Hatake Sosuke hadn't expected that this person would honestly bring him any help, but the seal technique was so troublesome for him.

In particular, there is a person like the full moon with the ghost lamp turned off, but Hatake Sosuke can directly break the seal by force if the person is not locked.

Hatake Sosuke doesn't have Chakra itself, of course, it's not a troublesome thing if you put it in normal times.

But in the case of this kind of sealing technique, it's a different matter.

This is not an offensive thing, defense cannot be defended, offense cannot be attacked, and it depends on someone with Chakra to unlock it.

Hatake Sosuke quickly saw the doorways coming out.

"Collect those scrolls together, arrange them in this way, and then I will tell you how to untie them."

Hatake Sosuke blinked, and then directed the ninja next to him to pack up the scrolls scattered around the nine measurements on Saturday, and put them in a strange order.

"What method is this...?"

The instigated ninja hurriedly rearranged the scrolls on the ground. From time to time, he raised his eyes to look at Hatake Sosuke, who was standing aside.

He had never seen this method before. It would be better to say that this kind of sealing technique was originally used by many people together.

It is simply unheard of to be able to solve it by one person.

He didn't know what was going on, and didn't dare to ask Hatake Sosuke more, so he murmured.

As if complaining about something.

Hatake Sosuke didn't mean to look at the scroll anxiously at all. Those azure blue eyes that could penetrate everything just looked straight at him.

The ninja raised his eyes and stared at him, then quickly lowered his head and picked up the scroll in his hand. No special circumstances, it is better not to stare at him.

He always feels that he will directly see through any thoughts.

Although Hatake Sosuke's eyes were not as strange as Sharingan's, they opened as if something was about to come.

But this person's eyes even gleamed slightly, and it seemed that there was an indescribable feeling.

It's as if this person is not a person at all.

Those eyes seemed as if God was perceiving everything, and this kind of coercive feeling made people at a loss what to do.

"It's already set."

The ninja strenuously moved all the scrolls on the ground to piece together the shape commanded by Hatake Sosuke.

It looks like the scroll is pieced together into a "person" shape, but the length of the scroll is limited.

The ninja didn't know what Hatake Sosuke was going to do, and he had never seen such a trick.

"Just go up and lie down and solve the technique, the same method you used at the time."

Hatake Sosuke said lightly, then he walked to the back of the water tank and fiddled with the equipment there.

The ninja squatted in front of the scroll, although he had never seen this ninjutsu.

But instinctively, he had a bad hunch, he didn't know what tricks Hatake Sosuke played, but if he went up to unlock the seal.

He is likely to die.

He watched Hatake Sosuke go around behind the water tank and fiddle with the equipment, then looked at the corpse lying behind him and the door which was not too far away.

Now... if you flee.

His thinking stopped abruptly, and a voice interrupted his thinking directly.

"Don't always think about running away~"

"If you always test me like this, I will feel a little boring."

"Seal can't kill people, you know this too, right?"

"I'm not an unforgivable wicked person. If you unlock this seal, I will let you survive."

"But if you run, you will end up like them."

"That would be a shame~"

Hatake Sosuke curled his lips, showing a look of pity.

Although he felt that this guy's words had no credibility, but in this situation where he would die if he fled, the only way he could choose was to unlock the seal.

The ninja lay on a pile of seal scrolls honestly, and after making seals with his hands, he shouted in a low voice.


At the same time, Hatake Sosuke directly pulled down the side control handle, and the water tank made a buzzing sound, and then began to leak light green liquid to the outside.

The body of the ghost lamp full moon quickly melted in the light green liquid, until all the water inside had flowed out, the ghost lamp full moon's figure gradually condensed in the water again.

The ground was full of blood and water, mixed with light green water with a strange smell, and the smell in the whole room became strange...

"Oh, teacher—"

As soon as the ghost lantern full moon condenses, the body will rush towards Hatake Sosuke.

With wet water all over, and the smell of disinfectant, Hatake Sosuke raised his eyebrows with a subtle disgust.

Immediately, Hatake Sosuke blocked the ghost lantern full moon with one hand, and Hatake Sosuke watched the water brought out of the ghost lantern full moon to be thrown towards him.

Fortunately, he was strictly blocked by his unlimited technique.

"Don't come here, the wet feeling is disgusting—"

"First, deal with and replace these things on you, and then go to the next room."

Hatake Sosuke already disliked the current environment of the house enough. The room was not very big. Now it is not only quite crowded, but it also feels disgusting.

There was blood from corpses everywhere, and that kind of unknown liquid, which looked soggy everywhere. Hatake Sosuke raised his foot in disgust, and after finding the encrypted scroll, he went straight out.

The full moon of the ghost lamp grinned, revealing a white and miserable shark tooth.

A few drops of strange liquid in the water dripped directly into his mouth from the hanging forehead.

The ghost lamp made a face immediately after the full moon, frowning and poking out, then stepped on the corpse and walked to the bathroom.

"It tastes bitter, what is it."

The person who was lying on the scroll to unlock the seal technique had no signs of life. It seemed that the seal technique that was supposed to be used by multiple people was used by him alone.

He would definitely consume all of his own Chakra, and now he can no longer survive.

Ghost Lantern Manyue is not particularly familiar with seal art, because Konoha's country is here.

In other words, the sealing techniques of the countries on the sea side basically rely on the Whirlpool Clan or some other inherited sealing techniques to seal them.

In most cases of Kirigakure, people with blood inheritance boundaries are used to carry out this activity.

The blood in their village is as many as the ones sold, and it's fancy.

The thing about Blood Succession Boundary can't be learned even though it is passed on by others in their own homes.

So Ghost Lantern Moon wants to know about seal art, but there is nowhere to know about it. .

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