"I know."

Hatake Sosuke responded almost instantly, and was choked back at the words of the ghost lantern full moon.

He didn't know how to tell Hatake Sosuke about the current situation, and Hatake Sosuke answered him so categorically.

How should I describe the current situation to the teacher? Simply put, that person should not be able to survive.

They are all ninjas, dead and alive, in fact, this thing is quite common.

Even if Hatake Sosuke has modified the personality of Hatake Sosuke, Hatake Sosuke is quite aware of this situation.

Even if he is a good person now, the things Mizukage who was controlled by Kirigakure did in the past and the things he experienced in school are all true.

Those are all alive in the memory of the ghost lamp full moon.

Although Hatake Sosuke told them, whether ninjas or ordinary people, you are all humans in essence.

"Don't use yourself as a tool, don't think that you can avoid the questioning of your conscience by using yourself as a tool."

"You can do it for people, but don't make yourself regret for something fake and empty."

"If life is a number, there is really nothing to be concerned about."

"But everyone is actually the same as your friends and relatives. They also have unfinished dreams and people who care about them."

"Don't limit yourself."

Hatake Sosuke would say this, and because he is strong enough and low-key, he can hide himself well.

But what Hatake Sosuke didn't say is that humans are just humans, a fragile and easy-to-destroy creature.

Life is very easy to pass away.

Sometimes, even if it is reluctant, it will happen.

Hatake Sosuke is a different person from them. He is an ordinary person, and he certainly can't regard life and death like a stubborn.

Ninjas can apply life and death like Wooden Golem, so they can treat themselves as a sharp blade, a sharp knife, hurting themselves and others without any mood changes.

But Hatake Sosuke hasn't died at all. He can protect most people and heal most people.

But there will always be one or two unexpected people.

If you tell Hatake Sosuke, that person will die.

What kind of expression will a teacher who has never shown any special emotions show?

Although Ghost Lantern Man Yue was a little curious, he didn't really want to see the teacher with a lost expression.

"He is dead~"."

When the ghost lamp full moon was thinking about what to say, the two of them had already reached a position where they could see the entrance of the scientific research room.

Hatake Sosuke's studio was not too far away from the research room.

The Ghost Lantern full moon froze for a moment, apparently as if he didn't expect Hatake Sosuke to say such things so peacefully.

He thought that after he told Hatake Sosuke about it, Hatake Sosuke would show various expressions.

But he didn't expect that Hatake Sosuke seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and said it quite calmly.


Ghost Lantern Manyue's eyes turned quickly, and he looked at Hatake Sosuke's face as if for help, trying to read some emotions from his face.

It's okay to endure sadness or other emotions.

But Hatake Sosuke covered his eyes with a blindfold. The face he saw from the side, and his thin lips, still had the same trace of smile that had always existed at the corners of his lips.

I can't see what he thinks...! !

"Also, it shouldn't be so pessimistic, in fact, there are other possibilities."

"When I came out, everyone was still undergoing cardiac resuscitation. In fact, there is still a possibility of waking up!"

"I remember the heartbeat instrument rang!"

Ghost Lantern Moon held things in both hands, and desperately explained to Hatake Sosuke who was narrating, as if he was afraid he might misunderstand something.

Hatake Sosuke's expression didn't have any waves, but he didn't say anything about the full moon with the broken ghost lamp.

Dead or alive, this kind of thing Hatake Sosuke has known for a long time.

But even with so many methods, can't he still be cured?

From the slightly exposed eyebrows of Hatake Sosuke, it can be seen that he is actually frowning.

"Life and death are fateful, I still know this kind of thing, if I were comforted by my own students, I would be a little too decent."

Hatake Sosuke seemed to have thought about something, and then smiled at the ghost lantern full moon for a while.

Ghost Lantern Moon opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

It was indeed like this. Hatake Sosuke didn't seem to be someone who would need comfort.

It's just that he somewhat underestimated the teacher.

"I'm not always able to protect the people around me, and I have seen with my own eyes how I can't fight back."

"Avoid is to avoid ~ but there are also failures."

Hatake Sosuke seemed to be explaining to Ghost Lantern Manmoon, and it seemed to be just talking to himself.

He smiled and looked at the ghost lantern full moon next to him.

In fact, when he came here, didn't he clearly see the death of Hatake Sakumo?

Even this body died along with it at that time.

That's why he came, but when he came there was already too late.

Only the sound of thunderstorms and lightning flashes outside from time to time.

And the younger brother who came home a few steps late from school, half of his blindfolded face, and those frightened eyes.

Completely seen through...

Ghost Lantern Manyue grinned in embarrassment, and turned his head to the side helplessly.

"...Does it take so long to get the materials?"

Before the two of them walked in, the door of the scientific research room suddenly opened, and a petite figure walked out of it.

The slightly curly red hair was pressing against his cheek softly, with a trace of baby fat on his face.

Except for (Zhao Lihao)'s amber eyes revealing a kind of maturity and dissatisfaction that does not belong to this age group, he is basically a pure little boy.

Sasori used his tail to roll up the material in the hand of Ghost Lantern Man Yue. These bone materials are almost longer than his arm. Naturally, he will not directly hold it with his hands. It is too uncomfortable.

"Because the teacher is here..."

Ghost Lantern Manmoon scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly at Sasori.


"I thought you would care a little more."

Sasori paused, muttered a little, and then pursed his lips.

There was a hint of helplessness on Sasori's expression, and he gestured to Hatake Sosuke to come in.

Ghost Lantern Moon also wanted to keep up, but was cruelly turned away.

"Huh?! Why am I locked out?"

"I am a medical staff, I have the final say."

Sasori raised his eyebrows somewhat proudly. .

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