Shuriken and Kunai thrown out in all directions, and everyone's eyes focused on Hatake Sosuke.

In the cylindrical water tank with a grunting sound, a human form was instantly pieced together, and the face of the full moon of the ghost lamp was attached to the glass wall of the water tank.

Immediately afterwards, the seal on the top of the water tank was lit up, and the ghost lamp full moon seemed to be scorched to the back of the water tank.

He frowned and looked at the water tank in front of him. If it hadn't been for this seal, he wouldn't be trapped at all.

Hatake Sosuke's two hands crossed his chest, and his fingers stretched out suddenly.

Kuwu and Shuriken, who had almost flown in front of him, stopped in midair for an instant.

"what happened!?"

"Did it stop just now?!"

The people who were left were all looking at each other for a moment. They looked at Hatake Sosuke in disbelief, not knowing what to say.

Before they realized what was going on, those kunai and shurikens changed directions one after another, and they were about to stab at their thrower.

The light blue gas covered all the weapons, and Hatake Sosuke's lips pressed slightly.

"It's so boring, is it just that?"

"It's just that, do you still dare to do this kind of thing?"

Can he control weapons, or what ability? !

Although he knows that this person is very powerful, Hatake Sosuke generally doesn't shoot in front of everyone, so many of them don't know how strong he is.

I've just heard the rumor that this person is very powerful.

Of course, this matter was deliberately concealed by Hatake Sosuke.

His abilities are different from those fancy ninjutsu, and he will still feel very troubled if he is groped through.

"He can control weapons...?!"

Jōnin and Anbu are not dementias either. When the weapon stops and changes direction, they realize that Hatake Sosuke may be able to change the direction of the weapon.

Based on their knowledge reserves, it is estimated that they still can't understand the unrestricted technique.

And this ability to defend almost 100% is not very different from bugs in this world of high offense and low defense.

Many people immediately began to seal their hands to resist Hatake Sosuke's counterattack.

Although both Jōnin and Anbu are not slow in forming the seal, Hatake Sosuke's speed cuts the space between people and attacks directly.

Hatake Sosuke's fingers moved slightly, and he didn't even need to turn his head to determine where and what everyone was in.

Kuwu and Shuriken would pierce people through in an instant, and the rapidly spinning Shuriken would even injure several people.



"it hurts!!"

The screams of one after another rang instantly in the room, and many people were in a hurry and hadn't finished the seal, reaching out and inserting the kunai in their body.

Anbu and Jōnin fell one after another, their wounds were all penetrating wounds, and a large amount of blood spurted out in an instant.

The pungent blood instantly filled the entire room.

"No! No! You are the representative of Konoha. Are you not afraid to start a war if you kill us here now?!"

One of the masked men stubbornly grasped the kunai projected from the front, and the sharp blade of kunai had already pierced his mask.

As soon as the voice fell, a crack opened in his mask with a click.

There was even a little tremor in his voice. Both of his hands just grasped kunai, and Bloodline was constantly leaking out of his palms, falling down his wrists.

Anbu clasped the kunai in his hands tightly with both hands, but even so, the power over kunai was almost irresistible.

Although the speed of Kuwu's poking into his head was a little slower, his two hands seemed to be fighting against some extremely powerful force.

He really couldn't stand the pressure, and couldn't help but question Hatake Sosuke loudly.

They don't know much about Hatake Sosuke. This person spends most of his time in the research room. People from Anbu can't get in, so they can only learn about him from people who have seen him and rumors.

But unlike those high-level people who have to ponder for a long time to do something, this guy fights and kills when he says he wants to fight.

Although it represents the relationship between Konoha and Sand Shinobi, this person doesn't seem to care about that kind of thing at all.

Hatake Sosuke tilted his head, as if thinking about something.

Then he laughed out loud as if he had heard something quite funny.

"When you did this kind of thing to the former Mizukage, you didn't think about something that would provoke a war, and you started to worry when you were yourself?"

"I don't quite understand what you guys think."

"If you are all dead, the right to speak is in my hands, not to mention that you are indeed the first to act."

Hatake Sosuke shook his head, and his neck was a little stiff and made a sound.

What happened tonight is really one after another.

Anbu's mask blocked the man's face tightly, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Hatake Sosuke didn't give him more time to say anything. He just stretched out his hand and pointed forward, then Kunai smashed the mask and stuck it straight into the person's head.

Anbu's people groaned and then fell on their backs, and Hatake Sosuke cast his eyes down blankly and glanced at him.

To tell the truth, he can't do anything with these miscellaneous fish.

These people couldn't hurt him, and they couldn't even talk of being a threat.

He can also handle this matter quite sleekly and sophistically, forcing those sealed ninjas to unblock it and it's over.

"I've been here for some time. You didn't need to die."

"Well~ but I feel a little unhappy, so bad luck."

Hatake Sosuke glanced lightly at the corpses in the whole room, the smell of blood gradually spread, and he walked towards the blind spot next to the closet.

There is another person there.


"Wind Style, Wind Blade."

The person hiding behind the closet slammed, and then suddenly flashed from behind the closet, a hurricane made of wind.

Hatake Sosuke didn't dodge, but stood in front of the dead corner of the closet with an expression of inquiry.


The furniture and accessories around Hatake Sosuke were more or less directly torn apart by the wind blade, but Hatake Sosuke seemed to be blocked by his side, and his hair was not even blown.

"Oh~ there is no Anbu mask, then you can unlock the seal art~"

Hatake Sosuke looked at the ninja in front of him with great interest, as if he hadn't focused on Wind Style at all.

Then he reached out and pulled him out from behind the closet. .

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