"It's dark, why turn off the flashlight."

"You don't have to go in, look outside, okay, don't scare us."

The security guards panicked for a while, and whispered to each other.

The security captain waved vigorously at them, and several people walked to the back and turned on their flashlights.

The people standing in front reluctantly turned off their flashlights, but after the dazzling light disappeared, they suddenly noticed something floating in the middle of the kiln entrance.


As soon as someone wanted to call out, the person next to him covered his mouth.

Everyone looked at the constantly floating things in the kiln mouth with fear, their legs were weak, and they cautiously stepped forward step by step.

There is still a certain distance between the seal and the kiln mouth, and they are not very real at first glance.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly calmed down, with only a few faint sounds of clothing rubbing, and it seemed that there was a tense atmosphere for a while.

Everyone's heart is about to jump out of his mouth.

They stared at the kiln mouth intently.

That's right, the candle is really floating in the air, and the candlelight is constantly swaying with the surrounding airflow.

"Candle, floating in midair."

"Isn't that candle... the candle that disappeared in the stairs?"

The candles in the stairs are all these stubby white candles. If they are used well, they will be very emotional. If they are not used well, they will have this kind of atmosphere like going to a grave.

In the darkness, a white candle stood in the center of the kiln mouth.

A burst of cold wind blew past everyone's necks, and they all felt a burst of cool breeze coming out of their backs, the cold sweat was blown dry, and the clothes behind them were standing sticky on their backs.

It's too scary.

Just when they were going to look for it with a flashlight to take a good look at the candle.

Only a loud "creak--" sound was heard.

These people themselves were in a state of extreme panic. As soon as they heard this sound, everyone closed their eyes, for fear that when they opened their eyes, a grimly white-haired female ghost would stand in front of them.

"Cracking~"La" amidst the noise, many people's flashlights fell off. Some people not only closed their eyes tightly, but even tightly covered their ears with two hands.

I don't know if I am afraid of hearing ghosts or what.

Hatake Sosuke holds a candle in one hand, and in the other hand a secret tunnel opened under the kiln entrance.

He glanced at the expressions of a group of brawny men in front of him that were so frightened by the sound that tears were almost streaming out, and he couldn't help but laugh slightly.


Immediately, he jumped directly into the dark tunnel, but the candle was still on the ground.

The few people standing outside the seal paused for a long time, then carefully squinted their eyes and shone the flashlight in their hands.

However, at this time, a solitary white candle was placed in the center of the kiln mouth like a grave.

Otherwise, there is nothing there.

"You guys, open your eyes, it seems to be gone, ghost...!"

"The candle is on the ground!"

Several security guards hesitated and opened their eyes when they heard the sound, and then they all saw the candles resting on the ground, but there was no one around them.

They couldn't even find out where the creaking sound came from.

It's too weird in every sense.

"I... I heard you just now!"

"It's the laughter of that ghost!!!"

One of them said with trembling lips. The ghost's laughter was quite soft. If they hadn't been so scared just now, they might not have heard the laughter.

But not long after that laughter, someone shouted that it was all right.

It's weird in all kinds of meanings. Did the ghost pass by them? That's why the candle was left in place.

"Yes, I thought I was the only one who heard it!"

"Scared me!!"

As long as one person stands up and speaks, someone will surely go along with it.

Several people were muttering outside, but no one dared to go in and take out the candles. After all, Hao Burn also said that they would check this place.

However, they have been told not to get too close to this place, as long as they have checked.


After a clear voice, a group of security guards turned their heads to look at the building where the fire was located.

All the lights were extinguished in a dazzling moment, the whole house was plunged into darkness in an instant, and even a few panes of glass shattered crisply.

"Ah!! The ghost is over!"

Immediately a person screamed. He looked at the building in horror, his heart almost jumping out of his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, someone may have broken in, go over and take a look!"

Although almost everyone had this idea, the security captain interrupted these statements in time and rushed to the main floor with people.

After all, their first task is not to catch ghosts, but to protect from burns.

Although Hao Shao left some people around, but with such a big battle, those people might not be enough.

A group of people walked toward the already pitch-black building like a haunted house.

A breeze blew by, and the candle placed above the kiln's mouth shook, and then went out with the wind.

A wisp of green smoke floated up, emitting a faint burnt smell.

". ~ Let's say yes, as expected."

Hatake Sosuke's voice rang in the dark tunnel, too quiet and empty underground, and his voice even produced an echo.

The secret path is actually a nearly vertical ladder, it seems that there is no plan to let the people below come up, or let the people above go down.

After walking almost tens of meters of steps, Hatake Sosuke stepped on a solid ground.

(Wang Qian Zhao)   Although there are some unevenness, but it is not a step down the intestines.

It's also pitch black below, and it feels like a good material for summer talk.

Although Hatake Sosuke does not need lights to see things.

But it belongs to sensing things, and cannot be exactly said to be seeing.

So he still took a candle on a small wooden table. There were more than half of the slender candle left. There were also some record books on the table.

Look at those things when they can come out.

With this thought, Hatake Sosuke lit the candle and walked over with the light step by step thinking of the depths.

This flat ground is very large and wide, there is no problem with three or four people in parallel, and the two sides are separated by iron fences like a prison.

There is still a seal on the iron fence, but because of the long time, those things have turned yellow and brittle.

Hatake Sosuke's eyes fell into the cage. .

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