"I...you...? What?"

The person hiding behind the closet had never seen this posture before, and his attention was all on Hatake Sosuke, so he saw it clearly.

All the attacks were wiped away from Hatake Sosuke, even keeping a certain distance from him all the time.

It was as if this person had enchantment around him.

But he didn't move at all? !

Although he played in just a few seconds, he was enough to understand the horror of this guy.

This person is much higher than them in terms of ability, and fighting him is not a sensible behavior at all.

They must have thought at the beginning that with so many of them, it would be more than enough to deal with Hatake Sosuke alone.

The so-called two punches are harder than four hands, they have an absolute advantage in the number of people.

"Unlock the seal, ah~ it's troublesome, don't you-don't understand human words~?"

Hatake Sosuke dragged the man by his clothes and dragged him to the front of the water tank. The Ghost Lantern Full Moon was in a semi-hydrated state inside, with his hands folded around his chest.

"No...impossible, the seal for the former Mizukage-sama was made by a few people."

"It's impossible for one person to untie it."

"I can find someone to help you."

Jōnin's lips trembled a little, and his legs were a little soft, but Hatake Sosuke was dragged hard and didn't fall directly.

Although he was right, the seal technique for the Ghost Lantern Full Moon would certainly not be performed by one person.

The Ghost Lantern Full Moon is a Mizukage even if it doesn't help, it's definitely not a problem for two people to seal him.

There are also seal scrolls soaked in blood and water around the water tank. From the perspective of the layout, it is indeed not a seal that can be put down by one person.

Hatake Sosuke looked around thoughtfully, and he seemed to be thinking about ways to deal with it.

There was a ray of light in the pupils of the ninja who was being pulled next to him.

He didn't really want to find someone to help Hatake Sosuke, he wasn't stupid.

Now we must report the situation to the senior management in a timely manner. Whether it is splashing dirty water or moving soldiers, we must start from there.

He has to delay as much as possible, or find a chance to escape.

Hatake Sosuke killed all these people. As long as he survived to pass a message, there was always a way to refute this guy on the fishing boat.

"It is indeed a sealing technique that can only be used by multiple people..."

Hatake Sosuke nodded, as if acknowledging what he said.

That person's eyes brightened, and Hatake Sosuke said that there was hope.

His heartbeat started to speed up, and he quickly thought about how to make Hatake Sosuke believe him more and let him go back.

Judging from what Hatake Sosuke said just now, Ghost Lantern Manyue should have a good relationship with him.

Just use more...

"Are you thinking, I will let you go back and find someone to help?"

"You can crawl around begging me for mercy while rushing back to report the situation~?"

Hatake Sosuke's frivolous voice rang in his ears, and he sounded like he had expected everything to be easy.

The ninja's breath choked, trying to fool this guy, is he still naive?

However, if he is not allowed to leave, there is indeed no way to untie the seal directly!

Which one is Hatake Sosuke playing.

Hatake Sosuke is not a ninja at all, and he didn't feel like using Chakra at all when he worked with those people just now.

He himself should not be able to unlock the seal technique.

What does this guy want to do! ?

It is definitely not a good sign to stay here, and even from what Hatake Sosuke said just now, it is estimated that it will be difficult for him to get out of this place alive.


There was a low voice from inside the water tank, Ghost Lantern Man Yue's expression was not very good, he seemed to realize that he was indeed causing trouble to Hatake Sosuke.

"I have nothing in this seal! Anyway, I can be hydrated, these things can't hurt me."

"It's just that I can't get out!"

"This time it is an encrypted scroll. It is placed under the table. No one but me and you can check it!"

"It's better for you to look at the contents of the scroll quickly!"

When it was ensured that there should be only three of them living in the house, the dull sound of the ghost lamp full moon came out of the water tank.

Under normal circumstances, Shisui’s crows are the ones who send documents, but they can also avoid some of Sunagakure’s eyeliner surveillance.

And usually the letter is tied to the crow's leg, even if it is over, there is no messy encrypted communication at all.

· ····Seeking flowers············

Because Hatake Sosuke does not have Chakra, they all know, and if there is anything that needs to be handled by him, he can't put a secretary beside him.

So as long as it is not the most important confidential document, they will fly a crow.

But this time it was the Eagle Falcon who came to send the documents, and even had the right to encrypt them for confidentiality.

Chakra using the ghost lamp full moon, or Hatake Sosuke's blood can be opened.

To be honest, this method felt like an ordinary ninja would do it at first, so Ghost Lantern Manmoon felt something was wrong.

But because Hatake Sosuke went out to play with the kid at the time, it would not be possible to come back after a while.

Ghost Lantern Moon wanted to look at the contents of the scroll.

...... ......... ...

Not knowing whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, the group of people rushed in before he opened the scroll.

So until now, none of them knew what was inside that scroll.

"No need."

"I can fish you out of the fish tank now."

"You have to thank me for coming out~"

Hatake Sosuke faintly agreed, and took off his sunglasses. The ice crystal-like pupil stared at the seal on the water tank.

The cumbersome patterns in his eyes kept spinning, and the ice-blue pupils shrank slightly, as if he was studying something.

He kept parsing the contents of the seal, and Six Eyes kept generating various solutions.

You can see through all things like attacking ninjutsu.

The ghost lamp full moon in the water tank can clearly see those eyes, because of the glass cover and the water flow, in fact, he can't see the outside situation very clearly.

It seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, revealing a looming appearance.

But the eyes that Hatake Sosuke exposed after taking off the sunglasses seemed to be able to penetrate everything in the world, faintly emitting a little light.

Although he knew that Hatake Sosuke was looking at the seal charm, the ghost lantern full moon in the water felt that his eyes were looking straight at him.

I can't see any emotions, but I can directly see the depths of people's hearts.

No matter what it is, in these eyes, it is so clear and transparent that there is no secret. Spoon.

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