I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 120: Interview with Richard Gere

"The setting of the actor is very bizarre. He has a doctorate. He is also good at a mysterious oriental Taijiquan, but he is willing to do the work of Ma Zi, who is watching the game at the bar. Then, the director is very awkward to build it. Became a paranoid avenger, but it is not a qualified avenger. He can kill those little scorpions without any politeness, but he will be soft to the bully with the greatest hatred. Finally, he will almost be killed by the other party. All in all, this is a movie that makes people very awkward and tangled." - "Chicago Tribune"

"The film is full of anarchic private law enforcement, lawless destruction and unscrupulous violence. It is a farce." - "Movie Guide" magazine

"I only saw rogue fights, broken beer bottles, a bunch of big-breasted girls and splattered plasma. The plot was pale and unconvincing. Richard Kilt meant that the muscles of the film could not be lifted. Half-point interest, his actions in the movie and even the role of the villain have not been crisp and neat." - "Montreal Film Magazine"

"A ridiculous and awkward fist fable." - "Reel Film Review"

"This is a movie that can get rid of the hero. Then things will still follow the story of the movie. The double-bar is rectified, causing the shackles of bullies, a series of violence, arson, murder, and then the unbearable town residents rise up against it. In order to kill the bully, Richard Kiel gave up Eric Williams's "Fashion of the Wind" for such a movie. I don't know if he will lose sleep because of regret." - "Hollywood News"

"In addition to the rock scores interspersed with it, this movie is simply useless." - "Rolling Stone" magazine

Because of the strong propaganda of this film in the early period of the United States, "Weilong Killing" achieved a attendance rate of more than 70% on the first day of more than 1900 theaters. However, with the bad comments on the movie after the release, the attendance rate plummeted.

Three days later, the box office of the first weekend of the Easter season was released. The release of the sixth week of "Feng Yue Qiao Jia" unexpectedly appeared a box office retreat, more than 2.4 million more than last weekend, with a score of 11.27 million US dollars to get the top of the weekend three-day box office list, six weeks of cumulative box office 9769 Wan, I believe that after this full week, Eric will soon be welcoming the third box office film he participated in. It will take several months to contact Eric to celebrate his 19th birthday. This achievement will surely welcome the media once again.

Although "Weilong Killing" has nearly 2,000 screens, but with the sharp drop in attendance on Saturday and Sunday, it only got $5.25 million in the first weekend box office, which is less than half of the "Fengyue" score. Ranked runner-up.

The third place is Universal Pictures' crime comedy "Fletcher's Life", which earned $5.04 million in more than 1,400 theaters.

Because of the increased support and the Easter schedule in Colombia, the "Little Ghosts" released in the 18th week unconsciously won the box office of 4 million, and steadily approached 300 million US dollars. This 12-week watch took the top spot in the box office list, and the box office dark horse, which remained in the top five at the box office for more than four months, was already numb.

Perhaps one day, the "Little Ghosts" box office suddenly accumulated to 300 million US dollars, the public will see the numbers again and then widen their eyes, giving a feeling of 'wow' and so on.

In the new week, Eric ended the audition of the Dark War, and handed the audition of "Small Island" and "Scent of the Woman" to the two directors, and began to rush to the film in the Greater Los Angeles area. Make a selection.

Although there are not many scenes required in "Dark War", there are a large number of shots that need to be closed, but it is not an easy task to find a suitable place.

At the same time, Eric also found the lack of strength in his own strength. As a Hollywood home base, Los Angeles's policy support for movies is very large, but it does not mean that the film crew can do whatever they want. Many scenes require the approval of various municipal departments. Although the flexibility is very large, the process is very Cumbersome.

Moreover, the relevant personal connections are also indispensable. Although Eric is now very famous, he is completely incomparable with the big directors and gold medal makers who have been famous for many years. Maybe sometimes others can only get things by phone. He I have to come and communicate in person.

Fortunately, this film is very valued in Colombia. In order to ensure that the film can be started as soon as possible, an experienced producer was specially sent to assist Eric to prepare, which greatly shortened the preparation time of the previous period.

When Eric set the scene for "The Dark War," another thing happened unconsciously.

The storm began with Richard Gere, the 40-year-old superstar who came out of the box office at the first weekend of "Fengyue" and began to feel more and more worried about losing the "Fengyue" actor. He knew that he had missed a very precious opportunity to return to the A-class superstar, especially the recent box office failure of "Weilong Killing", which made him more annoyed and regretted.

After "Weilong Killing", Richard Keel’s mentality is eager to get another film to turn over. He also feels that CAA has the responsibility and obligation to help himself, because this is what the other party owes to him, if not for Michael. Owitz's personal grievances, he can not give up the hero of "Feng Yue".

To this end, Richard Gere has repeatedly wanted to interview Michael Owitz, but unfortunately Michael Owitz is busy bridging the acquisition between Sony and Colombia after the success of the Sony consortium and Coca-Cola. Working on Richard Kier, this little thing was just to hand over the matter to Richard Kiel’s agent, Horner Willie, who was seriously clean and was joined by Eric Stuart Longkel. Disgusted guy.

Horner Willie recommended a small cost horror movie actor based on the status quo of Richard Gere. Richard Kiel is certainly not satisfied. He is interested in one of the Universal Pictures that CAA is responsible for. The middle of the film production, speaking, this request is not too much. But Horner Willie did not agree to fight for Richard Kerr. He was able to directly reject Richard Gere on the grounds that it was impossible for the world to launch an actor who had already fallen into the bottom of the second line and had just performed a big production.

Horner Willie is one of CAA's early brokers and is now a CAA gold broker. Even many A-level actors are gracious to him, which has slowly fueled the agent. temper. Richard Gere completely blamed the loss of "The Wind" for the opportunity of CAA. The grievances in his heart have accumulated for a long time. After Horner Willie refused to win the role for him, it also produced another The anger that was swindled and then broke out completely.

Two people had a big fight in Horner Willie's office. If it wasn't for someone who didn't find it bad, they would break in and stop, and they might be able to fight.

After this incident, Richard Gere left the CAA on the same day and joined the other brokerage giant William Morris (WMA) on the third day of the incident.

This incident would have been a normal actor job change. There are countless such job-hopping events between Hollywood's major brokerage companies. Even CAA, which claims to have a complete betrayal cost system, cannot be avoided. But it will be relatively small. CAA's so-called 'betrayal cost' system is more about preventing its own brokers from standing on their own, because the five founders of CAA were all migrating from another brokerage giant that year. For those big-name stars, the **** is not big. It is very easy for top stars to leave. Second- and third-line stars, as long as they are willing to pay liquidated damages, can easily leave, but now the CAA has a film and television industry chain. The resources are very large, so most of the stars are not getting enough lure and will not leave the big tree easily.

Moreover, the CAA also promptly issued a severe password for the quarrel between Horner Willie and Richard Gere, who thought that this matter would pass unconsciously. But forget that Richard Gere is also one of the parties.

Richard Keel’s job-hopping soon caused some media ideas. When interviewed by the Hollywood News, Richard Kiel, who was saddened by the heart, would be a 'victim’. CAA smeared a black spot. The next day, there was an article in the "Hollywood News" titled "Interview with Richard Gere: Losing the Detailed Inside Story of the "Fengyue" Protagonist".

"Recently, Richard Kiel, the famous actor who once starred in Eric Williams' box office masterpiece "Fengyue Beauty", suddenly left the long-time Creative Artists Brokerage Company (CAA) and was interviewed by this reporter. Cha Keel finally revealed to us that she had to refuse the specific passage of the "Fengyue" actor.

The following is the original words of Mr. Richard Keel: When I saw the script of "Fengyue", I felt that this would be a very wonderful story, very suitable for my image, I even did it for this purpose. Some roles are prepared. Although Eric Williams is very young, I learned that he is a very talented young man by watching his first two works. But when I had to agree to the film, my former agent, Horner Willie, hinted that I refused.

I was puzzled at the time, and then Horner Willie told me that because Eric Williams had just recruited Kapoor Sid, Mr. Michael Ovitz and Kapoor Sid had a very good relationship. Deep contradiction. So I don't like any collaboration between the artist and Eric Williams. It is clear that Michael Owitz wants to block Eric Williams.

However, I did not want to give up that opportunity, so I discussed with Horner Willy. But what I got was a hidden threat. If I cooperate with Eric Williams, then I will be refrigerated by CAA. I was in the low tide of my career, because I was afraid of the threat of CAA. Did not refuse the film of "Fengyue".

Then, in the name of appeasement, CAA gave me the actor of the United States' action movie "Weilong Killing". When I saw the script, I said to Horner Willie: No, this role The image is not suitable for me. Although I have played an action movie, this character is too violent. It may be more appropriate to find a muscular man to play.

Horner Willie said that I had no choice, then I had to pick up the "Weilong Killing" with a very low pay, in order to be more in line with the image of the hero in the film, I deliberately carried out for a while. High-intensity fitness. But the film finally failed.

The reason why I exposed these things today is because I feel that CAA has forgotten its identity. After monopolizing too many resources, they become unscrupulous and do whatever they want, and some people show their personal power for personal grievances. You can make jokes about the actors' enthusiasm, and you can take chips from other companies with tens of millions of investments. This is a very bad thing. The brokerage company should have served the actors. It should be based on the interests of the employer as the first criterion, so that it can survive for a long time, but now the CAA has begun to arbitrarily play the actors as the pieces in the hands, and will sooner or later die. ”

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