It is in this situation that they do not understand the relationship between brothers, both of them are developing outside.

Because it was wartime, Kakashi had to go out after graduation, and it was normal not to see one side for a long time.

Squad missions can be completed very well, and personal missions are not impossible.

Among the three students that Namikaze Minato took, Kakashi was still a very good one, but the drawbacks of his character were quite obvious.

In short, it is the kind of good kids from other people's families who don't play with bad students.

Hatake Sosuke stayed in the regular school to continue studying, but because they were in wartime, they stayed in the shelter most of the time.

It's fine once or twice, but Hatake Sosuke gets bored with more times.

Obviously it's class time, but in the end I always have to run underground. Sometimes it's not true that something happened in the village.

It's just that the surrounding situation is a bit chaotic, but just in case, they have to rush to the underground to take refuge quickly.

Wait until the limelight passes before going out.

Ninjas don’t spend a lot of time in class. After graduating from a ninja school, they are basically finished. In the final analysis, fighting this kind of thing still depends on actual combat experience.

However, ordinary people’s schools are ordinary 14 schools, which are full of students who specialize in learning, and no one has the existence of Ninjutsu Chakra.

In this case, you can only run underground.

If you stayed underground for a day or two, it would still be the past, but after a long time, most of them will start to be unable to stand it.

Sometimes it's three or four days, sometimes it's even longer.

A group of people squeezed in the underground, nothing happened, all of them were preaching horror thoughts.

The longer you stay underground, the more nervous people are, because no one dares to go out and see what's going on outside.

Staying underground for a day or two can be considered a bit dangerous around, but staying underground for a week will become a river of blood that has been beaten outside.

In fact, you can know the situation if you go out and have a look, but the nerd-like teachers just don't dare to go out.

They would rather wait in the underground panic until the notice that they can go out than go out and take a look at the actual situation.

Hatake Sosuke ate canned food underground for three days, listening to the whispers of people around him.

"Could it be impossible to play outside..."

"This time is the country of water or earth, when will it end?"


Before the whispering sound stopped, there was a vibration above their heads, and everyone was silent for a while.

Everyone nervously hugged their heads and squatted down, watching the gravel and sand constantly falling around.

Hatake Sosuke stood in place, abruptly like a crane standing in a flock of chickens.

He hadn't worn an eye mask at this time, but had wrapped his eyes with a bandage.

After all, it feels weird to wear a blindfold in school, although it is weird to wrap your eyes with a bandage, but it doesn't seem to be a second-year-old.

Hatake Sosuke still had a can in his hand. The ground did not shake a few times, and the gravel contaminated the can in his hand.

Hatake Sosuke paused, but he didn't care too much about the canned food. If the unpalatable thing gets dirty, it doesn't matter.

In order to ensure the storage time, the salt in these cans can be directly used to kill Katsuyu.

This makes Hatake Sosuke, who is a sweet party, more or less uncomfortable, and he always stays here. At the beginning, he had a kind of refuge atmosphere, but now he only feels bored.

"Hey... Hatake, squat down quickly. If something happens, the gravel on it will hit you."

The teacher in charge of the class pulled Hatake Sosuke's pants to make him squat down quickly to ensure his safety.


After Hatake Sosuke responded, he squatted down and put the can on the ground. When the teacher was relieved, Hatake Sosuke stood up again.

This time, he walked directly to the stairs.

"You can't go there!?"

Just as the teacher watched Hatake Sosuke move inexplicably and was about to stop him, there was a sudden violent tremor on the ground, and everyone squatted down again.

Hatake Sosuke walked up the stairs like an indifferent martyr. Although the ground trembled a lot, his footsteps didn't seem to hesitate.

After coming out of the refuge, of course no one will catch up, and there are indeed corpses everywhere outside.

People wearing different Ninja Village forehead protectors were lying on the ground, Hatake Sosuke was not very familiar with the use of Six Eyes at this time, and there were too many feelings outside.

So for a while, he stood there and paused for a while before he gradually'seeed' the surrounding scenes.

Immediately, a blast of wind rang out from behind him. Hatake Sosuke took a step aside with interest. However, as he retreated, a shuriken flew out directly from the other side, clearly smashing Kuunai. Fall down.

There was a horrible wailing on the side behind Hatake Sosuke.

The other person hurried to his side and said to him with some surprise.

"You avoided it!?"

Hatake Sosuke touched the bandage on his forehead without too much adaptability, and a heat-sensitive image appeared in front of his eyes.

It can't be said that the height is not too high, this looks like a child who has not yet gone to school.


Hatake Sosuke also frowned strangely.

This place is a battlefield, how come there are children.

And the other party's gaze is even more strange. It is clear that this is the battlefield where the battle has just ended. Why does a young man with a bandage on his head appear.

And this boy has bandages on his eyes, so he should not be able to see his surroundings! ?

Why can I take a step away so steadily, and steadily avoid the kunai behind.

Even if there is no bandage on the eyes, it should not be possible to do this kind of thing! ?

Both of them looked at each other wickedly, both of them were almost strange in their hearts.

"It's amazing... how did you do it?"

"Can you see me? With bandages?"

Uchiha Itachi stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Hatake Sosuke. With a bandage, he could avoid the kunai behind him. This incident caused the young Uchiha Itachi to have considerable doubts.

"Well, that's it~"

"It's just a coincidence, don't worry about it!"

Hatake Sosuke scratched his head a little strangely, then pursed his lips in response.

Who is this kid? Hatake Sosuke has no impression of this kid in his own memory.

Hatake Sosuke glanced at the child's face. Although he could tell it was black hair, it didn't seem to have any distinctive features in other aspects.

"One dozen seven, who is that person?".

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