Just as the two people were in a subtle confrontation, a strange ticking sound suddenly sounded at the door.

Immediately, the door made a sound of activation and opened automatically horizontally.

A white head poked in, with a blindfold on his eyes and a frivolous smile on his face.

"Sasori...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? Are you fighting?"

"Isn't it appropriate for me to come over again soon~ Excuse you--"

Hatake Sosuke said in a rather deliberate tone, and the two people in the room blinked together as if they didn't react.

"I said I hate waiting for someone..."

"Master Cthulhu!??!!!!"

Before Sasori finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hidan's loud voice.

Wow, the most interesting development has begun. Hatake Sosuke poked his head at the door, with a slightly more sly smile on his face.

Originally, the words Hidan said after he rescued Hidan from the woods gave Hatake Sosuke a subtle hunch.

It now appears that there is clearly nothing wrong with his hunch.

Hidan, to be honest, regards him as the Cthulhu Cthulhu.

"What are you talking nonsense."

"Huh!? Are you Sasori!?"

As soon as the two spoke, they turned their heads together and glanced at each other and said.

In addition to excitement, Hidan's face was shocked. He looked at the people on both sides incredulously.

The former members of the organization were resurrected as children, and the Cthulhu adults who had died long ago. This is a miracle! ! !

"Unexpectedly, there is a tacit understanding~"

There was a teasing expression on Hatake Sosuke's face, he walked in from the door, and the door closed automatically again.

"I would rather die if I have a tacit understanding with this kind of guy."

Sasori tilted his head in disgust.

It's better to say that there is a tacit understanding with Deidara, Sasori turned his head a little bit deadly.

The affinity between him and Hidan is average, but maybe Deidara can talk to Hidan a few more words.

And why did this guy recognize Hatake Sosuke as a Cthulhu Lord? When Hatake Sosuke went to look for his head, he was obviously wearing a mask.

"Don't know whether it's good or bad, it must be my devotion to Lord Cthulhu that moved him, so you won't die."

"My body's recovery, as well as your resurrection from the dead, are simply the merits of Lord Cthulhu!"

"Also, isn't your original body just like an uncle's voice crouching with something quite ugly!!!"

"Master Cthulhu gave you such a handsome body, you should thank you very much!!"

"It doesn't matter if it is me or Lord Cthulhu, I have paid too much for you."

Hidan directly directed Sasori's cult output. Sasori was stunned for a while. If he could come back to life together, did he borrow the blessing of the evil god? !

What a mess, it's a strange thing to recognize Hatake Sosuke as a Cthulhu! ?


There are too many slots, but I don’t know where to start.

Regardless of why Hidan can recognize in a second that Hatake Sosuke, who wore a mask before, is a Cthulhu, and also said that he regards Fei Liuhu as his body.

What kind of illness does the Cthulhu have? If people look ugly, will they upgrade their faces before resurrecting them?

Unexpectedly, the dignified Cthulhu Lord was actually a face control.

It's so outrageous, everyone here is so outrageous and tired.

Sasori was silent for a while, looking at Hidan, who was aggressive next to him, and then at Hatake Sosuke, who was not too busy looking next to him.

Can these two people be more normal?

More and more people, more and more outrageous, is it here to synthesize the Dadifu?

"Actually, that's not the case, but the evil god is in front of you, do you still want to talk to me?"

Sasori couldn't find a more suitable explanation, he paused and brought the topic directly to Hatake Sosuke.

Just let the war burn on someone else, don't bother him anymore, Sasori took a deep breath, helplessly.

He took the bag, and planned to bypass Hatake Sosuke and walk outside the door.

"Just threw the question to me!?"

Hatake Sosuke tilted his head and said cooperatively.

"You just enjoy watching the excitement, don't follow the acting...!"

Sasori couldn't help but complain when he left the house.

Hatake Sosuke doesn't worry about this kind of problem at all, it would be better to let him explain the situation.

Sasori is a little overwhelmed by this kind of ardent believer behavior, so don't look for these flowers.

The door opened with a slight opening and closed again.

Hatake Sosuke turned his head thoughtfully, how could he tell this guy about the current situation.

Although it must be for communication, Hatake Sosuke is not so good at dealing with followers of Cthulhu.

Is it possible not to answer the questions of the tool man, but to use him in a normal way?

Just when Hatake Sosuke was thinking about something more appropriate, Hidan suddenly fell to his knees, his violet eyes twinkling with a small star, and he looked at Hatake Sosuke shiningly.

"Master Cthulhu! Any other arrangements?"

"I know I haven't done enough to sacrifice recently, but as long as I go and kill the Konoha kid first, I will sacrifice to you on time!!"

"I will never disappoint you to resurrect me!"

No, I'm just afraid you would do that kind of thing...

Hatake Sosuke paused, and he shook his gaze, but fortunately, wearing a blindfold blocked his entire eyes tightly, so that there was no chance for anyone to spy on his hesitation.

Now that he has been recognized as an evil god, shouldn't he cooperate with him and say something?

But Hatake Sosuke didn't have any clue about that kind of words. Shouldn't he have a Xia Youjie simulator at this time?

Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin thoughtfully, frowned and tilted his head.

This kind of expression seemed to Hidan to be dissatisfied with what he did. Sure enough, he was still not doing enough, and Lord Cthulhu felt that he was not satisfied.

"No matter what you ask, I can do it!"

"Seeing you in person is a miracle!"

Hidan paused and continued to add.

Hatake Sosuke would really think that this kid was blinding him if it weren't for Hidan's eyes really flashed with some kind of fanatical and ardent enthusiasm.

This was too smooth, he thought that it would take a little spit to persuade Hidan, this guy was able to directly treat himself as a Cthulhu, really making a big bargain.

"Although the sacrifice is very important, there is another thing you need to do now."

"You needed to kill a lot of people as a sacrifice before, but now because you have reshaped your body—"

Hatake Sosuke paused for a while and said with some mystery.

"You now need to continue to kill yourself to make sacrifices.".

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