The moment Hao Shao turned and walked towards the huge building behind him, the small white spider sticking to him exploded in an instant.

His pants were also easily torn off, as if some unknown force appeared around him.

"What's the matter?! What!?"

"My clothes!!! Ah ah ah!!!"

The burning voice screamed like a pig. He grabbed his half-taken trousers with one hand, and hurriedly wanted to take off his coat.

After the explosion, while the jacket clinked down with broken diamonds, a burst of flame rose up, and choking black smoke was emitted from the Hao Shou body.

Obviously, the bodyguard next to him hadn't anticipated this situation, and hurriedly stepped forward to block the burnt and fat body, and hurriedly pulled his trousers and took off his coat.

All the onlookers around were just angrily reprimanded, and just as they were about to leave, they saw the embarrassing look of Burning.

Unanimously, he showed a lively smile.

But they didn't dare to stay longer, they just turned and left while snickering.


Deidara burst into loud laughter without any scruples.

Separating from Garna and Sasori standing in the middle, he stretched out his hand and slapped Hatake Sosuke.

Hatake Sosuke also smiled slightly.

Although Sasori is the oldest in terms of age, he couldn't help sighing when he saw this scene.

What are you doing, are these two really kids?

In this case, he actually did such a tricky thing.

Forget Deidara, this kid has always been this virtue.

Why does Hatake Sosuke follow the foolishness, even though this person doesn't do anything weird.

Even if it was such a mess with Deidara, Sasori would feel excusable.

In a sense, this matter is also very subtle.

"What are you still doing on your knees, get out of here~"!"


Hao Shao furiously blasted at the man kneeling next to him. The man was holding his face before he could react, and blinked in a dazed manner.

Immediately after hearing Deidara's burst of laughter from behind, he turned his head and glared at him angrily.

Hao Shao seems to want to curse them too, but these people are dressed strangely, and they all show the expression of killing you when they dare to speak to us.

The pig-like lips quivered twice, and he swallowed the words in his throat abruptly.

These people seem to be raw faces, and the combination is very strange.

The clothes that Hatake Sosuke wears are low-key and expensive. Although Hatake Sosuke is dismissive of art, he is very sensitive to things that go hand in hand with money.

In addition, even if Hatake Sosuke wears sunglasses on his face, look at his figure and part of his face.

This guy is a handsome guy again, as if he doesn't know where he is traveling.

There are traders all around here, so it wouldn’t be strange if there were such people.

Turns to look at Deidara, although smiling arrogantly and unscrupulously.

But the hat on his head and the hanging tassels almost blocked his entire face.

Although he is doing something that attracts people's attention, he himself seems to be very mysterious and has a strong sense of contradiction.

Garna and Sasori look very different, they should not be relatives, but they look very close.

And Garna was naked with gold with thorns.

It's hard to look away.

Sitting on the man's shoulders was a five or six-year-old child with red eyes and yellow eyes, dressed like a child from Sunagakure.

She looks quite petite and cute, but she has a sense of indifference and alienation that does not match her age.

When the four of them watched the hot burn, they all exuded an unpleasant aura.

There is even a feeling that one step closer will die.

Hao Shao stalked for a moment, but didn't say anything, didn't judge them too much, just hurriedly left and returned to the house.

"Those security guards look nothing special, eh."

Deidara said to the people next to her.

After making fun of the violent burning, they didn't want to stay, and a few people turned around and prepared to leave to go nearby.

After all, after they have investigated the surrounding area and eat something, they are ready to blow up this place to see if there is anything they need inside.

Hatake Sosuke might consider teleporting to investigate and investigate if he was a good person.

Make plans based on the situation.

But now, although he has the brain for economic development, he is also a violent-kun person. Let Deidara blow up here.

As a puppet master, Sasori is not as good as a perception-type ninja, but some traces can be seen.

There is no ninja in this place.

There is no such thing as a ninja military force in such a small country. For them, hiring thugs is almost enough.

Then, with this strength gap, they can make a seven-in and seven-out without saying anything.

As soon as Sasori was about to speak, he was suddenly interrupted by the voice behind him.

".~Ah...Thank you, it was your hands and feet just now..."

A timid voice rang from behind, and the person who had been slapped with the slap just now stood a little cramped behind them.

Deidara and Hatake Sosuke turned their heads.

"It's not helping you, I'm just so angry that he talks about art like that! Hmm!"

Deidara nodded and said.

He is lacking in interest in helping people out, but he burns the word art so insultingly, but he feels deeply angry.

Regardless of whether the scorching fire hits people or who they hit, as long as he says that, Deidara will be angry.

"I felt very fun, so I did it~"

Hatake Sosuke narrowed his eyes and smiled like a fox.

He doesn't mean to help people who don't know him at all, but (Wang Qian Zhao) is Deidara's childish behavior, which makes him want to tease people together.

Sasori generally doesn't do this kind of thing, even a little too cautious, lacking a lot of fun.

Sure enough, Deidara is also very cute.

"Yo Xi, let's go, let's go, I'm hungry, is there anything delicious around here—"

"It's getting dark."

That person obviously hadn't realized that these two people were purely arbitrary people, and at a loss, he didn't know what to say.

Hatake Sosuke didn't bother to waste time on such an insignificant person, and lazily dragged the people on both sides to find food.

It is more appropriate to take Deidara away within a day, and it may cause unnecessary trouble if you drag it here for a long time.

For example, people are familiar with things like them.

"This place looks different from Sunagakure. Is there any special snacks?"

"Yes, soil.".

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