I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 121: Cruise away

If "Weilong Killing" is a fuse, then the interview that Richard Gere published in the "Hollywood News" became the spark that ignited it.

On the day of the interview, the CAA spokesperson in the media argued that Richard Gere’s remarks were completely nonsense, and vowed to declare that if the other party made these irresponsible remarks, CAA will sue The legal means to seek justice for themselves.

Although many people can see that Richard Keel’s remarks are in the face of anger and anger, he put himself on the side of a 'victim', and there are many loopholes in his speech. People of knowledge can be easily poked. But this does not prevent the media from digging deeper into some of the facts in his speech.

The power of gossip is strong, so the next day, the media began to appear in the article about the deep inside of Michael Ovitz and Kapoor Sidden. Kapoor Sid was unable to walk in Hollywood after leaving CAA. Things that were almost forced into Europe were once again exposed.

Although CAA has grown into a towering tree, it is not without any black history. Coupled with its strategy of forcibly bundling sales, it will definitely lead to the failure of some movies. These failures are naturally pulled out by the media.

"From the sorrow to the revenge, the two ace brokers have to say the past"

"Top Ten Victims of Movies Bundled by CAA"

"After joining CAA, the nine superstars that have gradually declined"

"The black hand of the film industry's cost surge, the cost of Hollywood's ten-year movie comparison"

"The Destructor of the Industry Rules"


With the increasing number of articles smearing CAA, the trend of a demonized CAA has begun unconsciously.

The growth and development of CAA over the years has not only severely squeezed the living space of other Hollywood brokerage companies, but also the set of bundled sales strategies invented by Michael Ovitz has made many movie studios in Hollywood miserable. CAA not only made the star pay a large increase, but because of the bundling strategy, the film company had to pay a lot of cost beyond the budget.

The six major Hollywood movie giants are still a little better. They usually get most of the voice in the confrontation with CAA, and a large number of Hollywood second- and third-line movie companies, as well as those independent filmmakers, are bundled in CAA. There is no such thing as a parry in front of them. They don't have the fame and confidence that every movie in Eric sells, so they can only accept the binding conditions of CAA.

A large number of brokerage companies, a large group of film companies, countless independent filmmakers, and finally a TV media from the CAA bundled TV drama project, even if any of the forces Force, using the power of their own hands to smear the CAA, CAA is good enough to drink a pot, not to mention this time almost all forces instinctively in the absence of communication, instinctively exerted force.

Of course, it’s not that no one has published a statement in support of CAA. Some of the CAA’s actors have spoken a lot of good things to CAA when they were interviewed. After all, CAA has increased the filmmaker’s production costs. The biggest beneficiaries are these actors. However, these sounds basically did not cause any waves, mainly because of the manipulation of those forces, deliberately played down the support speech of CAA stars.

Although CAA also has a strong media public relations force, in this trend, the power in the hands basically does not play any role, it is completely passive.

Then, because of the fiasco of the "Weilong Killing" box office, the courageous United States executives suddenly jumped out. According to Richard Keel’s interview, the responsibility for the failure of the movie "Weilong Killing" was blamed on CAA. On the body, he even threatened to claim damages from CAA. Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to succeed. Lianmei only needs to find a scapegoat for the tens of millions of dollars of investment failure. The CAA on the cusp is just right, and then it is a bit of a mouthful.

At the same time, in this trend, several other Hollywood brokerage firms tacitly and arrogantly waved their gimmicks. In just one week, CAA has more than 20 second- and third-line actors running out, if this is not yet If anything hurts the CAA, then what happens next will cause a turmoil inside the CAA.

The reason is that Tom Cruise suddenly announced his departure from CAA!

Who is Tom Cruise?

Hollywood's most popular idol star, since the debut, many films have been almost missed. Most of the films he starred have earned huge profits for the film company at a small cost. 86 "Top Gun" More than 10 million US dollars in costs, won the world's $ 350 million box office. The latest "Rain Man" has won a number of Oscar nominations at the same time he received a high box office. In the list of Hollywood's most powerful people selected by Premiere magazine, Tom Cruise is an actor. Very close to a group of film company executives, directors, gold medal makers.

The departure of this super A-class superstar has undoubtedly caused a wave in the industry. The departure of Tom Cruise is actually related to this storm.

Because of this demonized CAA turmoil, after the media expressed sympathy for Richard Gere, some people turned their attention to the negotiation of two male actors in Eric's new film. Soon, with the deep understanding of the media and the cooperation of the people, the two people's remuneration conditions proposed by CAA were exposed.

"6 million US dollars plus 20% of the profit share, this robbery-like offer is only CAA's sturdy 'big company' will come to mind, it is obvious that CAA wants to let Eric William again It seems that after the "Fengyue", Mr. Michael Ovitz still remembers the ridiculous idea of ​​'blocking' Eric Williams. Want to pass this unrealistic The price of the offer, the cooperation between the two stars of Eric Williams and Tom Cruise and Tom Hanks. Not long ago, Mr. Richard Kiel said that CAA has begun to use the actors as chess pieces. The words are not targeted."

In fact, during this period, CAA has been constantly relinquishing negotiations with Cruise and Hanks. Before the release of "Weilong Killing", the percentage of CAA's required share has dropped to 12%. When the media exposed the CAA's initial offer, the share of the profit required by the other party fell to 10%.

Although the initial conditions were exposed, CAA immediately clarified that the two giants' current offer was not as high, but the media seized the incident and made a fuss. Some analysts also expressed their opinions in the newspaper. It is said that if the CAA split mode is popular, it will cause the film company's production cost to increase further, while the profit margin is greatly compressed, and it is more difficult to achieve profitability. Under such circumstances, it will definitely affect the enthusiasm of Hollywood film companies to make movies, and it will bring a fatal blow to the fast-recovering film industry in the United States.

Some media even began to call on the federal government to investigate CAA's behavior that disrupts the movie market. Under the influence of some forces, a member of the California State Assembly, when interviewed by the media, plausibly published some remarks that might investigate CAA’s quotation and suspected monopolistic behavior, although the member of parliament soon I denied my claim, but still caused tremendous pressure on CAA.

What the US industry giants are most afraid of, the first is not the tax bureau, but the anti-monopoly investigation. For the time being, not to mention the case of other industries, it is only Hollywood, because the ‘Paramount Act’ of that year has caused the silence of the Hollywood film industry for many years.

And has already opened the negotiations between Sony and Colombia, back to the CAA hosted the overall situation of Michael Ovitz in order to stabilize the situation, personally conducted an interview with Cruise and Hanks, I hope that the two can give up this time before The profit sharing plan only takes a pure pay to help CAA survive the crisis.

Hanks is still very good at speaking, because he has never taken a profit share before, even 5 million of the high pay has not been taken, the box office over 100 million "fly over the future" Hanks only took 2 million US dollars The pay, and he also valued this cooperation with Eric, so he agreed.

However, Tom Cruise expressed the hope that he could consider it. As a result, the next day, the result of the soup was to bring him out of the CAA with his agent, Ms. Paula Wagner, and then re-engage with her in her personal capacity. Firefly Company started the negotiation of the film.

Cruise has always been a very ambitious person, and this time the public opinion storm has indeed made Cruise feel like he is being manipulated by CAA like a chess piece. This feeling is extremely unacceptable for a superstar who is energetic and extremely powerful and capable.

Coupled with the success of "Rain Man", he saw another way, that is, in his personal capacity, he used the profit sharing method to cooperate with those film companies, which can bring him more benefits, while at the same time Ruth also hopes to gain more control over film production.

To get this without being hampered by the brokerage firm, getting rid of the CAA to go it alone is the first step for Cruise. But Cruise's departure from the CAA at this juncture is tantamount to a knife on the back of the opponent.

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