A week later, the kingdom of wind.

Although I had been here a few times before to find the corpse, when I really stood here again, I still felt very uncomfortable.

Hatake Sosuke was lying in the round building, and the wind and sand outside the window made him feel like he was squinted by the wind and sand even inside the window.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and when the wind is strong, the sand will keep knocking on the windows.

The scenery is terrible.

Hatake Sosuke knocked out his system panel bored.

"I haven't watched it for a long time, do you miss me, system sauce~"

Hatake Sosuke looked at the light blue panel while thinking playfully in his mind.

However, after he finished thinking about it, a light blue ellipsis suddenly appeared on the light blue panel.

It seems to be feeling speechless to what he said.

[Playing template Gojo Satoru]

[Reduction degree 82%]

[Already possessed skills: Six Eyes, unlimited spells, He, Cang, Long, curse, boundless void. 】

[Please continue to improve the template reduction degree, so as to get more rewards. 】

"It's so cold~ don't you even have a beep?"

"It's already 82%. Are there any prizes to share?"

"It is too cold to continue to improve the degree of template reduction. It seems that there is no emotion at all. Is there a more humane answer~"

Hatake Sosuke's gaze moved up and down, and it seemed that there was no other hint.

Then he rummaged with curiosity to find out whether the system had any personality settings.

The system paused, and then said in his mind without any fluctuations.

"I don't have a personality. Even if you don't tell me, I can know what you are looking for."

"There will be special rewards when the host reduction rate is increased to 90%. Please continue to work hard."

Not smart at all, Hatake Sosuke secretly slandered a bit, without even having any personal settings.

Probably because his thought was a bit offensive to the system, a large row of ellipsis appeared in front of him.

Don't complain about the system for such boring things!

Hatake Sosuke swept away the ellipsis in front of him.

"Don't 90%, anyway, it will be a matter of time, so just give it to me now~"


The light blue panel exudes a faint light, and the system does not want to respond to this person at all.

Just as Hatake Sosuke was preparing another sentence of the show system, a voice suddenly rang from behind.

"You are here, Sosuke, is it okay to let Gaara practice alone?"

Tianzang instantly stood behind Hatake Sosuke. After Sunagakure, Hatake Sosuke showed an unusually honest state.

Even if Gaara spends his time to practice, Hatake Sosuke will not sneak out to play, this style is very different from him.

"God... Oh, Yamato."

Hatake Sosuke was brought back to his thoughts by his words, and almost blurted out of Tenzo.

I always feel very uncomfortable with his behavior of changing names.

From A to Tenzo to Yamato, wouldn't this guy not adapt to his name?

Tenzo is the code name for his mission in Konoha Anbu, and he has always been called by this name because he has been in Anbu before.

This time Tsunade sent him out to monitor and protect Hatake Sosuke. Although it was Anbu's task, he was already out of the village and clearly followed Hatake Sosuke.

So the new code name given to him is Yamato, Hidden Anbu, Konoha's escort.

Hatake Sosuke had made complaints before, and Anbu made sense.

The escort sounds weird, is Yamato his dowry girl?

"He is not weak at first, Chakra is sufficient, and the learning speed is also fast. Just tell him to understand and practice."

Compared with the practice of ninjutsu, Gaara lacks a kind of human nature, or human emotion.

He has been in a kind of hostility to the world for too long, and has shaped everything for his own wrong worldview.

Although Chūnin gave him a good lesson whether it was Kimimaro or Naruto during the exam.

However, the wrong point of view will not be reduced so easily. It can only be said that the two people have shaken his inner thoughts.

But it is not so easy for him to change his view of the world and everyone.

Gaara was able to respect Hatake Sosuke in Konoha before, which shows that he is really curious about Hatake Sosuke.

Compared to guiding him in ninjutsu, Hatake Sosuke feels that it is more important to guide this guy's emotions and various viewpoints.

Correct the so-called morality of young people!

It's a good job, he corrected Kimimaro before, and now Gaara is corrected.

Although Gaara is a bit older and has formed a three-point view, fortunately, these things have been shaken by Naruto and the others.

Hatake Sosuke only needs to help him reshape it slowly.

"And, let's, ah--"

"That guy always wants to fight with me."

Hatake Sosuke curled his lips helplessly, and Yamato nodded thoughtfully.

Want to challenge the strong, Gaara should indeed have this idea.

Hatake Sosuke should feel tired as well.

"Always cooking makes me feel boring. I don't want to waste time with him at all."

"It's better to train yourself and challenge me."

Hatake Sosuke's words fell like a sledgehammer.

"Yes... Ah, huh???"

Yamato was about to echo the two sentences, and then he was taken aback when he heard the second half of Hatake Sosuke's sentence.

Gaara, One Tail Shouhe Jinchūriki, before in Sunagakure is simply a horrible legend that can stop children crying at night.

Now the one who is said to be the dish doesn’t want to fight with him, Anko mud?

Hatake Sosuke is also a person who singled out the tail beast, and the tail beast himself has beaten it.

A person who doesn't usually take advantage of Jinchūriki will only be pretty good in his eyes.

"So what do you do with a surprised look~ Have you done anything you entrusted to you before?"

"I'm tired of looking at the yellow sand outside."

Yamato scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"If it's a scientific research base, there is a lot of space underground in the Kingdom of Wind that can be rented out."

"The venue has almost been found."

"But the wind and sand around here are too big, and the water source is too scarce, not at all..."


Before Yamato finished speaking, there was an urgent knock on the door.


Hatake Sosuke raised his head, and then light blue gas floated on his fingertips, and he pulled the door open remotely.

A Sand Shinobi ninja with half of his face under the white cloth seemed to be lying on the door. The door suddenly opened and he staggered in.

He looked at Hatake Sosuke with horror on his face.

"Mizukage... Master Mizukage, it seems to be here alone!".

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