"Have you read it wrong? Was there someone there just now?"

Several security guards glanced at each other suspiciously. Although they couldn't see clearly, it seemed that a dark shadow did flash past.

"The genius just got dark, don't scare yourself."

"Even if someone really comes, just a few of us in this body shape, can't stop it?"

"But if it's troublesome like a thief, you guys should be on guard."

There is a relatively large flow of people inside and outside Tao Zhiguo, so it is not possible to make sure that there is no one inside who will do some petty theft.

However, the thieves here are not that powerful, and it is not easy for them to subdue those people.

Hao Shao's house is very large. Except for the corridor courtyard, walking tens of meters in is a formal house.

This place is designed like a villa, but it has several floors.

Looking in from the window, the decoration is very ordinary. Although it looks magnificent on the outside, it is a mess inside.

Hatake Sosuke shook his head slightly, feeling like a nouveau riche building a house in the village.

Although in the eyes of ignorant outsiders, it may be a luxurious look.

But if someone with a little bit of aesthetics looked at it, they would definitely frown.

The front wall, or the whole house, is decorated with a variety of colorful tiles, and there are also tiles of different colors and stairs.

There is also a huge hanging painting on the wall that can be seen.

Hao Shao's distorted face was looking down at everyone on it, with fat head and big ears, and even the oil on his face could be seen clearly because the photo was too clear.

Why should such an ugly photo be hung where you can see it as soon as you enter the door!

Seeing it, it feels like myocardial infarction.

But if I look at such an ugly face every day, it seems that I can forgive the people here for their poor aesthetics.

Hatake Sosuke nodded thoughtfully with an expression that he wanted to open.

"Who is there!"

"What about the security? Why did you let the thief in?!"

The sound of burning fire rang from the stairs, and he clearly saw Hatake Sosuke standing at the door staring thoughtfully at the photo.

But he also just spotted this person, and when he shouted out, Hatake Sosuke turned his head and glanced at him.

Then disappeared in place.


A sweet scent of wind swiftly passed from the side of Hao Shao's face, and then the candle closest to him swayed a few times before disappearing.

Not extinguished, but completely disappeared.

Hao Burn's home not only has candles, but also electric lights.

So even if the candle disappears, the burning can be seen clearly.

After a short silence, a cold sweat broke out from behind the fierce fever, and his legs were soft and frightened and sat on the ground.

In just a few seconds, the sweat from his back directly soaked his clothes.

The plump lips trembled a few times, and then let out a scream of horror.

"There is a ghost——!!!"

Hatake Sosuke lightly fell in front of the kiln used to make porcelain. He held a candle in one hand and blocked his ear with the other.

"very noisy."

Hatake Sosuke frowned slightly disgustedly, and after the scream of burning was over, he let go of his hand.

He was holding the burning candle beside him in his hand, and the candle light was swaying slightly with his movements.

This is a kiln for making porcelain. People here make a living by selling porcelain. Almost every household has such a kiln.

Hatake Sosuke raised the candle in his hand and looked up, and the tall chimney went straight to the sky, although it seemed to have been used for many years.

But looking at the traces left around it, it should have not been used for several years.

Not surprisingly, after Mo Shao and other technicians left, this place lost its use value.

Hatake Sosuke held a candle in his hand, and a shining fire light shone on his face.

It seems weird indescribably.

As for the reason why he can stay here for so long with the candle, it is also because the surrounding area is actually covered with various seals.

Hatake Sosuke turned his head blankly and looked behind him, almost surrounded by various seals.

In addition to the seals forbidden to enter, there are also some seals with strange charms painted on them.

Maybe this place had been sealed by the seal technique before, but as of now, it has all been invalidated.

The seals are both new and old. Hatake Sosuke pulled the seal a few times with his hands, revealing that the old seal was yellowed and torn inside.

"The reason there is no security is that this place is forbidden."

"It's just a kiln. Isn't it strange to list this place as a forbidden place."

Hatake Sosuke became more and more interested. He walked back and forth with the candle, and then leaned over into the dark kiln with the candle.

This kiln is larger than most people's outside. It seems that many large objects should have been fired before. At least ordinary people have made porcelain at most.

But Hatake Sosuke can walk into the kiln directly.

"Grey-haired ghost?"

"Hurry up and settle down, let's go see the situation!"

The security captain aggressively directed several security guards to bring the limp burnt back to the room for a rest, and arranged for a few others to follow him to inspect other places.

"...Go and look around the kiln. If you have any questions, come back and tell me. Don't go in and investigate rashly."

Hao Shao actually has a vague idea about haunted things.

He took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, we got it."

After the security captain responded, he took a few people to different directions.

The person who saw the dark shadow on the wall before saw the burning and left, and jumped up to speak.

"Let's take a look! I thought that was not a thief at the time, he was not a human at all."

"No one can disappear in the blink of an eye!"

"But there are rumors in my hometown that there will be ghosts in the middle of the night, why things start to happen right after dark."

The security team was whispering while holding a flashlight to the front of the kiln that Hao Shao said.

"Who knows, but I don't think there will be any ghosts, after all we have been here for a long time."

A security guard muttered quietly next to him.

The probability of a thief entering this place is much higher than the probability of entering a ghost. Although they are walking while chatting, the closer they are to the kiln, the more they feel frightened.

Not only the scary seals that I saw at night, but also the dark kiln entrance, it was really scary to look at this night.

Immediately, the security captain seemed to be aware of something, and suddenly shouted in a low voice to the person next to him.

"Put down all flashlights."

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