That is not a real crow.

Hatake Sosuke got up and opened the window. This is underground, and ordinary crows shouldn't be able to come here.

The so-called windows are actually just the windows that Hatake Sosuke felt underneath was too stuffy, so it opened up.

The outside is indeed empty and there are no buildings, but logically speaking, it is impossible for crows to come in.

Hatake Sosuke opened the window, and a cold feeling rushed out of the window.

Ghost Lantern Moon also followed to see what crow it was, but when the window opened, a cold wind blew him straight.

Looking inward from the window, it seemed as if there was no end to the darkness.

There is no light, and there is no light to the outside.

I can't see how deep it is, nor can I see where this place leads to, or what will be there.

Obviously it's just a window, but it feels like a haunted house.

It doesn't look right at all! ?

There is still a cold earthy smell outside, and the effect of taking refuge in the day or summer should be good.

But it looks more or less scary.

"It shouldn't lead to the outside here."

Sasori sat by the window, looking out thoughtfully.

"It's underground here. If there were crows that could fly in, it would be a hell of a ghost."

"But I didn't think much about it at the time, but I felt bored to stay here, so I opened a window."

"Although it works well, but occasionally opening it like this makes it very scary."

Hatake Sosuke laughed, and pointed his finger at the crow hovering outside the window.

The crow fell on his hand obediently, staring at Hatake Sosuke with crimson eyes, tilting his head thoughtfully.

"Is it Itachi?"

Sasori doesn't know much about the Mochizuki in the mouth of the ghost lamp full moon. The sharingan of this crow is a little more obvious, and it can almost tell the world, I am the crow clone of Uchiha Itachi.

"Well, but it's weird he sent the letter."

"We don't usually have any contact."

Hatake Sosuke took out the letter paper rolled up on the crow's leg and touched the black crow's head by the way.

After the crow seemed to nuzzle him quite usefully, it suddenly disappeared in front of them, and a black crow feather fell flutteringly.

The full moon of the ghost lantern looked thoughtfully at the disappearing crows, because every time Shisui released crows in groups, he didn't pay much attention to whether there were crows with red eyes.

I didn't expect that the crow could still be used in this way. It felt quite interesting.

"Your relationship is really good."

Sasori sighed as he looked at the falling piece of Yayu.

He hadn't seen Uchiha Itachi sending letters with a crow usually, but the crow got in the way when fighting with others.

After all, he had already hit the kid, and turned his head into a crow, which directly caused a heart attack.

This crow showed such an obvious meaning to be close to people, and it seemed to be as good as a weapon in the world, which made people feel strange.

But from this perspective, Hatake Sosuke said that he and Itachi were friends before, so it should not be a lie.

"Oh? Well, that's it."

"After all, as an ordinary person, I still have some friends."

Hatake Sosuke paused, then waved the letter in his hand, and gave Sasori an unexplained smile.

Can you not mock others for not having friends! !

Very speechless.

Sasori pushed up the window and sat by the window without making a sound.

The ghost lantern full moon is also rare to stay aside in courtesy, not clamoring to come forward to read Hatake Sosuke's letter.

This kind of reaction does not seem to resemble the personality of the ghost lantern full moon.

However, Ghost Lantern Manyue himself is Mizukage, so they should be opposed to Akatsuki's organization.

But judging from the clues left by various aspects.

In addition to Hoshigaki Kisame, Hatake Sosuke has various connections with other Akatsuki members.

Originally, Ghost Lantern Full Moon just thought he might be involved with Konoha's Uchiha Itachi, but since seeing Deidara, Ghost Lantern Full Moon realized that all this is not so simple.

However, what exactly Hatake Sosuke is for, or what he is going to do, the ghost lantern full moon has no way of knowing.

Although Hatake Sosuke usually let them see everything, but when it really involves important information, he will avoid suspicion.

Ghost Lantern Moon is no longer a child, this kind of thing is still clear.

"Well... It's almost time to come to live, to pick up the subject."

Hatake Sosuke unfolded the letter paper, and the handwriting was quite familiar.

Uchiha Itachi didn't tell him Hidan's situation, but asked if the strange situation that appeared recently has some contact with him.

It felt strange that Deidara defected for no reason, and Akatsuki could not find any news about Deidara.

This is like disappearing out of thin air.

Deidara pursues the so-called art and makes big bangs at every turn.

The explosion is the most obvious thing, it shouldn't be easier to find out about Deidara.

Whenever something like a huge explosion occurs nearby, it will definitely be reported by nearby people and become a terrorist threat.

But after Deidara defected, there was no sound at all.

It is impossible to say that he gave up his art and defected.

This is very strange, Uchiha Itachi also asked Hatake Sosuke if he has any clues.

When things happen too strange, the suspicion will fly to Hatake Sosuke.

It's hard to tell if he did anything tricks.

He talked about Hidan and Kakuzu politely by the way.

Although the letter was vague and verbose, Hatake Sosuke could still see the doubts in it.

Uchiha Itachi feels that this series of things should have something to do with Hatake Sosuke, but there is no evidence, no inference, only so-called intuition.

"Experimental body? What is written in there?"

The ghost lamp asked with some curiosity as he turned his head beyond the full moon.

Hatake Sosuke tore the letter paper casually, lit the fire with a lighter, and burned the letter paper clean.

"Oh, he asked about Deidara because he was walking too mysteriously."

"According to Deidara's character, wherever he should go, he will complain, but now there is no news, which is a bit strange."

"Experimental body~ You will know it when you see it. Anyway, it should be a very fast thing."

Hatake Sosuke downplayed Kaidō.

"Itachi can actually think of you directly. It seems that you have done all the outrageous things."

Sasori said something teasingly.

It's like after doing a bad thing, your friend is the first to guess that it's you.

Hatake Sosuke shrugged indifferently.

"I have done too many outrageous things~".

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