The best way to deal with bullshit is to be more bullshit than him, and his rhetoric sounds like a reasonable, but in fact it is a typical example.

Hatake Sosuke hadn't tried his best to be tense, he might have been laughing when he finished saying that.

How to put it, it just feels ridiculous.

After all, things like Cthulhu, apart from the believers themselves, others will feel very outrageous when they look at it.

The problem is that Hidan is still looking at him with a serious expression, as if he is really thinking about the feasibility of what Hatake Sosuke said.

If you laugh out loud in this atmosphere, it will definitely hurt people.

Hatake Sosuke made himself as serious as possible, it looked more like something.

He pursed his mouth vigorously, while wandering thoughtfully.

After being silent for a while, Hidan nodded firmly.

"Although I don't quite understand what the Cthulhu Lord is talking about, as long as it is your request, I will do it!"

"But I must first..."

"What happened to Shikamaru?"

Hatake Sosuke interrupted Hidan without waiting for him to finish.

Hidan paused, then his eyes flashed again.

"Sure enough, Lord Cthulhu is omniscient and omnipotent! That's right, that kid!"

"I promise to sacrifice to Lord Cthulhu as soon as possible!"

Hatake Sosuke stretched out his hand and crossed in front of him, and simply negated Hidan's statement.


"Now you are not qualified to perform sacrifice activities. You must sacrifice your body first. After this is done, you can proceed to sacrifice activities."

To put it simply, you must kill yourself before you can kill others.

Although Hidan heard a little hazy, he directly attributed this feeling to his inadequate understanding of Cthulhu.

But it sounded like it was just asking him to look for it later, anyway, since Lord Cthulhu said that, the kid would definitely not escape death.

"Well! Anyway, as long as I sacrifice my body, I can sacrifice other people again~ "!"

Hidan nodded clearly, obviously he hadn't realized what kind of experience was waiting for him.

He has too much confidence in his immortal body, and he is still a real tremor.

He has been enjoying the kind of near-death pain, as long as he doesn't die, the pain is just a pastime for him.

Hidan has always regarded killing as a pastime. Although the person tortured now belongs to him, Lord Cthulhu is here now.

He couldn't think of a situation where he would die.

He could see the sky again after being buried in the ground for such a long time. No matter how the Lord Cthulhu tortured him, he would definitely survive.

Hidan had such confidence and agreed to Hatake Sosuke.

Furthermore, Lord Cthulhu rescued him, it is quite normal to have a willingness and a reward.

Yo Xi, no matter what kind of test it is, he is absolutely fine, after all, he is immortal!

Hatake Sosuke looked at Hidan confidently and raised his brows behind the blindfold.

I hope he can maintain this confidence until all experiments are over.

"If you can have this kind of consciousness, it would be great."

"Change the clothes on the bed, and someone will come to test you afterwards~"

Well, this guy is surprisingly good at talking.

And it's a bit outrageous in various senses to recognize myself as an evil god directly because I rescued him.

Speaking of which, doesn't this evil god exist in a fixed sense?

Isn't it because his face looks like a Cthulhu?

How could Cthulhu have such a handsome face.

Hatake Sosuke curled his lips thoughtfully, and after instructing Hidan, he was about to walk to the door.

"Ah, wait, Lord Cthulhu--"

"When will my weapon be returned to me."

Hidan picked up his clothes, stepped on the ground and stretched out his hand to Hatake Sosuke who was about to turn away.

"Not yet, wait until the experiment is finished."

"Don't want to do little tricks~"

Hatake Sosuke lifted his head slightly, and said slyly.

Soon Hatake Sosuke went straight out.

Hidan was left alone in the ward, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Although in that situation, the person who can get him out must be Lord Cthulhu, but why are there so many people in this place! ?

Logically speaking, shouldn't the Cthulhu Lord rush to get rid of all the people in this place?

Hidan was a little subtle while wearing his clothes, thinking about it.

But what he thought was not to suspect that Hatake Sosuke itself was not the Cthulhu problem, but why the Cthulhu Lord wanted to keep these people.

This is strange.

Is it necessary for me to kill all these people after I have sacrificed myself?

Hidan understood after a little thought.

"~ You deserve to be the Lord Cthulhu, it's a big deal when you do it!"

After thinking about this matter, Hidan looked around and looked around. Sasori would be packing things up here just now.

But after Lord Cthulhu came in, he seemed to leave directly.

It was really rude to the Cthulhu Lord, and after seeing Sasori, he had to educate him.

But why is Sasori the first person to come here? Aren't that guy and Deidara two guys who are too enthusiastic about art?

When did the two of them believe in the Cthulhu? Although Lord Cthulhu almost refused to come, the two of them should be qualified, but it was really incredible that they could meet with Lord Cthulhu ahead of his back.

"I can't lose to him either!"

Hidan suddenly made a firm voice in the ward.

Ghost Lantern Manyue and Yamato glanced sideways at the same time, both of them saw each other's eyes at a loss, but even so, no one chose to go directly in.

As for the person mentioned by Hidan (Zhao Le Zhao), the contender of Lord Cthulhu, Sasori was completely unaware of this problem.

Sasori is still relocating the equipment that needs to be tested. He just put on the things that need to be processed, he couldn't help but sneezed.

"This body shouldn't catch a cold, right..."

Sasori rubbed his nose a little strangely, really didn't feel any substantial.

In fact, now that Hidan's body has been replaced, it's hard to say whether he can be immortal or not.

In short, this is also a part that requires experimentation.

If Hidan's body is still immortal after the replacement, then study his head.

Although the body can perform various human experiments, the things in the head are also worth studying.

Hatake Sosuke opened the switch in the entire room while checking the manual in his hand.

Today is the first day, let’s try two and see. .

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