Large swaths of crows gathered again, faintly forming a human form on the ground.

Sasuke stepped on the rocks and walked towards the human figures regrouped on the ground.

Uchiha Itachi was quickly put together by the crow, his hands stretched out from his sleeves, and he carried an Iwagakure ninja who looked like a corpse.

His hands were horribly thin, like a thin layer of flesh and blood wrapped in pale skin, and the joints in it were almost pierced out.

Just seeing the hands, I feel that this person's condition will not be any better.

Even so, they still have to follow the task to catch the tail beast.

Sasuke was taken aback when he saw that hand, and then moved his gaze a little deliberately to look at Uchiha Itachi's face.

"Any useful information?"

He had known Itachi was already in the swamp of terminal illness when he came to the Seventy One of Xiaozuzhizhizhi to see Itachi a few years ago.

But Uchiha Itachi didn't want to mention his illness more, and he wouldn't ask for it.

But when I saw Itachi before, it was not as good as it is now, or maybe he didn't pay much attention to Itachi's physical condition before.

Xiaopao wore loosely on him, strictly blocking all doubts or prying eyes.

It seems that apart from Hoshigaki Kisame and Sasuke, in the eyes of others, he is still a strong person no different from the past.

Even in this situation, Uchiha Itachi did not show any hesitation or limited ability during the mission.

"Well, Jinchūriki's location is basically determined, let's go."

Uchiha Itachi didn't seem to realize that there was something wrong with him, and let go of the frowning and painful Iwagakure ninja he was holding in his hand.

If no one came to help him relieve the illusion, this painful state would have to continue for some time.

He has asked about the information he needs, and it does not take long to take Jinchūriki away.

After turning around and walking a few steps, Uchiha Itachi turned his head a little strangely.

"Is there anything else?"

Sasuke seemed to stand absent-mindedly, as if he hadn't heard him.

Uchiha Itachi didn't worry too much, thinking that he had some enemies that he hadn't dealt with before standing there, and asked mildly.

"Hmm, no, just remembered something."

Sasuke was called back by Uchiha Itachi, and shook his head again and again and quickly followed.

"I remember that I didn't see Hidan and the others during the last meeting. I just remembered it all of a sudden."

"They don't seem to have the next task, right?"

In order to prevent Uchiha Itachi from being suspicious, Sasuke quickly found a reason to speak.

Although he didn't really care about Hidan what they were doing.

After drawing the two tails, the two of them should borrow the next task as soon as possible.

But now the two people are not moving at all, which is a bit strange.

Hidan is still the type who likes to be lazy, but Kakuzu is almost the type who can live without dying as long as there is money.

It is really rare for the two of them not to take on the task, as if Kakuzu has already left the sea of ​​money.

"You don't know."

"In order to earn some extra money, Kakuzu went to kill the land in exchange for a bounty."

"But I met Asuma midway. You know Hidan's personality. Both of them were killed. Konoha's people seem to be chasing them."

Uchiha Itachi seemed unaware that Sasuke's intelligence was so scarce, so he kindly explained it to him.


Although it was just an excuse that Sasuke casually made to fool people, Sasuke couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard that the two were being chased by Konoha's men.

Sasuke doesn't have many sources of intelligence. Unlike Uchiha Itachi and Sasori's conservative people, he doesn't have spies or eyeliners everywhere.

He was quarantined again, and often performed missions in countries that were not so well-known or that the birds did not shit.

Naturally, my hips were stretched a lot in terms of intelligence collection.

Sasuke was a little impressed with Asuma, but not very impressive.

After all, he has been a student in Konoha for so long, and Kakashi is the main leader.

Asuma does not have Guy's off-line character, and his presence in Sasuke's memory is rather weak.

The only memory point is a teacher in another class.

"If you are chased by Konoha's people, the two of them will probably find it difficult."

Sasuke shook his head slightly, and couldn't help but sigh...

Uchiha Itachi pursed his mouth thoughtfully, Konoha people, who knows.

The two chatted with each other, and soon fell into the shadow of the falling rocks in front of them.


Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke are doing their best to catch the tail beast over there.

But compared to the other side, Kakuzu and Hidan are not a good situation here.

The two of them have been separated, Hidan chased Nara Shikamaru into the dense forest near Konoha.

Although I don't know where this kid is so courageous, he dares to entice the enemy alone and introduce Hidan into the dense forest.

Hidan is almost a well-known no-brainer. Apart from the teachings of Cthulhu, there may be nothing else in his mind.

There was almost no doubt that there was a fraud, and the aggressive one rushed in.

This dense forest can be said to be Shikamaru's home terrain. This is the forest of the Nara clan, and no one except their clan is allowed to enter.

Since Hidan embraced the idea that no one could kill him, he moved forward courageously and exchanged his mind for immortality.

Then keep this guy trapped here forever.

Shikamaru had already set a trap in the woods, and when Hidan followed up, it had already heralded the fact that he was bound to lose.

"Hey...! It's an ambush."

Hidan threw his sickle out abruptly, Shikamaru dodged off skillfully, and squatted down on his knees abruptly.

After the hands were sealed, a black shadow shot directly out of the sole of his feet, firmly connected to Hidan's shadow.

The sickle in Hidan's hand was stuck in the air.


Hidan frowned and retracted his arm forcefully, only to find that he was frozen, almost unable to move at all.

Hidan was forced to stop chasing Shikamaru, and looked thoughtfully at the surrounding woods.

This place is obviously an ambush that was designed a long time ago, and some steel wires are densely wrapped around the branches, and there are countless detonating charms hanging on it.

However, these things are of no use to him.

Even if it is a detonation talisman, it will not have any effect on his immortality. .

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