The ghost lantern full moon turned into a puddle of water in front of the door somewhat aggrieved.

However, Sasori is indeed planned as the ranks of medical staff, but this situation is also expected.

Although he is familiar with poisons, he is also familiar with detoxification schemes as well as poisons. In short, the two exist mutually.

The detoxifier does not need to know the method of making the poison, but the drug maker must know what the poison he uses can be solved, otherwise, if he accidentally gets it on his body, he will give it to him on the spot.

How could a person like Sasori make such a vain mistake, so he researched poisons and antidote at the same time.

Knowing all kinds of poisons and antidote, Sasori is naturally familiar with all kinds of herbs and the like.

In this case, he will of course be divided into the ranks of medical staff.

He has participated in first aid and treatment a lot, but he personally prefers to hide and study his puppet except when necessary. Because of Sasori's ability, Hatake Sosuke has considered making him a nanny.

In this way, the shortcomings of Sasori's own puppets will be partly improved. The puppet masters are hiding in the dark and behind.

This kind of positioning is also suitable for nurses, so Sasori is obviously quite talented as a backup for medical ninja.

However, it is a pity that most of the medical ninjas in other people's places are girls and the like, but their medical ninja is a little boy with a childlike uncle's heart, and he always feels a little bit sad.

Hatake Sosuke walked into the research room. Sasori did not speak. After all, anyone with eyes can understand the current situation.

The huge incandescent lamp illuminates the hospital bed extremely brightly, and Uchiha Itachi's situation looks much better than the miserable situation he had when he first arrived.

But this is only the reason he has treated his wounds, and he has died.

By this time, the corpse of the deceased should almost be processed. For example, putting on makeup on the corpse can be directly thrown into the incinerator.

There was no fluctuation in the nearby instruments, and all the instruments remained silent.

The infusion needle has stopped, and half a bag of blood is placed there without going up and down, as if they can't find the place where they should go.

Researchers stood beside them one after another, and they dared not raise their heads to look at Hatake Sosuke.

Although their boss is good to them, didn't you say it? The more such a good-tempered person, the more terrifying when he gets angry.

Hatake Sosuke was wearing a blindfold, only half of his face was illuminated by the pale light, and most of his face was still hidden in the shadows.

There is no regular expression on his face. Once he converges on his usual smile, it seems to make people feel a subtle fear.

It's not serious, but just plain expressionless.

His eyes were blocked by the blindfold, and no one knew where he was looking.

In the end it was Sasori who spoke, breaking the dead silence.

"Although I don't know why you knew about this a long time ago, you can't save him no matter what you do."

"There was not much fatal injury. There was a deep wound on his leg, a few ribs were broken, and his eyes were taken away."

"The cause of his death was organ failure. His body was already rotten from the inside. No matter what he did, it was at best hanging him, and there was no way to save him."

The act of hanging life is meaningless at all. The best choice now is to let Uchiha Itachi directly become Sasori's puppet, so that he can be retained as much as possible.

People of the Uchiha clan have their eyes taken away, but the extent of their use is much less.

It is incredible to live with this kind of organ. Uchiha Itachi took a lot of medicine to survive until the last moment.

Drugs, if appropriate, can really help people live as much as possible.

However, after an overdose, the body is overdrawn. Based on the deterioration of Uchiha Itachi's internal organs, he estimated that he was not just taking medicine in the end.

He had been overdose of drugs a long time ago. Although he couldn't live for long, this kind of overdraft behavior is probably also a catalyst for him to die earlier.


Hatake Sosuke stroked his chin thoughtfully, as if thinking about something.

"If you give him to me, I might make him a puppet..."

Sasori whispered and stopped talking to Hatake Sosuke's ear and muttered softly.

Thanks to Hatake Sosuke wearing a blindfold, so that his shock was not revealed by his instantly widened eyes.

Hatake Sosuke simply vetoed Sasori's proposal. He really wanted to save people, so let's forget about it.

What's more, Sasori's statement is too weird, he is not so nasty, it sounds outrageous.

"I don't have that kind of interest at all."

"Then there's no way."

When Sasori saw Hatake Sosuke's reaction, it was enough to understand that he was obviously not the same with himself, so he had no choice but to look at Hatake Sosuke innocently.

"It's better to make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise the body will rot here."

Sasori paused for a while and added.

He was just running the train casually before, but what he said was true that the body would rot.

"Keep him refrigerated, I'm going to find someone."

Hatake Sosuke's eyes sank, and he glanced at Sasori somewhat hesitantly, which gave Sasori a subtle bad premonition.

This guy is about to start doing some work again.

After Hatake Sosuke finished speaking, he waited for the automatic door to open and went straight out, leaving a room with people looking at each other blankly.

He wanted to come back to life.

Sasori's eyes narrowed, and Hatake Sosuke gave him a sense of Orochimaru in some way.

Although being in the world, even the strength gap is completely different.

But I don't know why there is a subtle feeling.

"Frozen for now, and wait until he thinks of a way."

Sasori said to a room of scientific researchers, and then watched a few people push the beds into the elevator area.

The corpse will be sent to the bottom for refrigeration, because there are very few people who need refrigeration, so there are not many hospital beds in that place.

Because it was the place where the corpse was placed, it was once one of the areas that medical staff did not want to patrol.

No way, it feels too gloomy below, there are no more than three people, and there is no way to get in.

Hatake Sosuke walked directly from the underground scientific research area to the ground. He has a familiar person who has the ability to bring the dead back to life.

It's not about recovering someone under extreme circumstances, but really bringing them back to life.

A thousand generations mother-in-law. .

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