't care about Sasuke or Itachi. They just want to watch the excitement of Eight Trigrams.

After all, the Uchiha clan’s genocide incident, they are expecting Sasuke and Itachi to come up with a script for the brothers to kill each other.

"Bringing your brother back is better than falling at Orochimaru."

The only remaining Sharingan is here now, even if the relationship between Sasuke and Itachi is delicate, they are still making money.

What's more, Sasuke now can't deal with Itachi at all, and it's not a potential threat.

"Control him, I don't want to see you have unnecessary disputes."

Payne's eyes fell on Uchiha Itachi who was on the side. .

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