I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 122: CAA Revelation

Because Michael Ovitz insisted on CAA's private partnership strategy, CAA has developed into an industry giant, but it has not been listed. Therefore, although this storm is raging, as long as it is properly handled, it will cause CAA to follow up. In addition to being affected by the business for a period of time, it will not cause too much substantial harm to CAA. Even the other second- and third-line artists who have been dug away by other brokerage companies will not have any impact on CAA. The number of artists in CAA is not up to now. After more than 20 years, the scale of more than 6,000 people, but there are also thousands of people, taking dozens of small things that are completely painless for CAA.

But under this turmoil, suddenly there are big stars, especially the stars of the level of Tom Cruise. The difference is that Tom Cruise has a great influence on the Hollywood actor group. His departure is sure. Will give other superstars a wrong signal.

Michael Ovitz’s reaction was not quick. On the day of Cruise’s departure, all of CAA’s partner brokers and signing artists received a letter from Michael Owitz personally clarifying that Cruise left CAA. After the reason, the words earnestly counted the brilliant achievements of CAA over the years and the great changes brought to the actors. I hope that everyone will not be affected by public opinion, and the future of CAA will be more brilliant.

But the letter did not hinder the deterioration of the situation. Within three days after Tom Cruise left, several A-class superstars withdrew from the CAA for various reasons.

The reason why these stars joined CAA was because Michael Owitz’s series of binding measures greatly increased their income, but with the general increase in Hollywood star income, even in other brokerage companies, they can get The pay is also very high, coupled with the panic caused by Cruise’s sudden departure from CAA, and the fact that someone has opened a lower plan, the departure of these people will become logical. At the same time, more stars have begun to shake.

Michael Owitz had a bad time, and when he was smashing Cruz, he had to start to let go of his body and personally came forward to persuade the big-name actors who wanted to leave. This kind of thing he has not done for a long time.

In another corner of the city, Eric, the earliest creator of the storm, certainly won't stay out of it. This is a good opportunity, a chance to stop the CAA from becoming a big Hollywood player in the next decade.

"Eric, suddenly I have something to look for. I can declare in advance that I already have four of them in my hands. This is already the limit of my ability. You don't want to send me to me."

Kapoor appeared in the office of Erik in the firefly, and because of the unfortunate things that CAA encountered these days, Kapoor was too hypocritical to say that his heart was not happy. A bald head seemed to be bright. Minute.

Eric leaned on the back of the executive chair and smiled: "What if it is Tom Hanks?"

"Who?" Kapoor raised his ears and leaned forward slightly.

"Tom Hanks." Eric repeated it.

Kapoor reveals a meaningful smirk: "Eric, you are sure, if it is him, then I will be embarrassed, and then add a burden to myself."

"It's still awkward, you are laughing and blooming in your heart?" Eric snarled.

Kapoor didn't care about Eric's teasing and asked: "Eric, are you really sure to dig Tom Hanks?"

Eric shook his head: "No, but I am going to try it. I have already agreed to Hanks to have dinner this evening. He also agreed."

Kapoor is full of confidence in Eric. This young man has brought him too many surprises: "Eric, or else, you should try to pull Cruise closer to UTA. He has no broker now. the company."

"You don't even think about it. Mr. Cruise is now very ambitious and wants to follow the path of the producer. It is estimated that he will soon set up his own film production company."

Eric did not expect that because of his own appearance, it would cause Cruise to embark on the road of previous life seven years ahead of schedule. It is estimated that it was stimulated by his own continuous sales of several movies and huge profits.

After leaving CAA, Cruise immediately let his agent Paula Wagner touch the fireflies and started a new negotiation.

The conditions for the opening were not as ridiculous as the original CAA, with a payout of $5 million plus a 10% profit share. This price is for a share of the previous world that has been used to paying $20 million, 10% to 20% of the profit share. Very reasonable. However, the profit sharing model has only just emerged. The conditions that CAA had previously issued were completely in the doldrums in this era. Cruise opened this condition, indicating that there is still a lot of room for negotiation. Eric made up his mind and thought. It is necessary to push the division of Cruise to a ratio of 5%.

And he thinks the success rate of this incident is very high, because he got the latest news, Tom Hanks promised to abandon the profit sharing model, only a simple pay.

Although Cruise is now a little bigger than Hanks, the difference is not too much. Once Hanks’s pay condition is exposed, Cruise estimates that he does not have much confidence in his heart to demand a high profit share. It is a limitation of the times. Although Cruise has tasted the sweetness of profit sharing in "Rain Man", in the era when this actor generally has no profit sharing, his last attempt was more like a special case. The reason why Cruise can get the profit share of "Rain Man" is because the production cost of "Rain Man" is not enough. Cruise has to pay for the loss. The share is more like compensation for Cruise. The loss on the pay, but the "Yu Ren" box office is too good, the compensation is a bit more.

And Eric also heard that Hanks had to give up the plan of profit sharing before he wanted to dig Hanks. He felt that it was easiest to dig Hanks at this time. CAA had just vowed to give him a profit share, and suddenly it was gone. It was impossible for Hanks to have no idea in his heart. Others may not understand, but Eric knows the potential of Hanks, and the next decade is the outbreak of Hanks’s performing career, not only the total box office of billions of dollars, but also the time interval. After more than half a century, he became the second person to be the Oscar winner.

Although he said that he was not sure about the excavation of Hanks, Eric felt that he had a chance of winning more than 90% of Hanks. Compared with CAA, his chips are more attractive.

"Well, don't mention Cruise, Kapoor, actually I call you because of another thing." Eric said, taking out a manuscript that he had spent several nights writing and handing it over. To Kapoor: "Help me see, how about my summary?"

Kapoor took over and took a look at the title, "CAA Revelation: How the Broker Giants Formed."

After opening the manuscript, Kapoor slowly read it. The more he looked, the more dignified he was. After reading the manuscript, Kapoor slowly raised his head and stared at Eric with a pair of monsters.

This manuscript is very long, with more than ten pages. It details the CAA five-person team from WMA after the job, through the TV series, to win the stars in the way of curve chasing stars, and gradually developed a bundled sales system, just fifteen Years have formed a new and unique process of business philosophy.

Kapoor was shocked because of the things mentioned in the Eric manuscript, as the gold medal agent of CAA that year, he can understand it at a glance, and most of the operation methods have been experienced. However, he has no ability to plan these things systematically and form a relatively complete management theory of brokerage companies.

Moreover, he is also very curious, how Eric knows this.

CAA insists on not listing, in addition to Michael Ovitz's personal business philosophy, there is another important reason, in order to prevent CAA's business strategy from leaking, once the company goes public, it has to disclose a large number of CAA to investors. Information, then, CAA's advanced business philosophy ahead of other established companies will be easily learned by rivals.

A company's way of doing business is not something that can be patented. If other brokerage companies have the same kind of learning, the advantages of CAA will no longer exist.

Can't help but swallow his throat, Kapoor carefully raised the manuscript in his hand and asked: "Eric, are these written by you?"

"Well, I just want to help me see if there is anything wrong with it, right, Kapoor, you won't object to me sending this article out?"

Kapoor shook his head and smiled bitterly: "If I have the ability to sum up these things, I have already sent out, why should I wait until now. Eric, I can't understand you more and more, what you said above I understand all theories, but if I let the end, I can’t start.”

Eric just smiled and did not explain, although in this era, CAA's business strategy is full of mystery in the eyes of other companies, even if other brokerage companies dig some agents from CAA and want to take their business strategy, only Can get an incomplete information.

However, for Eric from the era of information explosion in the afterlife, CAA's business strategy is not a mysterious thing. I remember that in the past, probably in 1996, CAA, which has grown into an unshakable behemoth, caused a The reporter’s attention, the reporter spent more than a year collecting a lot of information, completely completely unveiled the mystery of CAA, and the public also realized why CAA’s helm Michael Owitz would be rated The most powerful person in Hollywood.

But at that time, CAA had grown into a huge monster. Even if Michael Owitz himself wanted to challenge this monster, it would only end in the end.

The CAA agent is completely a part of CAA's huge machine. They can help CAA to keep running, but you have to let a part tell the working principle of this huge machine, and you can only get the result of a blind person. The only one who can fully understand this set of business theory is that only Michael Owitz himself is. Of course, there is now one more Eric.

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