It is normal for rain to be placed anywhere except the Kingdom of Wind, but it is not known that it rains every few years in this bad place.

Although it is quite ordinary, it still makes the ghost lantern full moon excited.

"I think it's all due to the greening, otherwise it won't rain until at least the second half of the year."

Ghost Lantern Manyue's eyes were shining, and he said excitedly as if he was asking Hatake Sosuke for credit.

Ah? Has it fully evolved into a weather master?

Even in the second half of the year, this kind of thing was accurately predicted, and in a sense, he was a very powerful person.

Hatake Sosuke wanted to complain, but didn't complain.

Although his mood is a little dull, there is no need to affect the ghost lantern full moon.

And seeing this kid's excited face makes most people feel happy.

Hatake Sosuke snapped his fingers and said with a smile.

"Well~ that's pretty good, do you want to go out and eat something to celebrate?"

"I have always stayed here during this time, and I feel a little boring."

The research on Hidan has basically come to an end. The instrument has basically been tested, and the equipment that can be mass-produced or equipped has been fully put into use.

Medical equipment is basically a fixed source of income, because development to testing are all from the research room.

Although the R&D staff includes people from several major countries, the share that Hatake Sosuke gives to Konoha and Sand Shinobi is not that much.

Hatake Sosuke knows better than anyone that once the development is successful, there will be a lot of income. According to his personality, he will generally not share it.

So in fact, the main expenses were taken out of his own pockets, and by the way, Kirigakure's income was embezzled.

The instruments sold now and the continued development of the capital chain are basically controlled by him alone.

Although the cooperating countries on both sides are a little jealous, there is no way to do this.

After all, Hatake Sosuke was very low-key when conducting scientific research, and only started to formally develop after taking Hidan away.

This person can be considered quite extraordinary if he can plan for such a long time.

He looked jealous, but Sand Shinobi was once taught by Hatake Sosuke, and now even if he is guilty, he can only look at Hatake Sosuke aggrievedly.

There is no financial crisis on Konoha, his is his.

If one of the five major countries asks an ordinary person for research results, it always feels so unreasonable.

Anyway, Hatake Sosuke is considered Konoha. When he wants to come back later, he only needs to get the method of making the instrument.

These instruments are actually sold in places other than most Ninja villages. Many small countries around here do not have Ninja villages and medical ninjas.

So in terms of medical treatment, it will appear to be relatively backward. The main sales groups of Hatake Sosuke are ordinary people, not ninjas.

Of course, it is not impossible to use it, but many instruments conflict with the role of the medical ninja.

Even if the target group of Hatake Sosuke is not Ninja Village, there are still many Ninja Village competitors who have purchased it.

There is no other reason. Medical ninjas are always limited, but these devices are not necessarily, and these devices also have many different medical directions.

"Ah-this shouldn't work well, it's all mud outside now~ "."

The ghost lantern paused after the full moon, and his face was slightly bitter.

"After all, it rarely rains here, so there are many places where there is sand at all. Now it rains and everything is mud."

"Moreover, it seems that many people outside are very excited about the rain. At this time, when I go out to eat, there shouldn't be any shops open."

Ghost Lantern Manmoon scratched his head and said.

The number of rains in the Kingdom of Wind is relatively small, and every time it rains, it is light rain, so although the ground in this place has been repaired, it seems that the road into the village from the outside is paved.

But because the entire city of Sunagakure is built on sand, it is impossible to demolish and rebuild the entire village even if it can pave the road.

So if it rains heavily outside, it still affects the effect of going out.

"Ah—it always feels troublesome, but after this rain, Gaara should almost know the situation."

Things that pave the way afterwards should also be on the agenda.

"Ah... yes."

Ghost Lantern Moon was not too clear about the situation, so she scratched her head in a daze.

Since the last accident of that kind, whether it was intentional or unintentional, his relationship with Gaara has been somewhat alienated.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that Gaara, who takes over the management of Sunagakure, is too busy.

After the ghost lantern came back from Kirigakure before the full moon, there was not much contact.

The upper level originally had the intention to separate Gaara from the two of them. As long as they don't go too far, Gaara can generally default.

Although Ghost Lantern Full Moon was a bit naive and excessive, it was somewhat offensive to him last time.

So far, he hasn't had a good face towards Sand Shinobi's senior management, and he has become more strict with the inner ghost who may be mixed in.

When Hatake Sosuke came out of the research room once, he saw the ghost lamp full moon at the end of the corridor and screamed at someone who didn't know his identity.

At the time, Hatake Sosuke was taken aback for a while, but he didn't expect this kid to have such a strong temper.

All in all, after the ghost lantern came back from the full moon, there was not much contact with people other than Hatake Sosuke.

Someone like Gaara Sand Shinobi's high-level guys, maybe they have been blackmailed by this kid.

It's not to blame him, if Sand Shinobi's senior management was not the ghost lantern full moon, but the whole Hatake Sosuke.

Hatake Sosuke can directly raise the ashes of those old men and women, and directly use them as fertilizer in the greening project.


Hatake Sosuke (Zhao?) also heard something wrong, and pursed his mouth in a little embarrassment.

It seemed that after the ghost lantern full moon came back, his attention was focused on scientific research, and he seemed to ignore the situation of the ghost lantern full moon itself.

Hatake Sosuke paused for a moment, then turned around, holding the back of his chair and looking at the ghost lantern full moon behind.

He looked around, then realized that there seemed to be someone missing.

"Ah, right, where is Sasori?"

"It feels like I haven't seen him for several days."

Sasori used to pester Hatake Sosuke to instruct him in puppet technology and production, but Hatake Sosuke was barely able to touch the ground because of the work in the research room some time ago, so he didn't have much time to care about what he was doing.

"He went to find a thousand-generation mother-in-law. After all, you don't have much time at ordinary times, so he went there for further study."

Although I don't know what Chiyo can guide him. .

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