Working in the laboratory with the door closed for a whole day, Sasori, who occasionally passes by with his things, also leaned into the window on the door of the room and looked inside.

Those who come and go are people in white clothes. Sasori is not tall enough, so he can barely see some white sheets when he looks in on tiptoe.

In addition to the coming and going of scientific research personnel, there are all kinds of instruments with stroboscopic lights.

If it weren't for the occasional screams of murder, it would be impossible to see what Hidan was inside.

After Sasori glanced inside the door, he shook his head helplessly and left.

In addition to fishing, Hatake Sosuke is monitoring the progress of these things, because it needs to speed up the testing of various instruments as much as possible.

Although it cannot be said that he has to be asked about everything, Hatake Sosuke has to do a lot of decision-making things.

He was not as idle as before, because the only living body that could be tested indefinitely was Hidan. Although it was immortal, it was a reaction between various instruments and drugs.

How long does it take for several drugs to end the cycle and re-enter the test of new drugs.

All these things have to go through his decision.

Not only is Hatake Sosuke busy at 14th, Hidan himself also lives the life better than death test on a daily basis.

Sasori is excluded from this plan. Although he can know the development of things, he cannot directly enter the instrument room to contact Hidan.

"It's not an incomprehensible reason, because you want to avoid suspicion."

Hatake Sosuke was pulling out the surviving candies from the sugar paper pile on the table. After the clacking sound, he tore the sugar paper and stuffed the candies into his mouth.

His tone was so ordinary that he was talking about ordinary things.

"Deidara is okay, but Hidan's nature is different. I'll talk about it later~"

"And now you can't help much with those things. It's better to practice your puppet technique. If you can only control inanimate bodies, the disadvantages are too great."

"Even if you are immortal in a certain sense, it is still easy to be caught in attacks."

Hatake Sosuke's cheek bulged, and he flipped through some of the paper next to it, and some of it was a summary written on a scroll.

It's not looking for a reason. The more you get along, the more you realize a problem.

Hidan and Deidara are both very sincere young people. Instigating a rebellion means instigating a rebellion. As long as they persuade them, they will believe in Hatake Sosuke wholeheartedly.

Needless to say, Deidara doesn't prevent him from engaging in art, and can help him easily. Deidara can be directly recruited.

As for Hidan, the situation is more complicated, which can also be said to be a coincidence.

As long as he regards Hatake Sosuke as an evil god, there will be basically no major changes.

Moreover, Hidan's weapons and other messy things were confiscated by Hatake Sosuke, and this person's combat effectiveness would be much more ordinary.

Although these two people have their own strategic methods and ideas, neither of them is like Sasori.

Sasori thinks a lot more cautiously, in short, it is more reliable than those two people, but he is generally more Buddhist and doesn't engage in any moths.

But don't underestimate the brainpower and experience of the thirty-something-year-old uncle.

Sasori is basically the only person who doesn't have absolute trust and loyalty to Hatake Sosuke. Although he usually goes around with him, he will have his own thoughts.

Wasn't it Sasori who planted secret line spies everywhere?

In all respects, Hatake Sosuke decided to keep them at some distance, just to avoid suspicion.

Although the possibility is very small, he still doesn't like to add unnecessary trouble to himself, and he still doesn't want to catch fire in the harem.

"Ah... well, I still know about such things."

Sasori seemed thoughtful, but he didn't have any comments.

Anyway, the trust between people is like a thin film, invisible most of the time, but it still exists.

"The information is shared, it's just that you can't contact him personally."

This proposal is quite conservative, but the essential reason is that Hatake Sosuke doesn't care about the results of those device experiments.

After all, after the device experiment is over, we still have to discuss with Sasori.

It's just that I don't want the two of them to talk, Sasori is too sober, and Hidan was tortured to death at this time.

If he made it clear to Hidan, Hatake Sosuke was not a Cthulhu at all.

Even if Hidan doesn't believe it, people may choose to believe in another situation under certain extreme circumstances.

So Hatake Sosuke banned language communication.

Even with the exception of him and Ghost Lantern Full Moon, most of the researchers were forbidden to talk.

Before that, Hatake Sosuke had basically collected Hidan's information.

It's not so much collecting, it's better to say that he knew those things a long time ago.

Hidan's tolerance for pain is different from ordinary people. In order to restore the effect, Hatake Sosuke increased the pain nerve of his relocated body to twice that of ordinary people.

In order to restore the effect of these pain sensations on ordinary people as close as possible.

So Sasori will hear some screams from time to time. According to common sense, with Hidan's tolerance, this kind of thing is simply a small case.

The Ghost Lantern Full Moon would go in and give Hatake Sosuke instructs. After all, even if it is very busy, Hatake Sosuke will have a hundred ways to fish and be lazy.

Minimize your workload.

Ghost Lantern Manyue is responsible for recording various effects and sorting them out, and he does most of the paperwork.

In a sense, he had done Mizukage before, and he was unexpectedly proficient in this kind of thing, so all aspects were quite subtle.

On the first day of the test, Ghost Lantern Full Moon looked quite ugly, as if he had just walked out of the grave.

"Baa completely, not at all."

"Can something like that really save people? It looks like it can kill people."

"And that person won't die, he won't faint, and he doesn't look right anyway."

When I saw the ghost lantern full moon, Sasori rose up slightly, but fortunately, Hatake Sosuke had isolated him.

After all, he hadn't used Orochimaru to do human experiments before. Of course, he excluded this project. He also hated Orochimaru.

He couldn't be used to seeing ordinary people being tested by humans, and he probably wouldn't be used to seeing Hidan being tested.

This kind of thing is not good enough.

However, after Hidan was tortured for a few months, Ghost Lantern Man Moon basically adapted to that kind of life.

He was even responsible for sorting out the information on Sand Shinobi and Konoha, after all, they wrote down many things at hand.

"If you can't resist, just enjoy it.".

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