Although it is a new body, I don't know if Hidan has the extraordinary ability to recover, or because this guy has some unknown characteristics.

His adaptability was unexpectedly strong, almost adapting to his body when he changed his body.

Sasori leaned on the bedside table and packed up knives and scissors. He knew that even if he didn't speak, Hidan could force him to talk for a long time.

Deidara's cheerful and talkative, this guy is pure talk, not only talks a lot, but also spreads around the cult, and it makes people impatient to listen.

Hidan came together to speak for revenge from Shikamaru, and to treat his rescuer as a manifestation of an evil god, which is quite outrageous in a sense.

Sasori didn't plan to talk to him. Hatake Sosuke would definitely find Hidan to make arrangements. Before he came, Sasori packed up the things that needed to be prepared and it was enough.


"Did your kid hide away for a while?"

After a brief silence in the room, Hidan, who was still sitting on the bedside, suddenly twisted his head at a strange angle, and moved his face to Sasori's side.

Sure enough, talking to yourself is not strong enough, so have you started looking for someone to talk to?

Sasori looked up at Hidan blankly, but did not speak.

In those amber pupils, there was almost disgust that was about to overflow.

Even if you don't speak, you should be able to feel that kind of disgust.

Hidan froze for a moment, as if he hadn't expected that he would be so disgusted by the naked eye.

It is really disgusting. He dodged just now not because of fear, but because of disgust.

Most people this year will be scared when they see Hidan. After all, a guy who doesn't seem to be a good person who makes a lot of noise and suddenly comes in front of him is very scary.

This kid is interesting.

After Sasori glanced at him, he turned his head silently and picked up the things on the table.

"What a gloomy kid, I think you are also very talented, do you want to consider joining the Cthulhu?"

"No matter what, you won't die, even if only the head is left, Lord Cthulhu can replenish the damaged body!"

"You can kill as you want, and use it to sacrifice the Cthulhu Lord. The Cthulhu Lord must be very happy."

"Although I only had one head left before, it must be my piety and..."

It's noisy, even if the other party doesn't mean to reply at all, Hidan can talk endlessly.

And because Hatake Sosuke restored his body, he seemed to really feel that Lord Cthulhu restored his body and became a more loyal believer.

So I don't understand what is going on in the brain circuit of a guy like them.

"No road race, you are so noisy."

After Sasori had packed up everything, he couldn't help but interrupt Hidan's chattering preaching.

He frowned and looked rather impatient.

So it is very troublesome to say that the cult guy, Sasori obviously has no interest in this, but this guy still talks non-stop.

And let the five-year-old kid kill people, wouldn't it feel uneasy in his conscience?

"Huh!? I'm preaching to you kindly, I don't look at the wink at all, you kid!"

"Although I just got up, I will use you as the first sacrifice to the Cthulhu Lord after I got up!"

"Pray for a while more this time...!"

Hidan said as he habitually took his weapon to his side, but of course he touched it.

After all, although his sickle and spear were recovered, Hatake Sosuke still entered the system space.

Although it's useless, it's unlikely to be returned to Hidan, but it feels pretty cool.

Maybe it will be useful in the future.

With this idea in mind, Hatake Sosuke included the sickle and spear in the collection.

After Hidan's hand paused, he thought of Sasori and stretched it out.

Sasori raised his hand slightly, and controlled Hidan's movements with the Chakra line.

Because the puppet can't move and doesn't have the ability to act on its own in the strict sense, it will be easier to control.

But controlling people may only be a matter of a while. After all, people can move. As long as they have more strength, they may break free of control.

It would not be so interesting if only controlling the puppets, so Hatake Sosuke also asked Sasori to adjust the thickness of the Chakra line as much as possible.

Let him be able to control the human body as much as possible, after all, the disadvantages of the puppet master are too obvious.

In the later stage, there is no chance of shooting at all, and this situation must be corrected as much as possible.

"What is this..."

Hidan stretched his hand and pulled the Chakra line. Although it cannot be said to be immobile, his movement was suddenly restricted.

He pulled the Chakra line on his body a little uncomfortably, and Chakra was almost visible.

Although he is a child, he seems to be quite talented in using Chakra.

"Don't underestimate these Chakra threads. If you move around, I will twist you straight into twists."

Although there are still some problems in controlling people, it is because Hidan's body was originally recast.

Hatake Sosuke is also able to control Hidan in his absence, so Sasori can basically manipulate Hidan's body.

Sasori's voice is a little flat, as long as he doesn't maintain the usual voice that pretends to be cute to those researchers, his voice will sound a little cold and indifferent.

It still sounds like you can't help but get serious and don't treat him as an innocent kid.

Hidan looked up and down at Sasori suspiciously.

Not everyone has seen Sasori's body, except for Konan, who brought him into the team at the time, and Deidara, who was a teammate.

Orochimaru probably knows it too, but because he hates that guy, Sasori avoids Orochimaru most of the time he reveals his body.

But Orochimaru has some inquiries about him, so it's hard to say whether he knows or not.

People like Hidan joined late, and didn't have much intersection with Sasori. They were normal if they hadn't seen them before.

"It's annoying! I don't know why, I always feel that you are a little familiar."

"But I don't remember any children I have been in contact with."

Still a child who feels so special...

It's okay if you don't look at the face, but whether it is the temperament and language of this person, or the behavior, it reveals a subtle maturity.

It's a violation, it's weird... If it matches his temperament, his skillful control of Chakra's movements becomes reasonable. .

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