"If you encounter a sandstorm, the best option is to stay here and wait for now."

"The sandstorms of this season will not last for too long. If you rush out, you will only gradually lose your sense of direction."

"If you get lost here, it's not a weird thing to die from dehydration."

Temari and Naruto stayed in the cave together, explaining the situation to them calmly.

Although it has not been a dust storm for some time, Temari still has countermeasures for this kind of thing.

Thanks to Hatake Sosuke for thinking about it this way.

Although the greening is unbelievable, after it is done, it directly reduces the number of Sunagakure sandstorms.

Encountering a sandstorm in the desert outside, Temari's mentality almost collapsed.

Although it seems calm on the surface, in fact, Temari has been somewhat anxious since he knew that Gaara had been taken away and Kankuro was chasing the enemy.

After all, Gaara and Kankuro, apart from the identities of Fukage and Ninja, are also her younger brothers.

Now that the situation of the two of them is awkward, it is fundamentally unpredictable, so how can she not worry about it.

"Damn it, why is there such a situation!"

"Gaara can't wait so long at all."

Naruto looked anxiously at the wind and sand outside, frowning involuntarily.

This wind and sand is just trying to stop them, and now they are trapped here and can't move.

"Well, it should be Temari who is more anxious now, stop complaining."

Kakashi waved to Naruto from the side to calm him down as soon as possible.

The dead fisheye that had been hanging immediately looked out, and he had just noticed that an eagle seemed to hover nearby.

He seemed to be carrying a small backpack, like the eagle that Sand Shinobi used to deliver letters.

The eagle seemed to be looking for them, but because of the sandstorm, he could not get too close to them.

But at this time, it was a little weird that the eagle came specifically to look for them.

After all, whether it is an eagle or a carrier pigeon, there should be a fixed delivery position.

It is strange to ask the eagle to send it directly, as if the messenger knows they will be here and don't get trapped.

"It's better not to have such weird things..."

Kakashi murmured almost inaudibly.

Several people with different minds were sitting anxiously in the cave, constantly watching the seemingly endless sandstorm outside.


"I'm finally leaving Sand Shinobi's territory."

The tail of the big bird is curling around Gaara's body, and Gaara's face is constantly cracking down with fine sand.

Although Deidara's clay is almost exhausted, he still has Chakra who maintains this big bird.

Deidara faintly breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the woods almost in front of him. The blood in his chest and broken arm had stopped.

Medicine and poison are integrated, Sasori is good at using poison, just to stop bleeding, this kind of thing is not difficult.

Although the wound was still aching, it was not enough to cause Deidara to lose too much blood.

After that, I have to extract Chakra from One Tail. It is not easy to think about it.

"I don't like waiting for people, and I don't like being waited for, hurry up."

Fei Liuhu made a gloomy voice and rustled forward.

Sand Shinobi's wind swept across the beard that covered the entire lower half of his face, revealing the open and closed mouth below.

Deidara shrugged with no surprise, and said to Sasori.

"Really, you don't want to think about who is taking it so long."

"At this point, we are each other."

Sasori replied mercilessly.

Deidara made such a big noise in Sunagakure, it was not a quick fight with Gaara for a long time, wishing to blow up the whole Sunagakure people to watch the battle.

Sasori played well with the Sand Shinobi ninjas who were chased out.

After all, although he is a rebel who has disappeared for a long time, from Kankuro who holds his own puppet, he also subtly experienced a feeling of continuation of the relic.

This is in conflict with his eternal beauty of artistic aesthetics, and he naturally enjoys this feeling.

Walked along the forest and continued to the cliff at the end of the forest.

Below is a gurgling river, and on the opposite side is a huge boulder with sealing paper. In front of the boulder is a crimson torii on the water.

When the two stepped across the water, Deidara made a seal in front of the boulder, and then the talisman paper with the word "forbidden" on the boulder flashed red.


The boulder made a muffled sound, and after trembling for a while, it slowly rose up, bringing up pieces of water.

The rolling river poured in.

However, after entering, there is a semi-curved bank, which basically blocks the river outside.

Using the phantom body Technique, only one person with the phantom standing in it turned his head and looked at Deidara and Sasori who walked in against the light.

"It's really late, get ready now."

The circle of Rinnegan stared at them a little dissatisfied.

As Payne's words rang, the boulder behind them also slowly fell.

"Because Jinchūriki is better than expected, huh."

Deidara unconsciously rubbed the wound on his chest, and the one Gaara gave him almost sent him away.


Payne's phantom pressed one hand on the ground, and the huge empty cave trembled, and then a hideous face gradually appeared from the ground.

The head is full of eyes, and the hands are shackled and stretched out a huge statue, Gedo Statue.

This thing feels quite spectacular no matter how you look at it, and in the darkness, this thing is even more terrifying.

"Okay, gather together."

As soon as Penn’s phantom was sealed, a group of phantoms of the members of the Known Organization stood on the ten fingers of the Gedo Statue.

Originally, there were only nine of them due to the lack of Orochimaru.

But now because Sasuke is involved, he is also pulled up together.

Although Sasuke's current strength is a bit different from the official Akatsuki members, this kind of tail extraction technique is nothing more than a waste of Chakra, and it doesn't matter much.

When Deidara jumped on Gedo Statue's finger, she made a face at Sasuke.

Sasuke turned Byakugan a little speechlessly, but ignored him.

Payne asked them two sentences about the safety of their body position, and then asked Jue to put eyeliners on the outside to prevent chasing soldiers from coming over.

The fingers of the Gedo Statue lit up with a bright green light, and then opened his hideous mouth, the scroll in it slid to one side.

The light blue gas inside was exposed, and several dragons emerged one after another.

"Seal technique, Huanlong Nine is forbidden.".

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