The air in the entire room was choked for an instant.

It shouldn't... Hatake Sosuke's angle, you should not be able to see the two of them at all.

And he didn't know how he could see the surrounding environment as if it didn't affect his eyesight at all through the blindfold.

Probably from this time, Uchiha Itachi hesitated to realize that the way Hatake Sosuke observes his surroundings seems to be different from them.

But the Hatake clan didn't have any blood limit, or ninjutsu that could see the surroundings while blindfolded.

In any sense, it feels very strange.

Hatake Sosuke raised his head a little, and freed his blindfold from Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke wasn't too attached to his blindfold either, just touching it seemed to satisfy his curiosity.

"A little bit curious, after all, I have never seen you take off the blindfold."

"And I happened to ran into your brother before, who also looked like wearing a mask..."

Uchiha Itachi scratched his cheek awkwardly, as if embarrassed to admit.

Shisui has met Kakashi a few times. Now that he is divided into Anbu, there is no handover point.

Although they are two brothers, their 14 personalities are almost completely different.

Hatake Sosuke is nasty and frivolous, but approachable and approachable.

Kakashi is the kind of person who doesn't show any mercy to the enemy, and even makes his companions seem a little afraid, but unexpectedly very polite, and quite distant from others.

Even though he felt like he was a good person, because he was too fierce, it was hard to ignore the sense of distance.

Relatively speaking, Hatake Sosuke's evil temperament has been reduced a lot. Although this person is a little childish and likes to be tricky, he has to be said to be a good person.

Hatake Sosuke nodded thoughtfully, and the corners of the lips that had been rising fell slightly, revealing a subtle, somewhat serious expression.

"This is a pretty serious matter, do you really want to hear it?"

"My brother is actually not very clear... But what I said..."

Even the voice of speaking is low!

Hatake Sosuke is often frivolous, so he suddenly made this deep sound, which attracted the attention of both of them.

It always feels like something terrible, something similar to a sad accident that caused the two brothers to be disfigured.

It was because they had some agreement when they were young that the two of them had to cover half of their faces.

Seeing that the curiosity of the two people has been aroused, Hatake Sosuke smiled slyly.

"The reason why I wear the blindfold is of course—"

"I'm so handsome. If you don't cover your eyes in time, I'm afraid you won't have a girlfriend—"

Well, although the Uchiha clan likes women only a few.

Uchiha Itachi and Shisui blinked, as if they didn't react for a while.

Sasuke was held in his arms by Hatake Sosuke and looked at the reactions of the three people happily. He obviously couldn't understand what the three of them were talking about, but he laughed happily when he saw everyone's reactions.

"...What kind of answer is this..."

Shisui realized in an instant that the two of them had been tricked by Hatake Sosuke, and for a moment he helped his forehead a little helplessly.

After thinking about it, you should know how this guy is so smart, how can he tell them honestly any story.

Moreover, if Hatake Sosuke's eyes have any unknown effects, then it is even more important to protect the secret of their eyes.

Sharingan is often coveted by others, and Hatake Sosuke is just an ordinary person. If he is too ostentatious, he may be blinded by someone if he turns his head.

"It turned out to be like this... how handsome is that."

Uchiha Itachi nodded thoughtfully, as if he believed Hatake Sosuke's words directly.

"Don't follow him at this time, it doesn't feel like a normal answer, it's like you are just perfunctory."

Shisui cast a white glance, and complained angrily at Uchiha Itachi.

He seems to understand a little bit why these two people can play together. It's simply to bully Itachi's personality that he can almost believe everything.

"Very handsome, I have a chance to show you."

Hatake Sosuke raised his brows slightly, and a small golden star flew out from behind the blindfold.

People from the Uchiha clan are often the base for producing handsome boys. Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, Obito were also cute when they were little boys before they were disfigured.

However, the personality of Obito must be suppressed by the cool guy.

Uchiha Itachi nodded thoughtfully, and he felt welcome in school.

Girls are really troublesome, if Hatake Sosuke blocks his face because of this, he always feels able to accept it all at once.

"Ha...what's up, you two."

"Just go and say rakugo."

Shisui looked at them two wickedly, and sighed helplessly.

However, the relationship between Hatake Sosuke and Sasuke is not as good as Uchiha Itachi said. Sasuke is a little older and Hatake Sosuke becomes incompatible.

Originally, he was just fighting for the existence of his brother, but later it became more troublesome.

However, Hatake Sosuke was not only targeted for the case of robbing brother, but Shisui was also hurt.


Hatake Cang faintly felt that someone was rubbing against his blindfold, and the cold touch awakened him.

The faint incandescent lamp was still bright in the air.

But there was no one around, and Hatake Sosuke didn't weirdly scratched his messy silver hair, and straightened a little bit.

In fact, it's not very tired, it's just that I have been in this space for a long time, and I feel a little sleepy.

Sure enough, it's better to go to bed to sleep. Sleeping on the table will make you have strange dreams.

Hatake Sosuke looked at the position of the bed, and then at the sound of footsteps rushing over outside the door.

Now if you lie down on the bed, you can put on a quilt and pretend to sleep one second before the sound of footsteps rushes in.

After Hatake Sosuke paused, he still sat in the chair without moving, just turned the light up.

After a soft "hum", hurried footsteps outside the door came in.

The sound of the ghost lamp full moon rang heartily.

"Well-teacher teacher!"

In such an excited look at all times, Hatake Sosuke scratched his head, leaned back on his chair, and stretched out his hand at the ghost lantern full moon.

‘"Don’t call the soul~ I am here."

Hatake Sosuke looked up at the ghost lantern full moon lazily.

"It's raining outside here."

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