I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 113: Guest paparazzi

Eric continued: "Then is Sarah in "Magic Labyrinth". In order to see more of that angel girl, I bought a video tape, but it is now lost. Oh, and your most recent one." Sisters, I like it too."

Jennifer Connelly was a bit shy when she saw Eric's smile on the last movie. It was her first attempt at a larger scale, and she was criticized by many conservatives.

The reason is that after the failure of the "Magic Labyrinth" box office, no one has been looking for her to play movies for a long time. Jennifer even tried to go to Japan to seek some opportunities, took some advertisements there, and released two albums. However, she still failed to bring any help to her career. After returning to the United States, in order to stay in Hollywood, she was told by the agent to shoot the youthful comedy.

After being swayed by Eric, the girl gradually put down her heart and opened her voice. The two of you talked and talked, and the manners became more and more intimate.

After dinner, I took Eric to the parking lot all the way, and once again sat on Lamborghini, the girl was nervous again. Next, he won't want to bring himself home? What should I do? Do you want to reject him?

Maybe, but...

The girl squinted on the handbag for a few times, secretly glanced at Eric, who started the car, just touched the other's eyes, and quickly avoided the eyes.

Eric smiled and said: "Or, let's go to a movie first?"

As if the death penalty officer suddenly received a notice of delay in execution, Jennifer nodded exaggeratedly and seemed to realize that his reaction was excessive and he smiled awkwardly.

"You should smile more, I like to see you laughing."

Eric said this, started the car, walked around the streets of Beverly downtown, found a luxury movie theater, stopped Lamborghini, looked at the next row, and found that there was even that release on Friday. The "Weilong Killing" in the public ticket sales, it is estimated that the film company arranged the spot, asked the ticket seller, just have tickets, they bought two.

"What is it?" Seeing Eric coming over, Jennifer leaned over to Eric and watched the movie ticket in his hand: ""Weilong Killing," I know, I know, is starring Richard Keel. That movie, the newspaper is still..."

The girl said that she suddenly closed her mouth.

Eric smiled and took the girl's hand and asked as he walked: "What else?"

"I also said... I also said that "Weilong Killing" will definitely exceed your "Fengyue Beauty"."

"Oh, what are you reading about the gossip tabloids," Eric said with a sneer: "It seems that in order to create momentum for this film, Lianmei has completely avoided the bottom line."

"But I think the analysis in that newspaper is very reasonable," the girl replied weakly.

"Oh, let me tell you how the other side analyzed, I am also very interested."

The two men said to themselves, bought cola and popcorn together, and walked to the ticket gate. They did not notice that not far behind them. A thin and short white man was holding the camera and madly facing the two. The individual pressed the shutter and saw the two men walk to the auditorium of "Weilong Killing". The other party was even more excited. The index finger pressing the shutter seemed to become very flexible.

After Eric and Jennifer disappeared from the ticket gate, the skinny man Witt reluctantly put down the camera. He was originally a reporter for a fashion magazine in Los Angeles. He was responsible for the fashion layout and had more opportunities to contact with the stars. When Witt encounters a more valuable anecdote, he does not mind that in a second, the incarnation of the paparazzi will make an extraordinarily fast.

It was entirely accidental to meet Eric and Jennifer Connelly today. Witt worked overtime at the magazine in the magazine for more than eight o'clock in the evening. When I drove home, I accidentally met Eric. Purple Lamborghini ghosts.

As a fashion magazine editor and watched the movie "Feng Yue Qiao Jia Ren", Witt recognized the model of the car at a glance. He knows that the car will be available for several months, so I feel that if I can shoot a few A photo, such as "An article on the streets of Los Angeles, unlisted Lamborghini ghosts", is another extraordinarily fast.

Because of the popularity of the "Fengyue" movie, Lamborghini has almost become the hottest sports car in the world in recent times, and even Ferrari and other famous cars have temporarily fallen.

Carefully chasing the purple ghost, the other party finally stopped at the entrance of a movie theater. Witt was waiting for the master to leave and filmed, but found that the first to get off the car, turned out to be the famous Eric Williams.

This doesn't make Wit too excited. Everyone knows the wonderful advertising cooperation between Eric and Lamborghini in the last "Fengyue" movie. In this case, the other party can get a ghost sports car before going public. What a strange thing.

If Eric alone came down from the car, Witt even made up his mind. The article did not mention Eric’s name at all, but instead created a mysterious master for the ghost. This kind of trick is more capable. Attractive eyeballs. Once the Lamborghini ghosts are linked to Eric, the readers will feel that, oh, this is a matter of course, and certainly will not be interested in watching.

Next, the coupe of the sports car drove down another girl, which made Witt's spirit shock. Not the most likely Drew Barrymore, nor 'Hollywood Cinderella' Julia Roberts, not even Eric's true girlfriend Jennifer Aniston, but another gorgeous girl, Jennifer Connelly though Not too famous in Hollywood, Witt just knows each other.

The private life of Eric Williams has always been the object of interest for paparazzi. Unfortunately, after the other party became famous, neither went to the nightclub nor the bar, and there was no bad habit of excavating value. The legendary one was Jennifer. Although Aniston’s girlfriend had a storm, but it quickly subsided, the two people quickly spread the news, and then the only occasion in the private occasion with the opposite **** appeared in the lens, still Jennifer Aniston.

In this case, although the paparazzi are more curious about his private life, they are in a state of dog biting and swearing, and gradually no longer chase Eric. There are so many newsworthy stars in Hollywood. No one will hang on a tree.

So today, this gossip is completely cheaper than the guest of the paparazzi. At this time, the thin short man has changed the camera to a new film, patiently waiting outside the cinema, and at the same time entangled in it, the focus of this anecdote should be placed in Ai Rick and his new girlfriend Jennifer Connelly, still placed on Eric to watch "Weilong Killing", or, split into two different gossips?

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