Ghost Lantern Full Moon is actually just picking a word, even if they talk about it, it's the teacher's meaning.

As long as it was Hatake Sosuke's wishes, he would not have any opinions.

Hatake Sosuke pressed his cheek thoughtfully, saying that it was not worth this kind of thing. If you care about this kind of thing, it doesn't make much sense.

After he got here to change, he just hit the time when Hatake Sakumo died.

Although their previous relationship was pretty good, but after his substitution, he never had a chance to talk to Kakashi.

After Sakumo died, Kakashi forced himself to live like an orphan because he couldn't live with him.

It just feels like I can't communicate with that kid, it's a horrible reason, although Sakumo's death did have a big impact on Kakashi.

But because of this incident, Hatake Sosuke's heart is separated, and it feels a bit helpless that the incompetence of the original master of Seven Three Three has brought about this situation.

When Hatake Sosuke first came here, he didn't have anything to do with Kakashi. He still had things to do.

People who don’t know, and the environment he’s not familiar with, he has to adapt to his own system and play a degree of reduction.

Originally they were not very old, Hatake Sosuke did not show any genius behavior, Kakashi alone is enough to dominate the limelight.

Originally, the light on their bodies has shifted, and Hatake Sosuke also used this shift to become a bastard.

After Hatake Sosuke gradually adjusted to life here, and fumbled for things like Jujutsu Six Eyes, he began to practice alone.

Although he knew that Kakashi's personality would be distorted for a while, and then he was straightened into a good guy by Obito.

But he really didn't expect that because he missed the best time to reconcile with Kakashi, the relationship between the two of them remained half-dead until they were teenagers.

Hatake Sosuke, who was not much old at the time, watched Kakashi go home like torture every day, and said to him.

"If you hate me, just say it straight. It's not an unacceptable thing."

"Always looking at your face, the food that is not delicious is even worse."

Hatake Sosuke and Kakashi do not look the same style. Both Kakashi and Sakumo have a kind of look, approachable and nice.

Hatake Sosuke didn't think too much about this. He simply felt that Kakashi would go fishing and make a meal for two every day, and then he would go to practice without saying a word.

Even if he cooks his own meal, he still feels whether this guy will poison it.

On the other hand, I always feel that if this continues, Kakashi will have some mental illness sooner or later.

Hatake Sosuke is a variable, he doesn't know that his presence will affect Kakashi's problems.

In short, although the speech is a bit awkward, it is better than living under the same roof and not talking for months.

Kakashi lives like a gloomy earth-bound spirit, going out in pain every day and coming back in pain. This is not necessary.

"...Whatever you think."

"But if you starve to death in this place, I will be troubled."

Kakashi had just sat opposite him at the time. At that time, Kakashi hadn't practiced the ability to eat quickly. When eating, he would obediently pull down the mask, revealing the lower half of his white face.

He is also eight or nine years old, speaking quietly and his tone is cold.

Kakashi is not in a good mood. His father's affairs are on one side, but he is also practicing cooking. He is a little hesitant to do what he is doing badly.

As a result, Hatake Sosuke gave him a heavy blow, which was not tasty at first, but it became even worse.

Kakashi had a heart attack on the spot.

But he wouldn't show it, and they didn't have a soft relationship before getting along.

Anyway, between boys, either you bully me or I bully you, this kind of thing doesn't matter before.

But the situation is different now, Kakashi became sensitive and fragile because of that.

Hatake Sosuke changed his personality because of the substitution.

He can only pick out the characteristics of getting along with Kakashi from his previous habits in front of him.

After all, people who get along day and night are the ones who are most likely to be aware of substitutions. There is no way to explain this kind of thing.

The memory of the original owner will be attached to Hatake Sosuke, so he will later take revenge on others for Shumo. Not only the memory but also the emotion will be attached.

I can feel it, so I understand it, it's almost like that.

Hatake Sosuke looked at the mole on Kakashi's chin. When Kakashi was young, he used to say that the mole looked like a girl in that place...

Kakashi, who was still a white dumpling, punched and kicked Hatake Sosuke angrily, but due to the age difference, he was still harmless.

"It's just like a girl, if you don't believe me, go and ask Dad."

Hatake Sosuke made a face at Kakashi and called Hatake Sakumo who was cooking to see.

Kakashi yelled angrily while being pulled by him, "I am not like a girl!!"

Kakashi was quite clear at first, but he became a little slurred when he was short of breath, and was dragged by Hatake Sosuke pitifully.

Sakumo didn't care much about being like a girl, he was just smiling at the sound of Kakashi's talking.

But his smile seemed to Kakashi as if Saku Shigeru agreed with Hatake Sosuke's words, his big black eyes rolled around and he didn't cry.

The next day, he put a black mask on his face.

Anyway, it's this kind of mess, from childhood to most of the urine, two people get along again.

Hatake Sosuke changed people and didn't want to see Kakashi's face and anger. Although he wanted to get along well with him at first, he obviously failed.

As for the death of Kakashi's father with myocardial infarction, he is always half-dead to Hatake Sosuke.

So for a long time in the future, the two of them thundered on each other, and then the relationship was messed up.

Hatake Sosuke turned his head and became a teacher, while Kakashi crawled into Anbu and hurriedly moved his belongings away without looking back.

Before Kakashi entered Anbu, he was personally modified by Obito.

He also thought about how to deal with the relationship with Hatake Sosuke.

But after thinking about it, it seems that it doesn't make much sense to talk about it after that time period.

It was pure embarrassment, so Kakashi didn't make it clear at the time, nor did he face him, just to move directly to the dormitory without being embarrassed.

So for a long time after that, Kakashi and Hatake Sosuke maintained a Tsundere behavior that only targeted him.

However, in Hatake Sosuke's view, Kakashi has never forgiven his heartache for being awkward. .

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