Since Sasori made himself a puppet, he basically entered a state of not eating or drinking.

Hatake Sosuke put a bunch of things on the table, but Sasori doesn't really want to eat.

And although the person Hatake Sosuke greets you very warmly, there is actually only one set of knives, forks and chopsticks.

Sasori can't grasp it with his hands, so he drank his first sip of water in more than a decade.

After he heard Hatake Sosuke's words, the saliva did not pass through the digestive system, but flew out through the nose and mouth together.

"Cough...cough cough cough cough cough..."

Fortunately, this body does not have the uncomfortable feeling of choking in the nasal cavity, Sasori just turned his head and coughed twice.

Ha, too, he was careless.

How can someone who can tell the ghost lamp full moon to make a sea in Sunagakure Zhongke coconut tree say anything reasonable?

He shouldn't pick up this glass of water and drink it while Hatake Sosuke is talking.

Still underestimated this guy.

"I almost understand why everyone can't help you."

"Do you really know what you are talking about?!"

"It's luck for you to save me back, so how can you bring me back, kid."

"How can the people of the Akatsuki organization be so talkative, and you don't understand what happened to the defecting organization."

"Isn't Orochimaru the best example?"

Sasori took a few sheets of paper to wipe off the water on his face, and couldn't help but frown and stared at Hatake Sosuke.


Hatake Sosuke cut the cake on the table with a knife, and crossed a piece of cake with a thoughtful expression.

His eyes fell on the cake, but he looked like he was thinking about something, not his usual grinning expression.

"In short, we weigh the pros and cons, and most people will not leave the organization rashly."

"Although Deidara doesn't seem very reliable, he still has this ability to think calmly."

"Winning him is not that simple."

Sasori tried his best to talk about the infeasibility of this matter.

In other words, ordinary people can't raise this kind of question.

That is, Hatake Sosuke will ask.

After Sasori finished speaking, he raised his eyes and glanced at Hatake Sosuke briefly.

He was still thinking about holding the small piece of cake, but fortunately he didn't directly say anything more amazing.

It seems to be really thinking.

Sasori's heart settled for a while, and this guy thought it out. The people in Akatsuki's organization are not so easy to dig into the wall.

Sure enough, this guy said such words just casually.

Obviously there are still so many puppet techniques that he hasn't taught himself, but this guy is always thinking about some things here.

It's really anxious.

However, the distance between Sasori and Hatake Sosuke and the speed of progress is also a problem. In short, although the puppets are not too nervous, Sasori still feels a little dissatisfied.

Seeing Hatake Sosuke seemed to be questioned, Sasori let out a sigh of relief.

There was no other reason, it was the way Hatake Sosuke was stumped by him, which made him feel a sense of accomplishment.

At last it wasn't that I was bullied by this kid.

After Sasori breathed a sigh of relief, he looked at the food on the table and spoke to Hatake Sosuke.

"You really want me..."

"Is this strawberry flavor or Sakura peach flavor... I seem to have eaten Sakura peach yesterday."

Hatake Sosuke's voice rang abruptly, directly interrupting what Sasori wanted to say behind him.

Hatake Sosuke stuffed the cake on the fork into his mouth, chewing on his cheeks.

Sasori opened his mouth, as if he didn't think about saying anything for a while.

The corner of Hatake Sosuke's mouth was still standing with white cream, and the corner of that thin lip rose slightly, revealing a smile that seemed like nothing good.

"Didn't you know him~? Then you seduce it."


Hatake Sosuke couldn't stop her pair of long eyelashes from fluttering behind her with sunglasses.

It was innocent as if the person who said the outrageous thing was not him.


"what are you talking about!?!!!"

Sasori may never have thought that one day he would be said to him, so go and seduce him.

What is this, seductive?

No, what is this, what a mess.

Sasori of Red Sand, 35 years old at the time, looks like a little boy who is only five years old and less than one meter old.

The task is to seduce a 19-year-old explosive young man in a dangerous organization.

It sounds outrageous, people at least, shouldn't.

It's in various senses, but people with normal brains can't make it.

"It's not for you to do something...what are you doing with such a big reaction."

Hatake Sosuke raised his brows and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

"When you were partnering with Deidara, you should have shown him your body, the fifteen-year-old one."

Sasori paused for a moment, then nodded subtly.

Although he has left Fei Liuhu very rarely, he would still come out when he personally polished Fei Liuhu.

Polishing the puppet, there is no need to avoid your teammates.

Deidara has seen it a handful of times.

"The dead teammate appeared next to him as a child!"

"This feeling is very curious, right?"

"Even if you can pretend not to care, it will attract people's attention and make him feel curious."

Hatake Sosuke's gaze brightened, as if he had thought of a good idea, he said to Sasori.

"Um...ah, let's have a little bit."

Sasori frowned and thought about it. When he saw someone who was like a former acquaintance, he might walk past silently, pretending not to see it.

But with Deidara's character, although he wouldn't rush up to say hello, he would definitely follow it to see if it was someone he knew before.

Hatake Sosuke opened his mouth and beckoned to Sasori.

Although Sasori had eight hundred reluctances, he still leaned in and put his ear on Hatake Sosuke's mouth.

Hatake Sosuke whispered to him after a while.

Sasori's already twitching brows were even more uncontrollable.

He opened his mouth slightly and looked at Garna who was standing by the window not far away.

There was an incredible expression on Sasori's face.

This is indeed an approach that he has not considered, not only that he hasn't thought of it.

Even in this matter, there is still a certain possibility of implementation.

Is this the thinking direction of the strong, the difference from his thinking direction?

Hatake Sosuke said that this matter was serious, and he really wanted to bring Deidara back.

"Although you have a lot of weird ideas...but to be honest, it feels okay."

"Hmm~ Do you have any idea where he might go next?".

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