Deidara... Not long before he sent the ghost lantern full moon back to Kirigakure, Hatake Sosuke gave him a temporary task.

Although the treatment is good after going to Kirigakure, he has been controlled to prevent him from playing art.

After all, Kirigakure is still in the rebuilding stage. He blows it up to ensure that it will cause a collapse reaction.

The people in Anbu were a little wary of him, although Gui Deng Man Yue did not reveal his name, nor did he say Deidara's identity.

Just let people stop him a little, don't let him explode when no one is there.

Deidara must be quite unhappy with this situation, but there is nothing to do.

So I sat idly on top of my clay bird and flew high in Kirigakure.

When he was bored and had already begun planning the next defecting operation, Hatake Sosuke suddenly notified Ghost Lantern Manyue and Terumi Mei of a new construction project.

Most of Kirigakure's tourism projects are built along the sea.

Because although the country of water is surrounded by water, most of the island is actually deep mountains.

It used to be a good hiding place as it would become difficult to set foot when it fogs up.

As a place of confidentiality is very suitable, but this will lead to low utilization.

Only many coastal areas can be developed, and other areas are more difficult to develop because of the surrounding mountains.

It's not that it can't be developed, it's just that the manpower and material resources that have to be paid are greater.

The country of water has now basically got rid of the name of the bloody fog in the past and has become the most livable country.

The flow of people and population are also continuing to grow.

To put it simply, Kirigakure now attracts many people to live because of its peacefulness.

Now that the population has increased, but the area available on the ground is so large, it is beginning to be crowded.

This is not just Kirigakure's problem, Kirigakure is a ninja village after all, and some people also live in the land of water.

The Daimyo of the Water Country has approached Hatake Sosuke several times, because this issue is almost imminent.

Ask him if there is any better solution.

Hatake Sosuke is always looking for words to prevaricate back, after all, the interior of the water country is full of deep mountains.

Someone is asked to repair the mountains. Repairing will waste manpower and material resources. Can it be turned back again?

In short, there are many issues to consider.

Although when Deidara was asked to go to Kirigakure at the beginning, he just wanted to make the ghost lamp full moon go back quickly.

But after Hatake Sosuke pondered for a day, he discovered a new use for Deidara.

Since the kid is thinking about proving his art all day, let him do blasting and explode the mountain.

He alone can top the combat power of several people, and after all, he doesn't waste much material resources.

After all, the main thing he uses is his own clay.

Just a little planning for Kirigakure’s stretch of mountains, it’s not just what he wants to do.

"I'm just a genius~ "."

As soon as Hatake Sosuke came up with this idea, he was immediately convinced by his own idea.

Highly cost-saving, but also to keep Deidara.

He quickly sent a letter to Ghost Lantern Manmoon and explained his thoughts and meanings.

Let the ghost lantern full moon find a way to deal with it, and let Deidara carry out some artistic activities there.

Although Ghost Lantern Moon felt that this idea was rather unreliable, it was because Deidara was almost impatient with the naked eye.

It doesn't matter that he is subject to others everywhere, but he has to continue his artistic activities.

But now although almost nothing is restricted, his artistic development has been hindered.

This reminded him of what happened when he was still in Iwagakure, but it was not a refreshing memory.

So in order to appease Deidara, who was about to be anxious, Ghost Lantern Manmoon had to tell Deidara according to Hatake Sosuke's meaning.

After a few days of staying outside, Deidara went straight into the uninhabited mountains of Liao to conduct joint development of art activities.

"Is it really possible...I'm worried about what he can do."

The Ghost Lantern Full Moon was in the Mizukage room at that time, looking at the distant mountains, his face collapsed and took a deep breath with some distress.

Because of the continuous mountains, Kirigakure was still in a state of repair at the time, and the ground could not withstand too much tremor.

Therefore, the location where Deidara was responsible for the blasting was very far away from the village, and even if it exploded, only a puff of black smoke could be seen far away.

Others, even the sound is quite faint.

"Isn't Mr. Sosuke talking about this? Then there is nothing wrong with it."

Terumi Mei is no longer a shy girl in Anbu. After years of negotiating with various people as Mizukage, she has fully grown up.

It is now what a Onee-san looks like.

"How should I put are very different from before, and there is almost no change."

Ghost Lantern Manyue raised his eyebrows and turned his head to look at Terumi Mei who was sitting in front of Mizukage's desk as if a little embarrassed.

Terumi Mei sat on the chair with her legs folded, and after sensing the full moon's gaze from the ghost lamp, she withdrew the chair back a bit.


Terumi Mei obviously asked without reacting.

The ghost lamp is full of words and stops, seems to be brewing its own language function.

This place is Mizukage's office. In general, Ghost Lantern Manyue is very familiar with him. After all, he arranged most of the things here.

But now this place gives him a very unspeakable feeling.

"The content of teachers here is too high!?"

"It's so strange that there are photos and posters on the table and on the wall...!"

Ghost Lantern Manmoon uttered a few words angrily.

Although he admired Hatake Sosuke quite a bit, but in the end it was his teacher, he really just admired it.

Terumi Mei arranged the entire Mizukage office like a large (Zhao Dehao) star chase scene.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you put Hatake Sosuke's photos, after all, this is a matter of personal will.

However, all the photos are photos of Hatake Sosuke playing handsome.

He didn't even know that Hatake Sosuke had so many photos.

Fortunately, Hatake Sosuke didn't come back to take a look in person, otherwise he would definitely die in shame.

"What does it matter...!"

"If you hide such a handsome face, wouldn't it be a pity!"

"And everyone hopes to do this, and I feel refreshed when I take up the task every day."

Terumi Mei immediately refuted, although there are also her personal preferences in it.

But everyone likes it, she can do it with such a big fanfare!

The ghost lantern full moon, a few years after resigning from Mizukage's position, a profound one came into being.

I'm afraid that this place is not going to end, it's a terrible idea. .

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