I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 112: Strong kiss

The purple Lamborghini ghost stopped at the door of the hotel. Eric walked out of the car and saw Jennifer Connelly standing outside the hotel. At the time, the girl stood next to another middle-aged 30-year-old. people.

Eric walked up, and the two of them soon found him. They greeted them together. Jennifer Connelly changed a light blue dress and smiled embarrassedly at Eric. But the middle-aged man around the girl enthusiastically took the lead and stepped forward, reaching out and introducing herself: "Hello, Mr. Williams, I am Miss Connelly's agent, Jim Rest."

"Hello, Mr. Lester," Eric politely shook with the other, and turned to Jennifer Connelly: "Miss Connelly, let's go, I have booked the restaurant."

The girl looked at the agent for help. Eric's eyes and tone were too aggressive, as if she had been treated as a personal belonging.

She began to debut since she was thirteen years old. Because of her flawless and stunning appearance, she encountered all kinds of jealousy more than once, but she was not as full of arrogant and unreasonable possessiveness as Eric. She feels that if she is allowed to live alone with her, then all the means of communication she has ever dealt with will not help.

Eric looked at the girl's gaze and looked at Jim Lester on the side: "Mr. Rest, are you coming together?"

Rest didn't dare to face Jennifer Connelly's fortune, and smiled and shook his head at Eric: "Of course not, Mr. Williams, how can I bother you both dates?" Here, the middle-aged man waved a meaningless gesture and hesitatedly asked: "Mr. Williams, can you tell me how effective Jane was in the audition today?"

Eric listened to Rest's nickname for Jennifer Connelly. He felt weird. He said straight away: "Unexpectedly, this character is Miss Connelly."

Even Jennifer Connelly, who has a lot of scruples about Eric, couldn't help but look up at Eric, not to mention the ecstatic Rest.

The girl, the agent, is also a slick person. As a man, he can see at a glance that the girl in Eric’s eyes is sure to win, so I understand that Eric will definitely support each other in the future.

In the style of Eric Williams, the actors he looks at will try to dig into his own brokerage company. As a third-line actor's agent, Rest understands that if he does not take the opportunity to seize this opportunity, he will not know when to wait for this good thing in the future.

"This is the case, Mr. Williams, I think UTA is a very promising brokerage company, so I want to go with the artists under the team, what do you think?"

Jennifer Connelly looked at the agent with amazement, and Rest did not mention it to her at all, which made the girl somewhat dissatisfied with Rest's self-assertion. But in front of Eric, she did not immediately attack.

At the same time, looking at the young people in front of her eyes, she certainly knows that UTA is Eric's personal industry. Once Eric nodded and promised, for the role of "Dark War", she certainly had no room for rejection. But deep down, she resisted joining UTA, not to the UTA company is not optimistic, but if that, it will give her the illusion of a sheep into the tiger.

Eric also noticed the expression of Jennifer Connelly's amazement and worry, and looked at the 30-year-old, some chunky middle-aged people with great interest.

"Mr. Rest, you are a smart person, know how to seize the opportunity, and make a correct choice." After a moment, Eric said.

He did intend to dig Jennifer Connelly to UTA and still let Kapoor personally bring her.

However, since the girl's agent took the initiative to mention the job, Eric was also happy. Since Rest wants to continue to bring the girl, let him try it. After all, Eric can't put all the people who are optimistic in the future under Kapoor's name. If Kapoor is energetic, he won't be too busy. . If Rest can not prove his strength in the future, still have to be fired.

"Right, how many artists do you have now?" Eric thought again as soon as Lester's words, and asked.

"Four, including Jane." Rester immediately said that the other party seemed to want to introduce the other three people, but Eric waved and interrupted: "Give up the other three people, you bring Miss Connelly alone. UTA. I only saw Miss Connelly alone, and I don't need the other three."

The struggle in Resett's eyes flashed away. His relationship with his actor is still good. One of the other three actors is his friend's brother, and he is specially invited to him. However, but thinking of his future, Rest made a decision within five seconds: "No problem, Mr. Williams."

After the matter was settled, Lester took the initiative to leave his face and left Jennifer Connelly to Eric.

Starting the car, Eric saw the dull **** the co-pilot and suddenly explored the body.

Jennifer Connelly noticed Eric’s movements and immediately raised his hands in front of him, and asked with horror: “You... what are you doing?”

"Looking scared you," Eric grinned and crossed the girl's body and pulled the seat belt on the co-pilot: "I don't know how to drive this car, so it is safer to wear a seat belt."

"I will tie myself," Jennifer Connelly said, reaching out to grab the seat belt, but in the panic, she caught Eric's hand and then immediately shrank back with an electric shock.

Fasten the seat belt, Eric sat up straight, but did not immediately start the car, but twisted his head and looked at the fidgeting **** the co-pilot.

"Are you afraid of me?" After a while, Eric finally asked.

Jennifer Connelly nodded subconsciously, realized that it was not right, and quickly shook his head: "Mr. Williams, I... I don't mean that."

"You can call me Eric."

The girl looked around the window in a panic, and sighed softly.

"Come, look at me." Eric's tone was slightly softer, and the girl turned her head involuntarily, with doubts in her eyes.

Eric reached out and walked behind the girl, grabbed Connelly's back, and suddenly leaned forward again, kissing the girl's delicate red lips.

Jennifer Connelly was shocked by Eric's actions in an instant, her eyes widened, her pupils contracted sharply, her hands subconsciously supported Eric's chest, but she forgot to escape. Feeling that the young man was sucking his lips strongly, his tongue tried several times to try to get into his mouth. The girl's eyelashes flicked a few times, and the big eyes were filled with fog, and Eric was enough. The pair of lips, loosening the girl, tears in Connery's eyes are already overflowing.

"How can you do this!" The first reaction of the girl was to slap Eric and get off, but found that she was tied to her seat by the seat belt.

Untidyly untied the seat belt, Eric has stepped on the gas pedal and drove Lamborghini on the road. The girl still said: "Mr. Williams, please stop by, I want to get off!"

"Don't make trouble, tie the seat belt."

"You... I have to get off!" The girl reluctantly said.

Eric is about to say something again. He suddenly drives an open-top Mercedes-Benz sports car. The punk young driver on the explosive head in the car obviously goes over the middle line and overtakes. Eric snorted and slammed the steering wheel. The body of the convertible, but the two cars are still rubbed together. A few punk youths in the car may have seen the glamorous **** the co-pilot. When they passed by, they shouted and screamed at Lamborghini.

When the Mercedes-Benz disappeared into the rearview mirror, Eric found out that he had already been shocked by a cold sweat. He snorted again and looked at the same unsettled girl. Eric’s tone became a bit serious: Take the seat belt."

Jennifer Connelly didn't dare to resist this time. She didn't want to make a joke about her own life. She obediently pulled out the seat belt, but reluctantly turned her head away from the man in the driver's seat.

Coming to the door of a famous Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills, the doorman saw the gorgeous purple ghost sports car and joined them attentively. Eric got out of the car, stuffed the keys and a tip to the doorman, and turned to the girl. Jennifer Connelly had calmed down and didn’t go away after getting off the bus, reluctantly holding Eyre. Ke extended his arm and followed the other side to the restaurant.

"As long as the salad is enough, why not order something else?" At the dining table, Eric heard the girl's order and said.

Jennifer Connelly glanced at the waiter standing next to him, whispering softly: "I am on a diet."

Eric did not persuade, ordered his own dinner, and asked for a bottle of red wine before returning the menu to the waiter. When he was about to leave, Eric said: "Okay, girl, laugh, good, You make me very guilty."

"Would you still feel guilty?" The girl glared at Eric with a glance, and said: "Don't talk to me in the old-fashioned tone, you... you are only a few months older than me. ”

"It's an honor. I don't think you have already inquired about my birthday. It will be good for us to get along with each other in the future. I also remember your birthday, December 12, a wonderful day, right?"

A few words from Eric made the girl a little uneasy: "Where did you know my birthday?"

"Files," Eric smiled and crap, and picked up the girl without any psychological pressure: "I still know more about you. As early as 1984, when the "American Past" was released, I knew that. An angel-like girl, she has never forgotten her since then, and she will not realize that one day she will live in front of me."

No woman doesn't like this compliment, let alone a recent young director who is famous, Jennifer Connelly bows his head and doesn't dare to look at Eric's affectionate eyes, but a faint blush on his cheeks. Even before Eric’s offense against her, the girl couldn’t help but excuse her. He must have been like me.

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