After the two were paid, Sasori thought for a while, but rejected the decision of Ghost Lantern Man Yue to call someone with him. He wanted to ask Hidan a little bit.

Not surprisingly, that person should also have something to ask himself.

Sasori looked inside from the window of the ward.

The original clean sheet was marked with strange symbols with blood, and Hidan was lying on the sheet that was soaked in blood.

It seems to be in devout prayer.

Although Hidan as a person can be said to have drawbacks, as a believer, Hidan is definitely a competent person.

Deidara generally feels that Cthulhu to Hidan may be different art for Deidara and Sasori.

Of course, Sasori sneered at immortality and religion, but he didn't want to go directly to dislike others, but he didn't approve of it very much.

Sasori's gaze moved from the window above the door 730 to the door. He tiptoed and reached out to touch it. There were some large and small bulges on the door.

It looks like it has been attacked from the inside. It may be that Hidan wanted to destroy the door from the inside.

But because of no success, I can only go back to praying and other things.

Sasori shook his head helplessly, but said nothing.

Sasori pressed his finger up, and with a "buzz", the door that opened and closed horizontally opened.

"Come out, it's already packed over there."

After all, he is not a very familiar person, Sasori can only say such things after considering it.

He had been with Hatake Sosuke for so long and hadn't said anything, but Hidan was the first to become dissatisfied.

"What, is it okay to honor the Lord Cthulhu?"

"But are you so confused now that you can spread the word?"

This kid is already stupid in a sense, is it because he just woke up and hasn't seen what's going on around here?

And without knowing the details of Hatake Sosuke, so unscrupulously believe in him, Sasori can almost see the scene of Hidan being tortured.

"Do you trust that person so unreasonably without knowing anything?"

And Hidan should have seen Hatake Sosuke before, don’t you have any impression of this guy?

Sasori thought slightly.

"It's not unreasonable, he has that feeling!"

"This is the intuition of the believer!"

Hidan showed an expression that you know what you know, and you still have to look at him in terms of faith.

If Hatake Sosuke has the feeling of destroying the world, there is nothing wrong with it in a sense.

Is this guy really auto-sensing to the strong?

"I don't understand with a guy like you! Anyway, let's go there first!"

Hidan obviously didn't have any extra thoughts, since Lord Cthulhu was looking for him, he just went over.

In fact, it’s not strange that Sasori has this kind of situation. Everyone is chasing Hatake Sosuke as if they were guilty.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he alone is a normal person.

Of course, among the Akatsuki group, the real normal person is almost him.

Regardless of his age or personality, he will not completely lose his rational trust in Hatake Sosuke.

This is neither a good thing nor a bad thing. This non-absolute loyalty makes Hatake Sosuke feel quite interesting.

After all, if you are surrounded by echoing voices, you will feel a little boring. Sometimes you still have to listen to a different voice.

"Speaking of you died before, I am still a little surprised. Is your body made of Lord Cthulhu?

Hidan asked curiously.

"Before he was an uncle, but he was transformed into a kid. It's pretty cute. You earned it."

"I didn't even recognize you!"

"Can Lord Cthulhu turn me into a child? What is this..."


Sasori lowered his eyes helplessly, saying that he couldn't get along with such a guy.

Having been talking non-stop to himself, Deidara sometimes said something, but compared to that, the kid was only talkative, and not for the sake of talking.

Fortunately, Hatake Sosuke can get rid of him without listening to him for too long.

"It's not that you become a kid, it's just the evil taste of the evil god that you call."

"And I wasn't an uncle at first, didn't you even watch the corpse when the video was replayed?"

That battle will definitely come back to reclaim the ring, and there will definitely be image analysis at that time.

The people of Akatsuki never knew that he was left by Hatake Sosuke and re-made it. It means that when the two of them were fighting, obviously no one was there...

Otherwise, his nucleus should be seen if taken away.

But even if the battle scene is not recorded, there will be video projections when looking for the corpse and the ring, and most of Sasori's parts are directly bombarded by Garner with a light cannon.

The last remaining body of the puppet should be the only one left to see, it would seem that it was his corpse anyway.

Why does Hidan persistently think that Fei Liuhu is his own body? What kind of look does this guy look in.

Sasori pursed his mouth slightly, slandering secretly.


"It turns out that it was you, I thought it was just that they picked up a body casually."

"After all, I remember... I heard that you seem to have a lot of various puppets."

" seems to be a little impressed, it's a puppet with red hair."

Hidan showed no impression, but he still had to pretend to remember.

Originally, everyone in the Akatsuki organization joined their own plans. Apart from being familiar with their teammates, there is no need to be familiar with other people.

In the earliest days, like when Deidara joined the team, everyone would go out in groups.

In addition, each has its own tasks, and basically there will be no teammates in the same place.

Everyone chatted during the meeting, and didn't touch too much at other times.

Colleagues who I don’t usually meet have lost 30 jin when they die. Even so, no one will notice.

"It turns out that it's you, that's a bit too ridiculous..."

"You don't pay attention to these things too much."

If it weren't for him, it would be too strange to just introduce a puppet as his corpse.

Hidan shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Who cares, don't they always live for one day if they behave?

Is it possible that a name that everyone knows will go down in history.

It is very strange to be recovered by Hatake Sosuke like this.

And Hatake Sosuke can keep it back when he returns, which is even more strange.

The two talked one after another, and walked towards the laboratory of the instrument.

There were already many people in white coats standing scattered around. .

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