Hatake Sosuke spit out his tongue innocently, then turned his head back and made a grimace at Deidara.

No way, after all, Hatake Sosuke is too confusing, and many people think he is a very reliable person.

The result is just doing whatever you want.

"Please don't destroy the porcelain that can bloom."

"It is already very rare. If it continues to be destroyed like this, not only the technology, but also the proof of existence will be lost."

After a few people walked to the location close to the current village chief's house, they couldn't help but stretch out their hands to block the nouveau riche scent emanating from the house.

There was still a circle of villagers around the door, looking like they were watching the excitement.

Several people also leaned forward with some good things, and judging from the sound from the inside, it seemed that something was going on.

As they leaned into the crowd, Deidara whispered to Sasori next to him.

"Obviously listening to what you said, it seems like this guy's father is an artist."

"But this kind of aesthetic doesn't seem to work at all, 14, eh."

And as soon as I came over, I saw this almost imploring scene. The current village head didn't look good from aesthetics to character.

Hatake Sosuke found a spot in front of the crowd and raised his eyes, looking at it curiously.

Sasori has no time to answer Deidara's words because of his height. With his current height, there is a leg around him.

I was so annoyed that Hatake Sosuke had to adjust his height after going back.

At least give him a height that can see around him clearly!

Don't transform others into children just because you like children, that guy!

Garna paused, he didn't like to walk past such crowded places.

However, Sasori seemed to be losing himself in the crowd, and he held Sasori up with due diligence.

Then he put him on his shoulder so that he could see the surrounding situation clearly.

The golden armor on Garna's body sprang up, and for an instant everyone around him opened a way for him.

Hatake Sosuke turned his head and glanced a little amused.

I didn't expect that the armor had the effect of dispelling the crowd, but it would be too conspicuous to come here.

Deidara's eyes lit up, and several people gathered together.

"Sure enough, this will still happen, eh."

"Sasori Dan, are you reluctant to walk? When you used Fei Liuhu before, you lay there and let him take you with you, huh."

The expression on Deidara's face was a little bit more disgusting.

That kind, there will be people who are so lazy to look in the eyes.

"Just as you talk a lot, aren't you the one who usually walks on top of the bird?"

Sasori sat on Garner's shoulder and kicked aside without hesitation.

Although it is true, isn't it his freedom to use puppets?

Hatake Sosuke had complained about his height before, but the kid Deidara still wanted to complain about his posture in the puppet.

Fei Liuhu is so big, what else can he do without lying in it.

It always feels like Sasori's status has been lowered frequently since he came to Hatake Sosuke.

Sure enough, is it because this body is too cute?

It would be nice if I could be another Fei Liuhu, Sasori thought about it a little differently.

"What's the use of holding that kind of thing?

"Set aside the place to store things that can really be sold!"

"Artistic, what's the use of being an artist?"

"Anyway, after all, it's a group of poor people who can't eat enough to eat. If I didn't come to make changes for you, could you make so much money?!"

A man in colorful clothes rebuked the man kneeling on the ground.

The dress was even studded with diamonds, it was really earthy and vulgar, and it exuded a disgusting feeling like the whole building.

Even Hatake Sosuke, who has no desire for artistic taste, vaguely feels a bit spicy.

It is also very powerful to make him feel like this for a man who can do anything.

There were also some white fragments scattered on the ground, emitting warm and dazzling reflections under the dim sunlight.

This is the drawback of porcelain. It is too fragile, just as fragile as human life.

Sasori's eyes sank, but even so, he wasn't very used to this guy's speech.

"If Master Moroccan sees you like this..."

The person kneeling on the ground whispered a little sadly, and immediately slapped the person without hesitation, and directly shot the person out.

This guy didn't seem to listen to his own father's affairs, and yelled angrily for a while.

"People who talk about art are just a bunch of arrogant, self-reliant, unwilling to look directly at reality!"

"How is the art, how is the blossom, are those things really meaningful?"

"The most important thing is to have money. You always have to afford food to think about the things that have nothing."

"I think I am special, huh."

Ah, an interesting speech has appeared.

Although a large number of people do judge art in this way, these words are undoubtedly mentally stimulating the two people next to them.

Artists do this stuff to despise each other with ordinary people. This kind of situation is actually quite common.

After all, it's true that the artist is self-reliant on his own merits...

Hatake Sosuke looked aside with a bit of excitement.

Although Sasori's face was not good, he didn't mean to do anything.

Although it feels unpleasant to be scolded, it is someone else’s business after all, and it is not a good thing to make too much noise here.

"Don't do it here."

Sasori glanced helplessly at Deidara next to him.

The green veins on the forehead that were almost visible to the naked eye flared up, and Deidara lifted the knife bag that was hidden under Xiao's robe, and reached in with a hand.

"He already insulted art so much, I can kill him, eh!"

Deidara stared at the horrible burning annoyed. He was nineteen years old. To be precise, he might not have passed his puberty yet.

When it comes to art issues, he is easy to get involved.

"Although it's not impossible, we still have to go in after dark."

Hatake Sosuke gave Deidara a sly smile across Sasori in the middle.

Deidara understood it, and immediately threw out a bunch of small white clay spiders from her hands. She didn't seem to realize that there was something on her clothes.

After all, those clay spiders are smaller than the diamonds on his clothes.

"What's so interesting, get me back to work!"

Hatake Sosuke reached out his hand and shook his index finger as soon as he finished speaking.

uh-huh. .

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