Hatake Sosuke sighed silently.

No matter how you look at it, Deidara doesn't fit his clothes very well, don't just find it nearby and just put him around.

Garna acted as a clothes peg next to him, watching Hatake Sosuke tilt his head innocently.

And because of the identity of Hatake Sosuke, his clothes don't even seem to match the ninja very well.

Compared to the ninja, his clothes are more modern, although this is also to restore Gojo Satoru's sake.

Fortunately, Hatake Sosuke didn't have the habit of locking the door in the full moon, so Hatake Sosuke pulled out a few clothes from his closet and gave Deidara some clothes.

Although the room under the full moon of the ghost lantern was cleaned up, it seemed that the owner did not leave for a long time.

Hatake Sosuke thoughtfully waited for Deidara to change his clothes.

Blue eyes and long yellow hair are too recognizable.

Something inevitably went wrong, Hatake Sosuke and Sasori hesitated, and pressed Deidara to cut his hair into short hair that didn't fit on the shoulders.

The forehead protector was also taken off and Hatake Sosuke randomly found a place to plug it up.

In this place, being an ordinary person is more convenient than being a ninja.

"There is no way, although you can change yourself with the transformation technique~"

"But in order to prevent exposure, let's cut your hair first."

Deidara reluctantly pulled his hair, which was probably only as short as a child, in front of the mirror, so he couldn't say anything, so he sighed softly.

The hair left in front of him basically has no possibility of being combed back. Although it has become shorter, it still hangs down from time to time to block his eyes.

Hatake Sosuke pulled out two clips from the drawer, pinned his hair to the side, revealing his entire face completely.

"Why do you have everything here!?"

"And don't you think you know too much, huh."

Deidara turned her head to Hatake Sosuke with some white purpose.

It looks the same, but it looks different.

Small changes are enough to change the impression of others.

Hatake Sosuke knows that when humans remember others, most of them remember his characteristics.

For example, members of the Akatsuki organization would wear a black robe with a red cloud and a hat with white tassels.

In fact, they can't really see what the people inside look like.

People label each other to remember others.

By removing those features that can be used as one's conspicuous labels, you can achieve the goal of'changing faces' without being overly disfigured.

"I know how to fight and do these things again, eh."

"You are not something that came out of a magic lamp..."

Deidara couldn't help but muttered quietly.

Most people are focused on one thing, and the one thing Grandmaster.

In other words, I know everything, but not very Grandmaster.

But Hatake Sosuke can actually do all the things Grandmaster does, some full-time, Hatake Sosuke is better than them.

Is this guy really a human?

If he had Chakra, it would make people feel a little unreasonable, after all, whether it was ninjutsu or something else.

As long as Chakra is involved, it must be something Deidara and the others can do, but they have not practiced enough.

But Hatake Sosuke does not have Chakra, he has nothing, doing such outrageous things makes people feel normal...

"It's not a difficult task, I will do everything~"

This is just a new look, and it's not the first time he has done this kind of thing. He has already become quite skilled in his business.

Hatake Sosuke clapped his hands with satisfaction, and glanced lightly at the mirror next to him.

"This shouldn't be a problem..."

"Don't be too public in the research room, although I don't care much, most people here have never seen you."

"But if someone who has seen you recognizes you, I don't want to clean up the mess for you."

Hagii Sosuke put his finger up and shook it in front of Deidara.

Immediately after taking the two of them out, the three of them walked in the corridor of the scientific research area.

Hatake Sosuke brought a lot of people back and forth, and few people in the research area noticed who Hatake Sosuke brought.

They greeted each other in a hurry and left.

"I'm going to settle the clay and where you and Garna are."

"You can study with him. If you feel bored, I will assign you tasks that require you to go out."

"But the identity you claim to the outside world belongs to Mist Shinobi."

Hatake Sosuke walked quickly through the corridor with long legs.

Deidara nodded thoughtfully. If he does the task, he really needs a place to belong.

It belongs to Kirigakure, but Hatake Sosuke temporarily thought of a place to go. Deidara cannot have too large-scale and compelling actions in Sunagakure.

If he were directly classified into the category of Sunagakure, this kid would definitely reveal his stuff, and he could blow up people in front of others.

Forget it.

The whole thing in the sun.

"Mist Shinobi? You guy is still in contact with Kirigakure! But speaking of it, I just thought the owner of this dress's name was a bit familiar, huh."

"But I don't remember clearly..."

Deidara pursed her lips, and said thoughtfully.

How many places does Hatake Sosuke have contact with? There is such a big underground research room in Sand Shinobi that can even hide a lot of people.

My hometown is Konoha.

It sounds like Mist Shinobi is still a little unclear about the relationship. This guy in the five big countries knows people from three countries.

Is this a real ordinary person?

It feels almost impossible to understand.

"That's Fifth Mizukage, Three Tails is on the water country side."

"Three Tails does not have Jinchūriki, so we don't have much to investigate."

Jinchūriki still has life to investigate. You can see if Jinchūriki has any human weaknesses that can be exploited.

But Three Tails is just a big tortoise lying down under the water. Knowing the place, there is nothing to do.

Except for the difficulty of entering Kirigakure, as long as you enter, there will be no big problem catching Three Tails there.


"Before, Mizukage, in this place?! Hmm."

Deidara couldn't help covering her head. Why did the former Mizukage follow Hatake Sosuke in Sunagakure?

No matter how you think about it, this is strange, right? !

"Yes, but today he may have something that hasn't come out. Others are good."

Sasori turned his head and looked around. The full moon of the ghost lamp has really been absent. Hatake Sosuke is like a summoner. He is there when the full moon of the ghost lamp is.

The Kingdom of Wind still hides this kind of powerful stuff, which is a bit unexpected. .

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