As soon as the sandstorm ended, Naruto hurriedly ran out of the cave.

"Wait a minute, Naruto."

Kakashi's footsteps stopped in place, and the eagle that had been hovering around the sandstorm fell to Kakashi.

"What else, Ka~ Teacher Casey."

Naruto eagerly wanted to hurry, but was stopped by Kakashi, so he curled his lips and suppressed it-looking at Kakashi.

"What's the matter with that eagle?"

Temari obviously noticed something abnormal, and then looked at Kakashi next to him.

Although their Sunagakure used eagles to spread the letter, their position is constantly changing.

There is obviously something wrong with finding them so accurately.

And looking at the mail delivery method on this eagle, it doesn't look like Sand Shinobi's official use.

Kakashi took down the letter tied to the eagle, and didn't even use Chakra to conceal it. All the handwriting was written so carelessly.

You can see it when you expand it.

The sender was obviously quite relieved, and didn't feel that this letter would be intercepted by someone with ulterior motives.

"At this time, is there still such a careless letter?"

Kakashi couldn't help but murmured, and then he scanned the contents of the front letter slightly, and his face sank slightly.

The above is the location of the kidnapped Gaara.

There is no signature or signature on the new one, but Kakashi can't be more familiar with this ostentatious handwriting.

This is a message from Hatake Sosuke to him.

"Who sent this message?"

Naruto Sakura and Temari were not familiar with Hatake Sosuke to the point. When they saw the news, their expressions were a little condensed.

"What, Mr. Kakashi, is this a message from someone that confuses our sight."

"Yes, such a sudden letter at this time seems to be a letter."

"Who can find us in the sandstorm so accurately."

Kakashi scratched his head a little entangled, and quickly made new plans in his mind.

"There must be no problem with this letter. The matter is urgent now. Let's talk about the details later. We have to redraw the plan."

"Temari, you take the little Sakura to Sunagakure to treat the wounded."

"Naruto, follow me back."

Naruto was stunned for a moment and blinked somewhat blankly, and pointed to Sakura, then pointed to himself.

"Why, Mr. Kakashi, didn't we just come here?"

Kakashi frowned slightly and confirmed the information on the letter.

"They have left with Gaara, and we are now going directly to find Gaara's current location."

"You take this address back and show it to Sand Shinobi's people, and let them come to support us when that time comes."

Now that Sand Shinobi is not far away, Temari and Sakura should be able to report the past in time.

Kakashi hurriedly stuffed the address in his hand into Temari's hand, then dragged Naruto and ran in the other direction.

Temari glanced at the letter in his hand hesitantly, then quickly ran back to Sunagakure with little Sakura.

"Who sent that letter? At this time, this kind of information is like a trap deliberately asked us to look at. Isn't it weird?"

"Ms. Kakashi, shouldn't you be more suspicious?"

Naruto couldn't help asking aside as he ran fast following Kakashi.

"Although it looks like a trap, I don't have to doubt my brother."

"Moreover, this kind of unscrupulous thing can only be done by him."

In this case, you don't need to use Chakra as a secret code, and write this important message directly.

That is Hatake Sosuke.

But it's not that Hatake Sosuke doesn't want to be a secret signal, but because he doesn't have anything like Chakra at all.

And the eagle rushed towards Kakashi as soon as it came up, apparently looking for him directly.

If it is for someone other than Kakashi, it is estimated that there is no way to distinguish the believer by handwriting.

Kakashi sighed slightly.

I was a little bit worried about Hatake Sosuke. Although his elder brother's strength was not bottoming out, this time he was a member of Akatsuki's organization.

Everyone has Akatsuki members who can destroy the strength of a small country.

Hatake Sosuke must have gone inside again, is that guy really okay?


The nine light blue dragons vomiting from the mouth of the Gedo Statue quickly encased Gaara.

Nine entangled light blue gases wrapped Gaara's whole person in it, and red Chakra continuously emerged from his mouth, which was swallowed by the big mouth of the Gedo Statue.

"The enemy is constantly approaching our base."

· ····Seeking flowers············

"It seems to be two separate groups of people."

On one side, the main body was responsible for monitoring the situation outside, and suddenly said like a Nepenthes.

"Uzumaki Naruto and Hatake Kakashi are closer."

"The former Mizukage ghost lamp full moon is far away from a Konoha Shinobi who doesn't know the details."

These names all sound familiar, but I didn't expect to provoke Mizukage.

Ghost Lantern Full Moon has disappeared since the new Mizukage took office, and there is no one at all.

Of the four people in total, three of them are not very easy to deal with.

The Konoha Shinobi who doesn't know the details is probably not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Their goal seems to be here.

This situation is more or less subtle, and it has caught up in such a short period of time.

...... ...... 0

It seemed that Sasori and Deidara had left some clues that they hadn't noticed, causing the chasers to follow up so quickly.

"It's noisy, Deidara."

Payne glanced aside at Deidara. There was not enough chasing soldiers, and there were two more calls.

"No, this Jinchūriki is a little harder to deal with than before."

Deidara protested a little awkwardly, after all, he was not lightly hammered.

Sasori said, watching the excitement nearby.

"So I told you before that your ninjutsu is not suitable for covert attacks."

"It's you Deidara to attract so many powerful chasers so quickly."

Sasuke is always unprovoked by Deidara because of Sharingan, and this time he also found a chance to counter him.

"Sasori Dan, isn't the trap you set up too exaggerated?"

"Sharingan kid don't face me..."

"Don't start fighting, now focus on surgery."

Payne stopped the bickering of several people in time.

"Just use that technique."

Now most people are phantoms and can only use Xiang Zhuan Technique to intercept the enemy.

The Xiang Zhuan Technique needs to use 30% of the Chakra of the body, while maintaining the sealing technique, it also consumes 30% of the Chakra.

Except Kisame, it is a certain load for everyone.

"Kisame, you go to intercept the ghost lantern full moon and them, Sasuke, Itachi, you two go to deal with the people over Kakashi."

As soon as Payne's voice fell, a muffled complaint suddenly came from outside the boulder.

"Eh~ Isn't there someone to deal with me?" Shao.

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