The three of them chatted with each other, and soon passed through the underground passage to the underground cave not far away.

"Although I realized it a long time ago, you are really omnipotent, eh."

Deidara's eyes gleamed at the surrounding buildings. Although they were underground, the light and the scope were beyond imagination.

"You wouldn't have wanted to draw him in ~ come here."

Sasori stood at the door with her arms folded, her childish round face showed a kind of maturity that didn't match her face.

The whole underground was not made by Wood Style ninjas. It would be better to say that if Yamato were to build in seconds, there might be no hair left by Deidara in this place in a few days.

But if it weren't made by Yamato, this place should have been designed by Hatake Sosuke long ago.

He was already thinking about wooing Deidara?

Although it usually looks like a fool, nothing is harassing this person or harassing that person all day long.

But sure enough, every day is not just casual strolling, but what he has been planning.

Sasori Deidara was drawn by him, and Sasori has no special mission so far.

Hatake Sosuke seems to just treat him as a student guide, and he also has a lot of unfamiliar things about his current body.

But I won't draw them over for no reason.

It seems that Akatsuki draws them in to catch the tail beast, but Hatake Sosuke seems to have no clear purpose.

Do nothing, and everything seems to be moving forward in a state that they can't perceive.

In fact, it is a sense of concealment. Hatake Sosuke should be the same as Akatsuki. There is no big conspiracy.

But now either he doesn't want to say it, or he doesn't think it is necessary to say it.

Hatake Sosuke's attitude towards Sasori has always been, whatever you do, you just need to make no trouble.

Obviously from the current situation, he also has this attitude towards Deidara.


Hatake Sosuke seemed to be aware of something and raised his eyes slightly. What he did seemed to be just like a game he was on a whim.

"Don't think too much, it's useless for the weak to think too much anyway."

After all, even if you are aware of it, nothing can be changed.

Hatake Sosuke's voice was lowered a lot, it seemed to be for himself, and it seemed to be for Sasori.

Sasori frowned slightly, and he raised his amber eyes to look at Hatake Sosuke.

Hatake Sosuke's gaze flashed with a hint of cunning, and his eyes lit up like ice crystals, and he turned to look at Deidara who was excited and scurrying underground.

Although compared with him, neither of them might have any chance of winning.

But being so clearly described as a weak person, it is estimated that since Sasori learned puppetry, no one would say that to him.

He pursed his lips, as long as he got to know Hatake Sosuke deeply.

You will realize that this guy is not an unconditional good person. All his behaviors are pity for others from a height.

Hatake Sosuke disdain to care about people from the bottom of his heart. He is like a proud lion, disdainful of the weak and everyone.

What he did was just to take care of the weak who he was interested in.

Hatake Sosuke is very arrogant, a kind of arrogance that he may not necessarily be aware of.

It's like an action in the subconscious mind.

This guy is not a good stubborn.

However, people who can really do the Hatake Sosuke step are really rare. Although they are all rebels, they are also affiliated with the Akatsuki organization and have to do tasks every day.

It's just that the degree of freedom is higher. No one really likes to be a helpless rebellion. After all, a life without a source of funds is not for ordinary people to live.

"Ah, but how did you attract all those security guards?"

"And did you find the answer to what you said before? Huh."

Deidara had obviously adapted to her new home, and asked enthusiastically next to Hatake Sosuke who was moving the clay out of the system space.

They came back from Tao Zhiguo too suddenly. Just now they fiddled with other things. Taking advantage of this okay gap, he had time to ask Hatake Sosuke.

Although this matter has nothing to do with him, but idle is also idle, and Eight Trigrams is not a loss.

"That's just a guilty conscience that burned myself to do bad things."

"Well~ Actually, it's not something difficult to understand, whether it's Hanrui or the performance in the village, or according to Sasori's statement."

· ····Seeking flowers············

"Mosao should be a person who values ​​art very much, not economic development."

"Although everyone is not so poor that they cannot afford to eat, they are not particularly rich either."

Hatake Sosuke took a piece of clay in his hand and squeezed it.

"The clay used to make the so-called flowering is this kind of special clay. If you use this clay alone, it will last a lifetime."

"But everyone in Taozhiguo is relying on this clay for food, and the whole village is using it. It will definitely run out within a few years."

"After Ma Shao gave the location to Hao Shao, I decided to go with other people to find other places with this kind of clay."

"It's the New World that Hanru said."

...... ......... 0

"Maybe it is because if you find the mosaki, you have to study the flowering, and you have to go through things that are unclear and can't bring real wealth."

"So Hao Shao didn't ask them to find New World, but imprisoned everyone and killed them underground."

"Just buried in the kiln underground not far from the house."

Hatake Sosuke put the bottle-shaped clay back into the clay pile and stretched lazily.

"The reason why the security guards were attracted to the past was that the tyrannical burn recognized me as a ghost at first, thinking that it was the ghosts buried under the kiln that came out to cause trouble, so the security guards went to the kiln to inspect the situation."

"Although it was not intentional~ but it seems to have created a good opportunity for you."

Hatake Sosuke flew out a wink at Deidara.

He is not familiar with any of these people, even if he discovers something that they have not known for years, Hatake Sosuke will not answer it, and will not do extra things.

It is enough to solve his own doubts.

The burning is dead, and all things can only be guessed by themselves.

"Eh-sometimes I really don't know if you are ruthless or idle with nothing to do."

"But I didn't expect it to be such a thing, huh!"

Deidara nodded thoughtfully, then he shook his head again.

"Ah, forget it, this kind of thing doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, the person who insulted medical skills is dead, eh!" Shao.

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