As Sasuke spoke, he walked forward as if unintentionally.

There are turbulent rocks around here, saying that the mountains are not mountains, and there are blind spots everywhere.

Uchiha Itachi didn't make a sound, but just picked up the scroll in his hand.

I don't know if it is such a barren place, whether there are no birds, or because of other reasons, there is no sound in this place.

A strange silence was revealed everywhere.

The two Iwagakure ninjas hiding behind the rock looked at each other. They went out to inspect as usual, but they encountered unexpected enemies.

The name of the Akatsuki organization is quite loud. Almost every big country with a ninja village knows to be wary of rebels wearing red clouds and black robes.

With the fighting power of the three of them against these two men, there is obviously no possibility of winning.

You must know that everyone in Akatsuki's organization is a talent, and everyone is an S-level rebel, and there is no ~ no fuel-efficient lamp.

Although I can't tell who these two people are, it's always best to send someone back to inform them to bring more people.

Uchiha Itachi wore a hat, and when he looked away, his entire face was hidden behind his clothes, not to mention which village he was from, it would be hard to see whether he was a man or a woman.

But Sasuke walking in the front is much more conspicuous, holding the hat, and it doesn't seem to be scheming.

It's a pity that he didn't wear a forehead protector either, and it seems that they don't quite know who it is.

"Resolve this first."

One of them whispered to the person next to him.

They had been lurking nearby since the two men looked at the map.

These two people seemed to be completely unaware that they had been spotted on this matter, and they were still looking at the scenery in front of them.

Even young people who seem to be a little more casual walked directly to their trap area.

The two of them originally just wanted to delay here for a while and stop them from waiting for help.

But looking at the current situation, the two of them might be able to solve one.

The person next to him nodded silently, and his figure quickly disappeared behind the rock.

Then the eyes of the two people refocused on Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi.

A crow flapped its wings silently and landed on the rock that one of the people had just been lying on, and its black bean-like eyes turned brightly.

Then the crow turned his head and pulled the black feathers on his body with the beak. When he turned his head again, the black bean-like eyes were still stained crimson.

The spinning Sharingan stared at the surroundings silently.

The crow didn't stay long, then flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

On the other side, the Iwagakure ninja who heard the flapping wings glanced, but only saw scattered feathers falling from the crow.

The black feathers floated and fell on the stone.

Iwagakure's ninja tilted his head for unknown reasons, and then turned his attention back to look at Sasuke in front of him.


"Earth Style, Rockfall."

The two people almost didn't hesitate, they were scattered directly on both sides, and the seal was completed at the same time.

Hands clasped together and slammed on the ground.


After a loud sound, the rocks around Sasuke tremble violently, and the varying heights of rocks around him, as well as the yellow rocks under his feet, all tremble.

The distance between Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi is also tighter than the wall made by the earth flow wall.

One of them poked his head out amidst the tumbling rocks, and he looked down at Sasuke, who had a look of astonishment on his face.

"The so-called members of Akatsuki are nothing more than that."

The ninja of Iwagakure grinned triumphantly immediately.

The rumors of Akatsuki's members each have their own abilities, which sounds terribly powerful, but in fact, when you look at it this way, it's just that.

The ground under Sasuke's feet was constantly collapsing, and his whole body was about to fall to the ground, followed by a gravel on his head.

However, just as Iwagakure's ninja was about to turn his head and leave, he suddenly saw Sasuke who was about to be hit by the falling rock with an unexplained smile.

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, just as he was alert and wanted to take a closer look at the situation below.

His eyes met the scarlet Sharingan.


At the moment when the Iwagakure ninja hesitated, Sasuke still drew the Kusanaru sword from his waist, easily and continuously avoiding the falling rocks, and ran up quickly.

· ····Seeking flowers············

At the same time, he also accumulated Chakra in his hands.

The bright blue thunder attribute Chakra rubbed against the air, making a loud electric noise, and after a "stab lala" sound, Sasuke jumped up at an almost weird speed.

The fine falling rock was directly crushed into a pile of small pieces by the flashing Kusanaru sword, and fell directly from the air, producing a fine sound on the ground.

"So fast?!"

When I saw Sharingan, Iwagakure's ninja had a bad feeling in his heart, but before he thought about it, Sasuke rushed up on the falling rock.

....... 0 .......

Iwagakure's ninja took a step backwards suddenly, seemingly wanting to struggle to death.

It's too late for Jieyin at this time...!

Iwagakure's ninja suddenly pulled out a handful of kunai from the knife bag, and reluctantly stood in front of him.

Sasuke's face was illuminated by the bright blue electric light, which was different from the relaxed expression of talking and laughing with Uchiha Itachi before.

With his thin lips pressed tightly, a pair of scarlet Three Tomoe Sharingan exuded a chilling killing intent.

The slender Kusanagi sword directly glided the blade of Kunai, and pierced into the chest of the Iwagakure ninja at a speed that was almost unobstructed.

Sasuke stared faintly at the surprised face in the other's eyes widened in surprise.

"The Kusanaru sword is a sword that can't be defended. You have adopted the worst strategy."

Sasuke's voice rang coldly, and immediately drew out the Kusanaru sword, and dark red blood rushed out.

Sasuke turned his head blankly and looked behind him. There stood another Iwagakure ninja who was about to trap Uchiha Itachi.

He also seemed to realize that he turned his head to look at Sasuke abruptly, but when he saw the pair of Sharingan, he immediately fell over with his eyes.

Sasuke snorted and glanced at the two people, and backhanded Kusanaru sword back to his waist.


There was an abrupt crow cry in the place where there was still a mess of rocks in front.

A black crow hovered in the air. Spoon.

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