Sasori raised his head to think hard, and his mind turned quickly.

"His possible destination..."

The remaining contact between him and Deidara is not very much, this kind of thing has to be said.

Deidara had discussed with him before, after finishing One Tail, he should go find some clay.

"Every clay has a different feeling."

"Some clays are very suitable for conducting Chakra, and some clays are not suitable for conducting Chakra."

"There are some different reactions to Chakra. Anyway, I am looking for a better clay, eh!"

Deidara said this next to him before.

Sasori was oiling the joints of the puppets to maintain their flexibility and aggressiveness.

Deidara talked very vigorously next to him, and he just didn't match each other-and echoed a few times.

"Oh, that's it."

Clay can be used on puppets, that is, pottery made of clay can be placed on puppets.

Chiyo had taught Sasori before, but he rarely used it.

Because clay pottery is used on the puppet, the conductivity of Chakra is very high.

Normal clay is not up to standard, even the type of clay that Deidara often uses, putting it on top of the puppet will cause conductivity problems.

Clay is used to explode in Deidara's hands, at best it is not exploded, or Chakra has been injected for too long.

The effect produced by the essence will not be too much of a problem.

But if you put it on top of the puppet, it will be different. If one is not suitable, the puppet will be slow to move.

In layman's terms, it is a delay.

The delay in the puppets manipulated by the puppet master is not a trivial matter.

Sometimes they will be impressed by the issue of their life and death.

"Ah—really, Sasori Dan, did you listen to me?"

Deidara stretched out a hand to reach Sasori's face, and her tongue stuck out from her mouth in her palm, as if she was making a face at him.

Without raising his head, Sasori poked Deidara's hand perfunctorily with the back of the dipping pen like a brush in his hand and spread his hand away.

Immediately, Sasori said to Deidara the name in his impression.

"Tao Zhiguo."

"Next to the country of Sichuan, at the junction of the country of wind and the country of fire."

That place is near Kawa no Kuni, and Sasori went to that place with Chiyo when he was young.

The commonality of puppet masters may be that they see something useful and want to put them on top of the puppet.

This is true of Chiyo, and so is Sasori.

It's just that Chiyo will study more other things, and Sasori mostly studies various poisons.

"Oh-this is not your hometown!"

"Take me to take a look at that time! Hmm!"

Deidara said enthusiastically.

Although Sasori is different from his artistic aesthetics, he knows a lot about these messy things.

And it makes Sasori say good clay, and it feels very exciting to think about it.

"I see, let's prepare to deal with One Tail first."

Sasori waved his hand perfunctorily, and casually dismissed Deidara.

Well, but the life of licking blood with the tip of a knife really is not sure which one will come first, accident or tomorrow.

Although they agreed so at the time, Sasori turned his head and ‘dead’ in One Tail’s recapture station.

The chestnut skins next to Hatake Sosuke were piled up in a small pile, obviously, his mouth didn't stop as he spoke.

It looks like I want to eat all the snacks I haven't eaten recently.

"Is there any kind of place around here?"

"Then go take a look, anyway, haven't you long been dead now?"

"Deidara probably hasn't been there yet."

It's boring to always stay in the country of the wind. It's not impossible to travel to neighboring countries.

The reason Deidara hasn't been there is not only because Sasori hasn't been dead for long.

Another more reliable reason is that Tao Zhiguo didn't have any serious rumors.

Now the person wearing a black robe with a red cloud and a hat is almost a wanted criminal.

If Deidara had been there, 80% of Tao Zhiguo would ask for help, or let the news out.

They don't have much news about that country now.

Hatake Sosuke nodded firmly after thinking for a while, threw the chestnut in his hand into his mouth, and then patted his hands.

Although it’s true that it’s been a long time since death, it sounds weird just like that...

Sasori couldn't help but sneered at Hatake Sosuke's words secretly.

"It's just the place where all kinds of porcelain are made."

"The country is not big, and the entire country relies on porcelain production and sales."

· ····Seeking flowers············

"The previous wartime was not very good, but now that there is no war, it should be well developed."

Sasori thought about it, then he pulled a plate of cakes that didn't look so fancy and ate it.

Although Hatake Sosuke said that Sasori's body is now able to eat, but it feels very empty, just chewing.

He still has no sense of touch, taste, or pain.

Although he just wanted to lose these "useless" feelings, so he gradually killed himself, and finally turned himself into a puppet.

A subtle sense of nothingness...

This has never happened before.

Sasori raised his eyes slightly and looked at Hatake Sosuke, who was thinking about things while poking away the food with a fork.

...... ........ 0

Blame this guy always eating in front of him.

Hatake Sosuke wears sunglasses, although he can see his eyes, but he can't see any expression.

"Well, I'll fix the time. Anyway, it shouldn't take long."

"At that time, you have to do something like a bit~"

Hatake Sosuke put down his fork and got up from the chair, leaned over and stretched out his fingers to bring his face closer, and said to Sasori.

"Ah... isn't it just like a ghost?"

"I see."

Sasori turned his head awkwardly, letting himself and Hatake Sosuke some distance.


Hatake Sosuke straightened up, folded his hands together, and strolled out freely.

Sasori sighed slightly, then couldn't help but glance at Hatake Sosuke's back.

This guy is quite prepared...asked in such detail.

Although it usually doesn't seem to be very reliable, when he encounters something he really wants to do, he will do it perfectly.

Sasori nodded thoughtfully, feeling that his previous knowledge of Hatake Sosuke was a bit too one-sided.

Just when Sasori secretly praised Hatake Sosuke, he heard the man's frivolous self-talk from outside the door.

"Well~ If you go out to play, what should I get~"

The voice is not loud, but the lethality is extremely high. Sasori's just prepared to clean up the plates that Hatake Sosuke had made.

He stretched out his hand and then clenched it tightly into a fist.

One should not believe that this person has a reliable side. Spoon.

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