What does it mean to be a girl? According to common sense, shouldn't it be a girl?

The so-called motherhood, it should be that women are more attractive to children.

Uchiha Itachi and Shisui looked at Hatake Sosuke speechlessly.

However, since Hatake Sosuke is rather outrageous, the two of them can't say anything.

Sasuke stared at the people around him with his eyes open. Shisui and Uchiha Itachi both stared at Hatake Sosuke seriously.

Is this a handover ceremony? Don't do this kind of flower work.

Hatake Sosuke secretly slandered, the two men looked nervous, as if they were handing over something terrible.

"Aren't you two so nervous?"

When Hatake Sosuke took Sasuke over, he couldn't help but spit at both of them.


Seven four zero


The two of them made a silent gesture to Hatake Sosuke.

The seriousness of his expression seemed to turn on Sharingan at any time. Seeing the serious expressions of these two men, Hatake Sosuke had to curl his lips helplessly.

He didn't speak loudly, or Hatake Sosuke's voice was not low-pitched, it sounded quite relaxed.

But who knows what sound Sasuke will react to, it is not impossible to cry again later.

With two pairs of nervous eyes watching, Sasuke was successfully transferred to Hatake Sosuke's hands.

In a sense, the Uchiha clan is also somewhat ill.

Hatake Sosuke took a deep breath of helplessness. Sasuke was held by him and didn't cry and screamed, but just buried it in his arms and rubbed it.

This soft and subtle touch touched Hatake Sosuke a little bit.

Although I don't know what it feels like, and I feel a little itchy in my heart, is this how a child feels.

But Hatake Sosuke didn't really think there was something special about his holding method, as Sasuke rubbed his face against him.

Probably because the taste on his body is a bit similar to Itachi, so Sasuke didn't have much reaction.

Itachi is still under the control of his family, and he is not like Hatake Sosuke.

But Hatake Sosuke exudes a faint sweetness, and it does not rule out that Sasuke will like this taste.

Sasuke settled down, just looking at Hatake Sosuke's face curiously.

He looked rather curious, Hatake Sosuke's blindfold and his silver hair, which was completely different from Uchiha Itachi.

The only person he usually sees from this angle is Uchiha Itachi.

Although there is still some distance, Sasuke's hand seems to be tentatively trying to reach out and touch Hatake Sosuke's blindfold and silver hair.

"Look, it's okay to talk."

Hatake Sosuke shrugged innocently, and little Sasuke even let out a few laughs in cooperation.


"Why do you like him? It's obviously the first time we met."

Shisui collapsed on the side with a bit of frustration, his shoulders drooped, and this was a bit too hurtful!

He is obviously the person who is more frequent here, and he is also the one who often stays with Itachi.

Even if Sasuke is unfamiliar, he should be familiar with the frequency that Shisui usually comes.

And everyone is of the same race, why should Sasuke get closer to this outsider?

It makes no sense at all, what do kids like?

"Sasuke hasn't gotten close to anyone before."

Uchiha Itachi poked his head and looked over, his eyes widened unimaginably.

I thought that what Hatake Sosuke said he was good at coaxing children was just talking casually. After all, from the relationship between Kakashi and him, there is no telling that he is a special brother.

Unexpectedly, he can win with one blow, Shisui, who has been playing with his presence for a long time, was ko.

"No way, heaven is invincible~"

Hatake Sosuke said triumphantly.

What a strange thing again.

Hatake Sosuke often pops up some words that they have not heard before, but due to the difference in their living environment, Uchiha Itachi is not that strange.

"Maybe the relationship will be good afterwards."

Uchiha Itachi laughed beside him. After all, it was nice to see Sasuke having someone close to him for the first time.

"Couldn't the relationship with me get better?"

Shisui, who was suddenly excluded, pointed to herself with a bit of reluctance...

"Huh? Ah... Of course it didn't mean that, after all, Sasuke is still a kid..."

"Maybe you will get better when you grow up."

Uchiha Itachi waved his hand quickly and explained to Shisui in a flustered manner.

Hatake Sosuke looked at the two people in front of him thoughtfully, then lowered his head to look at Sasuke.

Sasuke was reaching for Hatake Sosuke's blindfold. Hatake Sosuke lowered his head slightly, letting him touch the corner of his blindfold.

Sasuke laughed quite happily.

It is this subtle sense of harmony that makes Hatake Sosuke feel a dull feeling.

Sure enough, it doesn't matter how you become a less pleasing and quite controversial person, but now, it's just no special children.

Because I have experienced this kind of friendship firsthand, when I realized the future of these people, my mood began to become strange.

Sure enough, if you have contact with people, no matter what they will become afterwards, but now I want to keep this scene.

The subtle sense of isolation disappeared, and the feeling of not being able to blend into this place disappeared.

Hatake Sosuke's eyes dropped slightly behind the blindfold. Kakashi, who was awkward with him, had nothing to do with the ninja world.

Even though I got here, I didn't feel like I was in at all. I can feel it a little bit now.

The idea of ​​what he wants to do, and the feeling of possible success.

Hatake Sosuke sighed softly, and the arguing and explaining voices of the two people around him didn't know when to quiet down.


Hatake Sosuke paused. The effect of Six Eyes allowed him to know what the two people next to him were doing even if he didn't look around directly.

Shisui and Itachi looked quietly and expectantly at Hatake Sosuke's blindfold in Sasuke's hand.

Although Uchiha Itachi is the one who is more looking forward to, Shisui is only the first time I have seen Hatake Sosuke. Although he is curious, he is not as expected as Itachi.

"Are you two just looking forward to my blindfold being taken off~?"

Hatake Sosuke lowered his head slightly, and said teasingly to the two quiet people. .

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