I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 130: Small people

Du Qifeng is one of Eric's few favorite Hong Kong film directors. If Bai Gewu was successful in the "Heroes themselves", he made a set of three-axe violence in the wrong way. In terms of aesthetics, then Du Qifeng formed a mature and distinct personal style after dozens of films' exploration and experience. In his film, he has a black philosophy that combines elements of coldness, violence, fate and sadness.

"Dark War" is a rare piece of sadness in Johnnie To's work. If you evaluate the film from the perspective of an ordinary audience, then the most vocabulary is definitely a word: cool! This is the main reason why Eric chose this film.

At the same time, this is a bold attempt by Eric. He wants to see if such a movie that does not exist in Hollywood history will succeed.

In the next ten years of memory, many of the big-selling movies in Hollywood are now famous, and Eric wants to take food from the giants. The difficulty is not that big, especially when others know that he is optimistic about one. After the movie. However, there are not many big-selling movies that are not copyrighted by the leak. If you follow the current progress, you may shoot it in two or three years.

Of course, this is also a fairly safe attempt. First of all, the story of "Dark War" is very exciting, and it is also recognized by the two big coffees of Cruise and Hanks. This shows that this story does not exist in the taste of the East and the West. The problem of difference.

Secondly, the two male protagonists launched by Eric are now very box office. Tom Cruise has just experienced the success of Rain Man. The popularity has once again reached a small peak, and Tom Hanks last year. The "Flying Over the Future" has just won the Oscar nomination for Best Actor. Coupled with the box office appeal of Eric’s previous films, and this cool script, according to the analysis of the Colombian data department, the film is very easy to get a $100 million box office in the summer. thing.

On April 5th, in a large studio in Columbia Pictures, the "Dark War" officially started, the first thing to shoot was a series of indoor scenes. This time, Eric did not intend to follow the chronological order of the "Wind Moon". Shooting.

The images of the two protagonists of "Dark War" are very clear, without any change before and after, a savvy and capable, a wise and wise. As long as you can enter the show smoothly, no matter how you start shooting from that scene, there will be no big problem. Therefore, Eric has determined the shooting process from simple to internal and from the inside out.

In the ward, Cruise's Andy learned that after his condition deteriorated, he still began to dress slowly from the hospital bed without changing his color.

“How long is it?”

"For four weeks, if you bleed inside, you will die at any time." The mentally ill doctor sat behind his desk and replied in a hoarse voice.

The action of Andy's dressing did not stop because of the bad news. After the belt was fastened, he handed a dozen banknotes to the doctor: "It doesn't matter, give me four weeks of painkillers."

After taking the painkiller, Andy finally put on his coat and left to leave. It seems that some doctors who said that he said: "I don't think we will meet again."

"This is all in my life," Andy replied calmly.


After this shot was completely completed, Eric called the timeout, neither saying 'Good' nor saying 'No-Good', sitting behind the monitor, slightly frowning seems to be thinking about something. Although he was discharged from the hospital, Eric was still wearing a bandage on his head, and occasionally he had headache symptoms. However, after repeated examinations, he found no problems, and Eric was no longer nervous.

There is nothing strange about this performance of Cruise. It can be done easily with his acting skills. Later, this shot will be combined with Andy’s shot on the roof, using the montage method to mix and cut, and it will be used. For fast lens and slow lens processing, there are two fast and slow lens switches in just two shots.

The reason why this is done, and the tense voice is also mixed with the hum of the second hand, is to imply a hint of the passage of time to the audience, Andy has only four weeks of life, after a few short shot languages The expression will cause tension and curiosity in the audience. What will he do for the remaining four weeks?

The staff present at the scene were the old ones that Eric had worked with several times, so I saw Eric in this way more than once, so everyone was very tacit to not bother him. Organize the instrument and wait patiently for Eric to return.

But Cruise, who waited for a minute, was finally impatient. He felt that there was nothing wrong with his performance. If he could, then pass it. If not, Cruise feels that he does not mind to come back again. Second, what is going on now?

"Hey, Eric, how about the lens, do you need to come back?" Cruise finally couldn't help but walk to Eric and push the other side.

Eric felt a figure suddenly appearing around him, because in the studio, all the lights were artificial, and Cruise appeared just next to Eric, just blocking a headlight behind him, at Eric. A faint shadow formed in front of him.


Eric suddenly raised his head in confusion and saw the expression of Cruise, explaining: "Sorry, Tom, I am thinking of some problems."

"It doesn't matter," Cruise said with a generous smile: "How about the lens, do you need to come back?"

"I'm afraid we have to come again," Eric replied. "Wait a minute?"

Cruise shrugged and retreated. He watched Eric yell at the lighter and smashed it. Then the lights on the scene began to be dimmed slowly. It was no longer a scene that just simulated the sun. Eric stared. The monitor waited until the lights were adjusted to his satisfaction, and the lighter stopped.

"OK, all the staff is ready, just the shot, let's go again," Eric gave a loud voice.

After a while, the record went up and played the game board, and the filming began again.

Eric carefully stared at the pictures of Andy and the doctor in the monitor, and secretly compared the lens to the rooftop lens of the reason in his mind.

This shot is used to illustrate the status quo of Andy in the movie, and it is like the memory of Andy on the rooftop. The audience will even watch this afterwards, creating a misunderstanding that Andy wants to jump off the building, and even think that this may It was a flashback movie. Andy used four weeks to complete all his wishes, and then he couldn't be loved. He climbed the rooftop of the building and jumped down.

Since it is used for explanation and recollection, Eric feels that the lens in the original version is too bright. It is exactly the same as Andy's light on the sunny roof. It can't give the audience any sense of difference, so the effect is much worse.

It’s not Eric Tucao. The use of lighting in the movie of Du Qifeng is like the three-axe of the white pigeon Wu. In addition to the common high contrast and stage, there are not many tricks. This is similar to the same personal style, but the lighting Wang Jiawei, who is known as the master of color, is completely incomparable. Of course, Wang Jiawei is taking the art film route, and the films of the two people must not be compared.

Solving the problem of light, Eric began to focus on the performance with Cruise. This little scene really has no place to play. Eric has no intention of picking. If Cruise’s performance can bring unexpected surprises, then he Of course, I am very happy. If you can't, don't be disappointed. Just meet his personal standards.

Anyway, the opportunity has already been given to Cruise. Can you rely on this movie to get a nomination, or even get some performance awards? It still needs Cruise's own efforts. Eric is more concerned about the box office of this movie.

As for the Oscar prospects that were previously described in order to convince Cruise to agree to the situation of men dressed as women, huh... All director producers don’t say that when they sneak into the group, Eric did not feel guilty, he was more concerned It’s still the box office of the movie. After all, he is so young now, and the desire for the Oscars is not very strong. It’s the last word to make money.

The theme of the film "The Dark War" is affirmative, but can you please the Oscar judges, only God knows. The first Hong Kong film award won by the previous Hua Tsai, if you think about it, maybe there are more public relations components. In addition, the Hong Kong film has declined in 1999. There are not many outstanding films. Awarded the emperor’s many years of wish.

Just NG two or three times, this shot passed, the crew began to transfer to another room in the studio, this process took more than half an hour, the time a movie really used for lens shooting is not too Most of the time, it is spent on long-term scene layout.

Most of the shots in these two days are Cruise's one-man show. He will complete the look at Hanks played by Hanks in his room, make women's clothes and vomit blood while drinking, and disguise as a shot of Andy's father Peter and the villain.

Although there is a original movie in his mind, Eric has designed some additional scenes so that there is enough material for post-production. After all, this is already a brand new Hollywood movie, which Eric can't make and remember. The department is exactly the same.

According to the shooting plan, this process will last for three days. After the fourth day, it is the group play of Hanks and others, and then the indoor rivals of Cruise and Hanks will appear. Eric is looking forward to that moment, two previous lives. The big stars have no intersection on the screen, which has to be said to be a pity.

Because the film was filmed for a long time, the eight-hour crew immediately received the work and told the assistant director to send the shots to the editing room. Eric took the lead to leave, except for the movie, he compared to others. There are more things to do. The latter part of "Dark War" will also need to wait until the film is completely sealed.

The initial casting work of "Small Island" and "Scent of Women" has been completed, and he needs to finally make a selection of actors, and he will also pay attention to the "Steel Wood Orchid" filmed in Louisiana from time to time. .

"Steel Wood Orchid" has been in production for a month, but with the ink of Herbert Rose, the older Hollywood film director, the film's shooting progress is less than half, and at least it needs to be It takes only one month to seal the mirror, and post-production takes at least a month.

Moreover, the film may even have the risk of overspending. Eric is very pleased with this incident. "Steel Magnolia" is not a firefly independent investment, and there were 3 million that Herbert Rose pulled alone. funds.

So Eric didn't mind investing another one or two million in the movie to expand the firefly's share. Eric now waits for Herbert Rose to ask for money.

"Hey, Eric, is the injury on your head?"

Back in the firefly's office, Eric saw Jonathan Demi, who had already been here, and Jonathan could see obvious weakness on his face, but his tone was still full of anger.

"Thank you for your relationship, Jonathan, much better, has the information been brought?"

"Here, I have screened out dozens of alternative actors according to your requirements, which can make me tired." Jonathan smiled.

These days he is indeed the most tired person, all because of "Small Island Cry", because of the two small actors in the script, stimulated by Stewart Longkel, the fireflies continue to receive more than 5,000 copies The archive of the little actor.

Many of the children who sent the files did not have any performance experience at all. It was just that many parents sent the files of their own children with the illusion that they wanted to get rich like a Longkel home overnight.

Moreover, there are fake files. Some unscrupulous parents deliberately make up a lie that their children have been a guest in a movie or TV series. The staff has to spend a lot of time to confirm the authenticity of these files. In this case, I want to identify them. The difficulty of imagining a small actor with potential.

Eric did not think about relying on the memory in his mind, and directly let people find potential children.

However, the difficulty of doing this kind of thing is estimated to be greater than the screening of potential actor in 5,000 people.

Although Eric’s mind completely replicates the memories of previous life, he still doesn’t know much about the information he didn’t know. If you arbitrarily say the name of a famous Hollywood star in the future, perhaps the staff can find hundreds in this country. A child of the same name with the same name came out, but the Westerners were not famous for their names.

I took a thick paper bag from Jonathan Demi, which included not only the list of two children in "Small Island", but also three servants, the real Victor family, Gris husband. Waiting for actors.

Although a few less important supporting roles, Eric has let Jonathan decide for himself, but he still has to look at it personally.

The first thing that opened was the information of the two important little actors. Eric looked at the list of ten little boys and was surprised to see the name of Macquarie Calkin, but none of the other nine boys. acknoledged.

Directly turned to Calkin's information, although there is no "Little Ghosts", but the boy still has two films to participate in the experience, which explains why the other party appears on this list. Directly extracting Calkin's information, Jonathan glanced curiously: "Eric, have you seen this boy?"

Eric shook his head directly: "No, this is eliminated."

"Forehead, I think this boy named Macquarie Calkin is the most exciting of the ten children..."

Eric can't tell Jonathan anymore. He doesn't want Macquarie Calkin to be as famous as his predecessor. Although "The Island Cry" can't bring the same reputation as "The Little Ghost", the impact will certainly not be too low. .

It is the best choice for Macquarie Calkin to maintain his own state of the film that is not so good. From time to time, when the boy is an adult, he can choose his own future.

The boy is now taken up, and his pair of wonderful parents will surely destroy a poor boy like a previous life.

"Jonathan, you forgot, the character of Nicholas, the boy in "The Sound of the Isles", is rather sloppy. Looking at the big eyes of the boy in the photo makes me feel too clever, so I can't."

Jonathan followed Aric’s thoughts and saw that it was: “Well, I did ignore it.”

Eric continued to look at the information of the remaining nine boys. He suddenly looked up and stared at Jonathan Demi, who was sitting across from him. "Jonathan, are there any children you know?"

Jonathan Demi gaze a few times, his face slightly red, and finally nodded, got up and pulled out a boy's information: "This... this Brian Baker is an actor friend I have worked with before." My little son, sorry, Eric, I shouldn't do this, but I swear, I seriously decided to add the kid to the kid after the interview."

Jonathan said that he was about to throw the boy's information into a garbage dump, but it was stopped by Eric. He took the information and examined it carefully. Eric satisfactorily took the spot: "Jonathan, he is Let's go."

"Well, I am really sorry... Eric, what are you talking about?" Jonathan came back and looked up at Eric in an incredible way.

Eric smiled and said: "I mean, just let him, you know, I don't have time for an interview now. And, I believe you won't make a joke about this movie, right?"

"When... of course," Jonathan nodded nodded. The film was related to his future in Hollywood, and he could rely on it.

"So, is there anyone else?" Eric asked again.

This time Jonathan shook his head firmly: "Absolutely no, Eric, all the remaining actors are not related to me."

Eric is also a temporary affair, selling Jonathan a small person, although because of "Small Island Cry," he has given a big opportunity to each other, but Eric does not mind if you don't have to pay anything. Give more. Jonathan Demi is a good potential stock, and Eric has decided to take it to his knees. In addition to the future Silent Lamb, Hanks’ first Oscar-speaking film, The Philadelphia Story, is his director. of.

Since the boy has already been determined, there is no need to look at it again, and directly take the file bag with the little girl's alternative actor to open.

It’s true that Hollywood’s very small sentence seems to be true. This time there were two known actresses.

Kirsten Dunst and Sarah Michel Gaila.

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