It is good for Uchiha Itachi to bring Sasuke back from the village, but if Sasuke gets out of control because of his hatred of Itachi.

It is best to leave a useful chess piece between the two of them.

Payne is Akatsuki's boss, and not a housekeeper. Just make sure that the two red-eyed bunnies don't make trouble in their own dens.

Uchiha Itachi can do anything, but Sasuke is just a hostage anyway.


Uchiha Itachi responded calmly.

Akatsuki only suspects that if Sasuke stays in the village, Uchiha Itachi will be suspected of rebellion, but since Sasuke has also been taken into captivity, it doesn't matter.

Let them take care of their brother’s family affairs.

"There are three years left, can everyone achieve the goal?"

From One Tail to Nine Tails detection, as well as all aspects of the right time and place and the right balance.

Three years later, they will collect all the tail beasts including Nine Tails.

This meeting was simply because Itachi brought Sasuke back, and after a letter, everyone emphasized the purpose and importance of a wave of work.

Although Akatsuki's group of people can command, they can also cooperate with each other.

But in fact, everyone has their own goals. Although they are cooperating, there are also a lot of people who secretly paddle fish to develop side businesses.

Occasionally have a meeting to mention this group of people.

Sasuke was covered in bandages all over, looking like a mummy that had just been planed out.

When he woke up, he realized that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

It is not Konoha Hospital, nor is it on the ground of End Valley.

Is it really on Brother's side?

Hoshigaki Kisame was watching the wind outside.

They are now near the borders of the country of fire and other countries. There are many people in this kind of place.

Whether it is a nearby unknown person, or a ninja that Konoha may be chasing over.

Is there any potential danger?

On Konoha's side, Naruto's Nine Tails has its own repair function, and there is also Tsunade, a medical ninja sitting in front of him. Naruto's situation will not be bad anymore.

But Sasuke's side is not so lucky. Although the medical ninja has performed hemostasis and repairs, he still has to recuperate for some time due to his injuries.

Sasuke pulled a part of the bandage off his face strenuously, and took a deep breath.


The Magic Lantern Technique was just released, Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes and looked at Sasuke who was staring at him.

"Huh? Already awake..."

Before Uchiha Itachi finished speaking, he subtly frowned, then covered his mouth and lowered his head and coughed uncontrollably.

He put his hand tightly over his mouth, and the back of his thin hand showed protruding joints.

Even so, the dark red blood oozes through his fingers, falling on the ground bit by bit, blurring a crimson.

Although Uchiha Itachi usually hides his physical condition as much as possible on weekdays, it is just around the corner that he is found to be seriously ill with this kind of intermittent hemoptysis.

Sasuke couldn't help but shrunk his pupils slightly in shock, which was beyond the scope of his thinking.

In his impression, although Itachi is not a strong person, he doesn't have to start vomiting blood at this age.

And whether it was putting Kakashi down or slinging him, Uchiha Itachi did not show such a weak posture.

Could it be that someone caught up with him while he was in a coma, and itachi fought with them?

But in Sasuke's mind, he couldn't even search for anyone who could seriously hurt it.

"Why vomit blood?!"

"Is anyone catching up?"

"I can get up and walk by myself now."

Sasuke struggled to get out of the bed, but his whole body was covered with bandages, and he couldn't move because of the wound.

"Don't worry, there is no enemy, and I'm fine."

"Don't let the wound crack, get up as soon as possible, and I will teach you spiritual practice."

Uchiha Itachi rubbed the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and with the other hand, he pressed the arm that Sasuke wanted to support.

Although he can't die now, Uchiha Itachi can also vaguely predict that he will be alive within a few years.

Mangekyō Sharingan's consumption of his eyes and various tasks all the time have severely depleted his body.

The reason why he started to think about the reasons for bringing him by his side after meeting Sasuke.

He wants to train Sasuke before death, not only to be able to compete with that Nine Tails, but also to have the ability to protect himself in Akatsuki.

Akatsuki organized the nine of them into a tailcatcher, but apart from the premise of the tailcatcher, most of them had their own ideas.

Although it will not turn back in the nest, it is like Kakuzu killed his teammate by accident.

They can also'accidentally' kill Sasuke and the like.

And Sharingan is a sought-after item in every sense.

Uchiha Itachi still has the ability to protect Sasuke, and no one else will do it in secret.

But once he weakened due to illness, Sasuke would almost immediately give it to Akatsuki in vain.

"...I see."

Sasuke paused after he wanted to speak, and fell silent honestly.

Now he can't help Itachi, and his own struggle is just to increase Uchiha Itachi's workload.

He still vaguely remembered Naruto fishing him ashore, his fight with Naruto, Naruto was undoubtedly the winner.

Whether it was the fact that Naruto had surpassed him, or Uchiha Itachi who was hemoptysis suddenly, Sasuke's heart quickly filled with gloom.

He has to get stronger quickly.


In the afternoon when Naruto and Jiraiya left the village for practice, Hatake Sosuke and Sand Shinobi also embarked on the journey to the Kingdom of Wind.

"Unexpectedly, Sosuke will call me directly this time! I thought you had forgotten me a long time ago."

"After all, it feels like I haven't seen each other for many years. Since Kakashi-san left Anbu, I thought I would never have the opportunity to work with you again."

(Wang Li's)

Tian hided a very touched expression next to him. He really didn't expect Hatake Sosuke to come back so long, he could be with him again.

"After all, Kakashi left Anbu too~"

"As an ordinary person, there is no need to find Anbu."

Hatake Sosuke shrugged with a smile, and then whispered to Tenzo.

"It's unnecessary to talk about working together~ Because I still have a very interesting idea, so I asked you to come and play together!"

Tenzo nodded thoughtfully. Before Tsunade told him that Hatake Sosuke was going to Sunagakure to deepen the establishment of diplomatic relations, he still didn't believe that person would do such a thing.

Kankuro couldn't help but squinted his eyes slightly. Hatake Sosuke seemed to always say that he was an ordinary person's business.

Ordinary people, who don't take up tasks, are acquainted with Hokage, and there are even acquaintances they know in Anbu.

Is this the ordinary person of Konoha? .

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